Просмотр полной версии : My abnormal female cycle

01.12.2004, 18:06
menstruatsionnyj the cycle me disturbs mine ever since as I have learned or have found out on myself that there is this or thus such. He at me never was normal. He more shortly lives the life - those 45 days, 32. Consulted to gynecologists and, how much or as far as I have correctly understood them, anything in it or this terrible is not present, the truth I did not hand over any serious analyses, since the need especially in it or this was not. And now excites that if I sobirus give birth to the child I can not to become pregnant.

12.12.2004, 03:33
Yes at me too about such cycle. Became pregnant (the truth on the child was not solved, about what now I regret).

The visitor
30.12.2004, 09:35
At me a similar situation, a cycle foolish. Still did not try to become pregnant yet, but I am afraid that with me too not that's all right. And on the doctor all somehow time does not suffice. And has still measured some months basal temperature. That is strange - in the second phase of a cycle rise in temperature is, but up to 37 she does not reach. Unless it is normal?

The woman-doctor
10.01.2005, 06:11
menstruatsionnyj the cycle me disturbs Mine ever since as I have learned or have found out on myself that there is this or thus such. He at me never was normal. He more shortly lives the life - those 45 days, 32. Consulted to gynecologists and, how much or as far as I have correctly understood them, anything in it or this terrible is not present, the truth I did not hand over any serious analyses, since the need especially in it or this was not. And now excites that if I sobirus give birth to the child I can not to become pregnant.

Hmm, it is strange, what doctors at all have not suggested to make the analysis on hormones or US?

22.01.2005, 11:51
Has once come on survey to the gynecologist..... After reception to Diana (to drink I it or her already has thrown and was not going to again) the doctor has asked what a cycle me, I have told or said that 30 days.... And she has taken and again dianu has written out, speaks such cycle-it or -this;-thus not normally!

08.02.2005, 16:29
At me all the life was such situation. Has given birth to the child .byl the period when the menses went as hours - during reception ok. By the way, before reception handed over the test for hormones all by way of. All we different. And norm or rate concept conditional. If nothing disturbs you do not see of sense to worry. To adjust the organism to the standard norms or rates, and furthermore to worry because of that that " not as at all " it is not necessary

Liza w.
21.02.2005, 10:02
For a long time about it or this spoke, but I have come across just now. And so pribl. 30 % of women have these "problems". Do not worry on beremenost irregular tsykl it is not reflected. By the way, after sorts or labors often to become more stable.

16.03.2005, 09:08
At me a similar situation, a cycle foolish. Still did not try to become pregnant yet, but I am afraid that with me too not that's all right. And on the doctor all somehow time does not suffice. And has still measured some months basal temperature. That is strange - in the second phase of a cycle rise in temperature is, but up to 37 she does not reach. Unless it is normal?

No, abnormally. povashenie Rate. Goes practically on degree and more, i.e. to reach up to 37 should. At me too most. From 13 years the cycle was 25-36, then somehow time in general 52, monthly diko morbid and plentiful, for 7 days... It was surveyed, treated... From 20 years I accept to Diana-35 (tried to pass unsuccessfully to three-) so it is class! 28 days, slavnenkie, pretty, unpainful.... Here.

The visitor
02.04.2005, 05:28
At me a similar situation, a cycle foolish. Still did not try to become pregnant yet, but I am afraid that with me too not that's all right. And on the doctor all somehow time does not suffice. And has still measured some months basal temperature. That is strange - in the second phase of a cycle rise in temperature is, but up to 37 she does not reach. Unless it is normal?

No, abnormally. povashenie Rate. Goes practically on degree and more, i.e. to reach up to 37 should. At me too most. From 13 years the cycle was 25-36, then somehow time in general 52, monthly diko morbid and plentiful, for 7 days... It was surveyed, treated... From 20 years I accept to Diana-35 (tried to pass unsuccessfully to three-) so it is class! 28 days, slavnenkie, pretty, unpainful.... Here.

I consulted in occasion of BT with vrachem. Spoke, that up to 37 she does not reach, but the difference in the first and second phase of 0,4 degrees is. To me have told or said, that such there is also an ovulation quite probably that occurs or happens, here only to be surveyed all in any way time I do not find

01.06.2005, 21:10
It was I, constantly forget to enter