Просмотр полной версии : With a condom it is possible to fly?

08.09.2004, 07:33
What percent or interest what it is possible to become pregnant?

Always with my young man only with a condom, but all the same I experience

16.09.2004, 03:15
100 % of agents do not give any, even a condom

Do not experience and do not think about it or this constantly, the main thing that the size has not torn also look

20.09.2004, 02:30
I read, that efficiency of a condom, approximately, 65-70 %..... Speak, that it is better to buy condoms with spermatsitom (so like, is called), the opportunity "zalyota" decreases a little.....

White tigress
01.10.2004, 07:31
Well and it is correct, that experience each time, as a condom very unreliable piece. It or him advise to apply, when there is a probability to be ill (casual sexual communications or connections) and if at you constant, liked and reliable partner it is possible to pick up, something more reliably and to not worry every month.

13.10.2004, 14:33
The most reliable is a combination of a condom and OK. I am protected by a condom, ttt, yet there were no surprises.

18.10.2004, 15:00
At me never with a condom was surprises

28.10.2004, 00:41
There is a so-called Dutch way - a condom and a candle. And in this case special greasing is not necessary, does not rub anything. There are still greasings to special structure (I do not remember the name). In a drugstore 36,6 wide range.

31.10.2004, 20:20
At me never with a condom was surprises

Similarly (ttt)

09.11.2004, 16:25
It is possible with nonksinolom to buy condoms. But personally I from it or him had borings and a thrush. (from nonoksinola).

And now in general I am protected by nothing. I live with Liked

15.11.2004, 23:05

One my friend too is assured, that spermatozoons can filter through rubber... And in fact adult already, the clever girl...

While the condom is whole - protection - 100 %. And by my experience, they are torn oh as seldom.

25.11.2004, 22:31
Preservation of 100 % - to drink tea. But it not approaches or suits all.

And if prezik has torn - it is possible posprintsevatsja with a citric acid, or postinor, but it happens very seldom. And the nobility " the days ".

The visitor
29.11.2004, 15:06
At me never with a condom was surprises

Similarly (ttt)

The truth, the truth...

06.12.2004, 21:30
Preservation of 100 % - to drink tea. But it not approaches or suits all.

And if prezik has torn - it is possible posprintsevatsja with a citric acid, or postinor, but it happens very seldom. And the nobility " the days ".

What sprintsivanie? Well have made laugh Will have time to make it or him for schitanie shares of 1-st second? No, therefore will not help or assist.

I consider or count prezik as good protection. If not rvetsja all should be good on all of 100 %

17.12.2004, 17:19
I Live with Liked

Yes here practically all so has carried. Simply people have also ideas everyones in occasion of karery, studies and money eventually.

19.12.2004, 13:55
I Live with Liked

Yes here practically all so has carried. Simply people have also ideas everyones in occasion of karery, studies and money eventually.

So we want the kid.....)

25.12.2004, 20:55
I consider or count prezik as good protection. If not rvetsja all should be good on all of 100 %

I in general consider or count, that practically all zalety with prezervativami-diligence of women. To us it is not too complex or difficult

Olga With.
27.12.2004, 09:48
I read, that efficiency of a condom, approximately, 65-70 %..... Speak, that it is better to buy condoms with spermatsitom (so like, is called), the opportunity "zalyota" decreases a little.....

Efficiency of condoms of 95 %! Certainly, if to address with them carefully and competently to use!

Efficiency of all gels and tablets below, than at condoms, but percent or interest of protection makes 80 %. So there can not be such small % of protection at condoms at all

And on a subject: to become pregnant, using a condom it is possible At my friend and it has turned out

The visitor
31.12.2004, 18:58
I read, that efficiency of a condom, approximately, 65-70 %..... Speak, that it is better to buy condoms with spermatsitom (so like, is called), the opportunity "zalyota" decreases a little.....

Efficiency of condoms of 95 %! Certainly, if to address with them carefully and competently to use!

Efficiency of all gels and tablets below, than at condoms, but percent or interest of protection makes 80 %. So there can not be such small % of protection at condoms at all

And on a subject: to become pregnant, using a condom it is possible At my friend and it has turned out

I nedoverjaju to these elastics.. First the sensation as in a survival suit, secondly is not present full sovbody dejsvty pvolnuesh that can constantly slip, well and neochen conveniently that on each time is necessary new.. To remove or take out to dress it not so conveniently.

Therefore I use OK JArina. Reliability high patrner constant risk to be ill is not present, full of freedom of movements, poses well and cosmetic effect

25.01.2005, 03:38
And on a subject: to become pregnant, using a condom it is possible At my friend and it has turned out

I do not argue, but such cases are individual.

polina Sebagatulina
16.02.2005, 12:25
I read, that efficiency of a condom, approximately, 65-70 %..... Speak, that it is better to buy condoms with spermatsitom (so like, is called), the opportunity "zalyota" decreases a little.....

Efficiency of condoms of 95 %! Certainly, if to address with them carefully and competently to use!

Efficiency of all gels and tablets below, than at condoms, but percent or interest of protection makes 80 %. So there can not be such small % of protection at condoms at all

And on a subject: to become pregnant, using a condom it is possible At my friend and it has turned out

It is exact! I alive to volume the proof. The daddy with mum have tried. And polzovatsja them at me desires any are not present something. Can according to risk and it is insignificant, but to appear in this minority I do not want.

Therefore I combine two agents:

Hormonal contraception adhesive tapes Evra and condoms.

Reliability double.. Risk of pregnancy practically 0, and protection against infections too.


08.06.2005, 04:15
It is exact! I alive to volume the proof. The daddy with mum have tried.

You still consider, quality of condoms of times of our parents