Просмотр полной версии : Whether it is possible for the feeding woman in a sun deck?

31.08.2004, 07:29
Tell or Say, plz, whether it is possible for the feeding woman in a sun deck?

And that the girlfriend wishes to go tomorrow with me, whether but we were asked by a question it is possible?

Baba Manya
01.09.2004, 05:55
IMHO, it is better to not go to a sun deck at all, especially pregnant woman. Or if to go that very carefully to cover a breast.

14.09.2004, 13:18
In my opinion, there in general it is impossible for anybody, except for inhabitants of the Far North who really do not have a sunlight.

13.10.2004, 02:49
In my opinion, there in general it is impossible for anybody, except for inhabitants of the Far North who really do not have a sunlight.

It why?

12.11.2004, 08:09
It because the CARCINOMA CUTANEUM can be got

13.11.2004, 07:32
It because the CARCINOMA CUTANEUM can be got

At you there in Israel can be. And in an average strip of Russia summer, whether know, short and cold, and vitamin D is necessary for an organism.

In reasonable doses sunburn is useful to an organism. Anybody is not going to to be roasted in a sun deck on an hour.

Personally I after 5 minutes in a sun deck feel as if I have visited on seacoast in hot day, even the skin smells as. You leave on street and to smile it would be desirable, such heat you feel!

21.12.2004, 09:12
Tell or Say, plz, whether it is possible for the feeding woman in a sun deck?

And that the girlfriend wishes to go tomorrow with me, whether but we were asked by a question it is possible?

Generally in solid interiors in a sun deck start up only after consultation of the dermatologist which warns of all contraindications and recommends admissible time.

Baba Manya
23.12.2004, 05:09
At slavic women a skin acyanotic and dry, not adapted to pass or miss bolshoe quantities or amounts of the sun. So the nature predusmotrenno. And to be fried in a sun deck is unnaturally for Russian women.

30.12.2004, 15:04
At slavic women a skin acyanotic and dry, not adapted to pass or miss bolshoe quantities or amounts of the sun. So the nature predusmotrenno. And to be fried in a sun deck is unnaturally for Russian women.

Not at all. Yes a kind half of slavic women - a hybrid with Tatars!

And I though also Russian, but sunburn on me lay down very well.

Sunburn is vitamin D, prophylaxis of a rachitis at children, anybody does not speak what to be fried it is necessary round the clock. Solar baths are useful to all. There are, certainly, contraindications, type, a urticaria and a psoriasis. But to healthy people to be hidden from the sun to what.

What do you name a word "to be fried"?

31.05.2005, 04:09
It is impossible with a psoriasis??? I did not know! It is necessary to the sister to tell or say. vobshche the sun protevopokazano?

And a urticaria it that?