Просмотр полной версии : Adherent or Adhesive process in a small basin

09.03.2005, 17:54
One of these days has made US (before conception), the conclusion: adherent or adhesive process in a small basin! In an Internet everywhere it is written, that it is necessary to do or make an operative laparoscopy. To the doctor I shall get only on March, 17th. Really operation is necessary to me?! Who nibud collided or faced with such diagnosis and how it is solved?

10.03.2005, 17:00
Really anybody will not talk to me? The woman-doctor, au!

15.03.2005, 23:09
I not the doctor, but can tell or say that do or make operation only in case of an obstruction of pipes, and it happens not at any adherent or adhesive process. At me too adherent or adhesive process on the right. It usually result of inflammations in a small basin. But at once I wish to tell or say, that on uzi to see adherent or adhesive process very difficultly. It or him can assume only. At me he has proved to be true because the ovary in -those of solderings is attached to a uterus.

17.03.2005, 19:42
I not the doctor, but can tell or say that do or make operation only in case of an obstruction of pipes, and it happens not at any adherent or adhesive process. At me too adherent or adhesive process on the right. It usually result of inflammations in a small basin. But at once I wish to tell or say, that on uzi to see adherent or adhesive process very difficultly. It or him can assume only. At me he has proved to be true because the ovary in -those of solderings is attached to a uterus.

I too not the doctor, but know, that operation do or make and when solderings stir or prevent to free movement of a pipe even if she is passed or taken place;passable.

20.03.2005, 09:07
It agree, but I think, if at it or her that's all right, neither pains, nor problems with conception will not be, the operative measure is not necessary..

Besides it is necessary to confirm presence of solderings, uzi is yet a parameter

24.03.2005, 02:13
uzi is yet a parameter

It is exact. Actually solderings only on laparaskopii plainly also can be seen.

28.03.2005, 17:42
At me soldering after operation, no trouble, today still was at the doctor. She to me has told or said what to be afraid there is nothing, besides there is still a second ovary

02.04.2005, 02:22
To me have appointed or nominated treatment in a water-mud-baths-speak helps or assists.

The woman-doctor
03.04.2005, 17:01
One of these days has made US (before conception), the conclusion: adherent or adhesive process in a small basin! In an Internet everywhere it is written, that it is necessary to do or make an operative laparoscopy. To the doctor I shall get only on March, 17th. Really operation is necessary to me?! Who nibud collided or faced with such diagnosis and how it is solved?


On US, really, such diagnosis is complex or difficult for putting, only, if organs are soldered, then it is possible to be assured or confident. If there was something taoe, you so in US and were written.

It is necessary, in any case, to go to the gynecologist that he has looked or seen and has solved, as as.

In any case, it is not necessary to do or make operation at once if solderings are, in the beginning it is necessary to look permeability of pipes.. And if there that's all right operation do not do or make if problems - do or make a laparoscopy and restore permeability of pipes.


05.04.2005, 18:19
Thanks all who has responded!

If I have correctly understood, I can try to become pregnant, and if nothing will turn out, it is necessary to check up permeability of pipes?

12.04.2005, 10:32
Devchenki, to Tunis to go it is necessary. There speak all raspaivaetsja and the probability of conception increases or is enlarged. Here I have an example: the wife of the friend not mogda zaberemenit because of an obstruction of pipes. More shortly, there was a full ambush. Then its or her husband have directed to long business trip to Tunis (well estessno with suprugoj). In a year she zaberemenila in the natural way also has given birth to absolutely healthy girl.

13.04.2005, 05:29
Devchenki, to Tunis to go it is necessary. There speak all raspaivaetsja and the probability of conception increases or is enlarged.

And what there in Tunis such especial?

23.04.2005, 23:52
Devchenki, to Tunis to go it is necessary. There speak all raspaivaetsja and the probability of conception increases or is enlarged.

And what there in Tunis such especial?

Climate, obviously! The most ridiculous, what is it at all a single instance. About as! Would Be money

27.04.2005, 12:15
At spajachnom process very well help or assist fizio procedures.

02.05.2005, 03:50
And not necessarily Tunis, it is possible also our south, in sense our, Soviet.

First, still our mums knew, that it is necessary on warm kameshkah- to lie down, that there all was normalized. And then, in Saki, (our health resort) for example, greater or big clinic with a wide experience, treat sterility or barrenness at men and women. Yes I know (at the most such problem), that in some sanatoria, maybe, in your area, well treat sterility or barrenness fizioprotsedurami, a mud, that, basically, with some strained interpretation it is possible to consider or count as almost southern effect. You learn or find out more, from us, for example, in the Nizhniy Novgorod area, in Gorodtse there are such programs.

To happily you.

06.06.2005, 04:05
I can add still Staraya Russa in the Novgorod area. There is both mineral waters, and muds... And the richest experience in treatment of gynecology. Only to go better with the husband even - from melancholy to die it is possible for one! And to him too will find what to treat...