Просмотр полной версии : Having rummaged in reception of oral contraceptives.

29.01.2005, 05:22
Girls, I in meditations. Already nearby 5- years I drink oral contraceptives " Three Mersi ". Children yet we do not plan with the husband, but I have reflected... Instead of it is necessary for me to make pereyv in reception of tablets. To me they were appointed or nominated by the gynecologist and she then has told or said what to drink them it is possible 5- years easy without a stopping. And what further to do or make? I so have got used, that there are no problems with pains during critical days. And whether the termination or discontinuance of the use of oral contraceptives by occurrence hormonal disbalansa and is fraught with excess weight? And for what term I should refuse them now? There Is here somebody who was in the same situation? If it is possible tell about the sensations after the termination or discontinuance of reception O.K. And how your organism has reacted what you have stopped them to drink (whether spots have got and whether there was an excess weight)? Thanks in advance.

03.02.2005, 19:30
Sanechka, I too bursted wheels five years and now at me zakanchivatsja a trimensual break. Normally - by spots has not become covered, at doors I pass or I take place Two enormous minuses during a break - a terrible psychosis " Aaa, I shall by all means fly or heal, this all is unreliable!! ", and (personally at me) very strong pains during monthly. Whether I have already forgotten, as it without tablets happens, whether effect such...

12.02.2005, 10:01
And I too prinemala Three-?NO??, but only 1 year. Has decided to stop and has collided or faced only with 2 :1) 4 mesetsa was not monthly while spets. A preparation has not spent on drink-n?oa?O?.

2) very much was afraid to become pregnant-not trusted these condoms, appear, that he necessarily soskochet or still something.

And to you has advised to stop nevertheless for some time reception -look as an organism will work without them.

About collateral actions-weights after a stopping of reception OK varies almost every day. That I weigh 52 that 54. But basically not too it is terrible.

17.02.2005, 01:19
And I too prinemala Three-?NO??, but only 1 year. Has decided to stop and has collided or faced only with 2 :1) 4 mesetsa was not monthly while spets. A preparation has not spent on drink-n?oa?O?.

2) very much was afraid to become pregnant-not trusted these condoms, appear, that he necessarily soskochet or still something.

And to you has advised to stop nevertheless for some time reception -look as an organism will work without them.

About collateral actions-weights after a stopping of reception OK varies almost every day. That I weigh 52 that 54. But basically not too it is terrible.

26.02.2005, 09:21
And I too prinemala Three-?NO??, but only 1 year. Has decided to stop and has collided or faced only with 2 :1) 4 mesetsa was not monthly while spets. A preparation has not spent on drink-n?oa?O?.

2) very much was afraid to become pregnant-not trusted these condoms, appear, that he necessarily soskochet or still something.

And to you has advised to stop nevertheless for some time reception -look as an organism will work without them.

About collateral actions-weights after a stopping of reception OK varies almost every day. That I weigh 52 that 54. But basically not too it is terrible.

12.03.2005, 18:51
Thanks for the information of the girl. And I already to panic the beginnings. But all is similar not so terribly as it seemed to me.

02.04.2005, 03:10
At me an organism-. A saw of a tablet - a zero of emotions. Has ceased - too a zero of emotions, i.e. state of health, weight, desire during any period normal. I eat Three-ONu?.

21.04.2005, 21:18
Too Three-ONu? drank year, shchas here ljalechku have decided, therefore has stopped to drink. In the first cycle there was a delay for 5 days, and in the second it is a little. And so as a whole nothing has changed.

My doctor to me has told or said, that after annual reception it is necessary to do or make a break for 2-3 months.

02.06.2005, 21:04
And I on the contrary even have a little grown thin after the termination or discontinuance of reception OK. And so all by way of and monthly normally pass or take place, the truth the cycle has increased, but is remembered, that before reception OK he in general days 30-31 was.