
Просмотр полной версии : Oral contraceptives and Varices of veins of a small basin.

31.03.2005, 16:56
I accept OK already 2 and a half of a year. First diane 35, then ZHanin. Recently it was found out at carrying out uzi, that from me varices of veins of a small basin and a uterus. Doctors speak to cancel O.K. But I am afraid. I am afraid to become pregnant, pregnancy is not included now into my plans, I am afraid, that again pryshi will get, hair again salitsja will be faster. It is so much at me the positive moments from reception O.K more shortly, that simply I do not wish even to do or make a break. On the other hand frighten of a clottage...

04.04.2005, 05:12
Pick up other kind of contraception, condoms, a spiral, whether a little? It is impossible to risk so, varices a dangerous thing also the clottage threatens, you though understand what is it such? One thrombus in a brain and greetings...

13.04.2005, 00:37
Pick up other kind of contraception, condoms, a spiral, whether a little? It is impossible to risk so, varices a dangerous thing also the clottage threatens, you though understand what is it such? One thrombus in a brain and greetings...


You that the Clottage much more terribly all listed.

18.04.2005, 09:34
OK in general muck rare or infrequent, I do not accept them years 5, and with consequences till now nemogu will consult.

23.04.2005, 13:33
I Accept OK already 2 and a half of a year. First diane 35, then ZHanin. Recently it was found out at carrying out uzi, that from me varices of veins of a small basin and a uterus. Doctors speak to cancel O.K. But I am afraid. I am afraid to become pregnant, pregnancy is not included now into my plans, I am afraid, that again pryshi will get, hair again salitsja will be faster. It is so much at me the positive moments from reception O.K more shortly, that simply I do not wish even to do or make a break. On the other hand frighten of a clottage...

Correctly frighten. Is that to be frightened!

24.04.2005, 00:21
At me the same dilemma (about a clottage, the truth, did not speak, but veins on legs or foots povylazili and hurt sometimes).

Other method of contraception - is not thought out while.

Condoms to use it has not turned out - very much they are unpleasant to me, and all skin then angry and burns. Not sex, and mockery, better in general in any way, than with them...

The spiral - me as early as years a little, did not become pregnant, speak do not put so early.

Suppositories, ointments, and t.p frighten a calendar unreliability - I now very much do not want the child, abortion I do not want especially.

Has decided while to drink tablets all the same. Even until to me very high reliability is important.

The visitor
24.04.2005, 18:34
Girls, prompt also to me somebody!

The matter is that the gynecologist has written out to me Three-, and here I such have heard supposedly it is a preparation old, still our mums accepted, really the doctor to you something has not picked up better... And it is exact, after regular reception of a preparation wreaths dark blue have gone or send on legs or foots, and more raspolnela I... I Try to keep to a diet, but the sense from it or this has not enough - excess weight remains! To become pregnant categorically does not enter into plans, I do not know, as to do or make... The Preparation for the present prinimju... But consequences?!

08.06.2005, 02:09
Girls, prompt also to me somebody!

The matter is that the gynecologist has written out to me Three-, and here I such have heard supposedly it is a preparation old, still our mums accepted, really the doctor to you something has not picked up better... And it is exact, after regular reception of a preparation wreaths dark blue have gone or send on legs or foots, and more raspolnela I... I Try to keep to a diet, but the sense from it or this has not enough - excess weight remains! To become pregnant categorically does not enter into plans, I do not know, as to do or make... The Preparation for the present prinimju... But consequences?!

Three-, the truth, old three-phase preperat. Now the newest and best of this group-rub or -three-?NO??.

At it or him many positive properties-almost do not influence weight, positive influence on a skin and ... But as well as all OK it is counter-indicative at the clottages, the raised or increased coagulability of a blood.