Просмотр полной версии : The analysis

20.05.2005, 15:31
Tell or Say please, if leucocytes 1-3; whether 5-6 can speak it what I do not have latent infections? Or all the same it is necessary to hand over dop. Analyses?

20.05.2005, 18:11
It is not necessary to hand over additional analyses

06.06.2005, 15:36
Good afternoon! Thanks for the answer, but I wish to make sure once again. I in 10 days have handed over once again the analysis
Uretra: 1-3, Cervix: 2-5
Tell or Say please now it is precisely possible to be assured or confident that there is no chlamydia, a mycoplasma and t.d if in current of month the result does not vary.
I before never hurted and very much I experience because of the new sexual partner.
(Month after the sexual certificate or act has passed or has taken place)
Thanks in advance

06.06.2005, 19:13
Yes, can not worry