Просмотр полной версии : Diaphoresis

07.02.2005, 00:32
Zdrastvujte my dear. Help or assist me please. I constantly sweat. No deodorants help or assist, and so it is not convenient to go with wet circles on koftochke. To me only 18... The truth it at me already for a long time, but as that not pridovala to it or this value or meaning;importance. What you to me posovetujuete? It would not be desirable to address to the doctor... But if pridetsja to it is better to me to address?

Budujushchaja mum
17.02.2005, 03:06
To what it is exact I can not skazt, but to the doctor it is necessary these are 120 %

11.03.2005, 02:52
Sometimes (5-7 % of the population) education of sweat goes beyond all limits or passs all bounds. The raised or increased diaphoresis almost always is caused or causes by malfunctions in job of an organism. Often it happens one of signs of disease of nervous or endocrine system, kidneys or a liver, indirectly svideelstvuet about problems to a metabolism or about congestion of an organism toxins. There is also a special disease - a hyperhidrosis - when sweat literally lyotsjaja streams...

But pogodite... Whether So all is terrible? What particularly you disturbs? Probably you incorrectly select a deodorant or antiperspirant (these are absolutely different things)

31.05.2005, 17:04

Was glad to read through your report. At me a deodorant-. And he nikapeki does not keep my diaphoresis. The truth at me disease can also...