Просмотр полной версии : What is the multifollicular ovaries?

11.01.2005, 12:50
Girls, who the doctor, podstkazhite please, that such multifol. Ovaries and than it threatens? Besides the doctor to me has appointed or nominated treatment and among other - biostimulators 2,0-/-15 (an aloe or tarfot, fibs, Gumisolum). But has not written what is it and how much to apply. I so suspect, what is it nyxes, and like she spoke me something about a month. The matter is that to get to her and it is impossible to specify now, she has left for 3 weeks in holiday. Whether I can in current of month poprinimat, or is better wait for it or her? Simply to me now on terms of a menses to begin it is a high time, and so it is necessary to wait even a month.

19.01.2005, 23:06
What have you not asked the doctor, what is it such? But if to think logically, is similar-it of educations on ovaries. And plural. But, since I not the doctor, can assume only.

31.01.2005, 04:43
Come on pregnancy and labors and ask the woman of the doctor. At me too such an ovary. It is a lot of folikul in ovaries

businca* Has not entered
07.06.2005, 05:46
What have you not asked the doctor, what is it such? But if to think logically, is similar-it of educations on ovaries. And plural. But, since I not the doctor, can assume only.

The matter is that uzisty to me have put the conclusion: attributes multifolikuljarnyh ovaries but when I have come to the genekologu and has asked, what is it, she has responded, that uzisty have hurried with the diagnosis, it or him to put still very much early, and therefore she even will not explain me that in its or her opinion to me has no the attitude or relation, but she has intrigued me this answer even more, it seems to me, what is it something terrible