Просмотр полной версии : Biopsy

30.01.2005, 10:02
Ljujujudi! To that did or made a biopsy shejki uteruses. Share "impressions". Awfully I am afraid. Certainly, frighten bad results more, but also passage of the procedure does not please.

08.03.2005, 02:23
To me did or made. No trouble. Oppositely, certainly, but not painfully.

22.03.2005, 19:42
Nonsense. Not painfully. Simply unpleasantly, as well as any gynecologic procedure.

To be afraid it is not necessary: a biopsy do or make at errozii to exclude cauterization of probably pathological cells. The probability of that with you something terrible, is smallest: errozija happens very much at many, and here "bad" - is not present.

30.04.2005, 22:57
Did or Made... Unpleasantly, no more. Procedure, and possible or probable results is terrible not. At me have found then a precancer. Have performed operation, schas all okej.

21.05.2005, 02:11
Really not so terrible protsedura-) it is a little sick and vse-) it is very fast.

29.05.2005, 17:36

And after procedure not noet, does not pull?

In fact pinch off a tissue? And before it or this any nyxes do not do or make?

29.05.2005, 22:01
Hardly noet (but I think it individually) me and when soskob take too not so then prijatno-)).. In an hour all unpleasant sensations projdut-)

Yes that there otshchipyvajut-) slices are hardly visible not armed view. To me did not do or make a nyxis.. I do not know... Can and at all do not do or make. It is not necessary for the sake of it or this a nyxis delat-))

In general fignja-) do not experience

31.05.2005, 19:48
At me in general nothing was. Though warned, that there can be slightly a blood, but was not.