Просмотр полной версии : Allergies and immunity....

17.10.2004, 23:30
Please, advise, in what clinic (and in general where) to run to check the organism: there was a urticaria (horror) like as a food allergy

And before allergies was not on what (if only in deep infancy).

With what it is connected? Immunity weak can? And what doctor can check up immunity and something to advise?

27.10.2004, 05:53
Please, advise, in what clinic (and in general where) to run to check the organism: there was a urticaria (horror) like as a food allergy

And before allergies was not on what (if only in deep infancy).

With what it is connected? Immunity weak can? And what doctor can check up immunity and something to advise?

Generally there is a doctor the allergist. He takes analyses-assays on different factors which cause an allergy, and then you or exclude this product, or pyote the picked up tablets. In my district clinic this doctor is. Can eat and the immunologist

01.06.2005, 09:33
Clearly, thanks... I shall go to the allergist then!!!!