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23.11.2004, 02:13
In general, I, to tell the truth, zadolbalas already.

What at us attributes of a thrush? Characteristic allocation, some itch, a smell?

All is, and for a long time. And I do not remember, that differently was.

Besides the last half a year is sick during sex (greasing here at anything).

With a problem addressed to ginekologshe so she spoke, that at me all is normal " Well if want, do or make syringing by soda "

To sense, the truth, was - understand how much.

It has bothered me, has gone to other aunt. She at me has defined or determined a thrush, hardly I in a cabinet or study have glanced

Also speaks: " Drink tablet Mikofljukana, and to the husband too give, in 2 weeks still times drink. Syringing with soda and suppositories Geksikon. Come then. And vashche at you kandiloma, we shall burn down. While prezik put on. "

All did or made, as she has told or said. Like, all has passed or has taken place. And can, it is simple because constantly suppositories and a lavage were (as here will understand, whether there is a thrush).

Anyhow - after monthly all has returned on the places. That is both was hrenovo, and remains.

I come second time to the doctor - she speaks: " To cauterize while anything it is impossible, at you all still a thrush ". And again all same has registered. And the history has repeated.

In occasion of pains in general tells or says can nothing: does not know, from what. And in fact managing consultation! That to me, all doctors of city to try...

In general, all is bad: inside draw that, of sex - it is sick, moreover and have told or said, that kandiloma.

It in general though the connected things??

24.11.2004, 18:16
And analyses though any appointed or nominated? Or so shodu a thrush defined or determined?

I a thrush treated Clotrimazolum (vaginalnye tablets) + Nistatinum (tablets). For a week all passes or takes place.

29.11.2004, 03:35
On analyses I was sent still by the first aunt: on a mycoplasma both... And... A clamidiosis, yes.

All is pure or clean.

And unless the thrush does not have obvious attributes? Even allocation?

To me suppositories too registered Clotrimazolum. And things are right where they started.

Nistatinum?.. It is so much many medicines... Not all to try or taste... Though...

And after for a week has passed or has taken place, has not returned any more?

02.12.2004, 16:14
Fie, osspidja as have bothered vrasi which infection "by eye" define or determine me here some years from a thrush treated, and then as has handed over a smear on bakposev (it or him in baklaboratorii do or make, take a smear fresh and there and then sow) - there such was there is in the latent form an infection lived also rest to me did not give, and on a usual smear did not show! On bakposeve define or determine also chuvsvitelnost infections to the certain antibiotics. And this thrush notorious to cure it is practically impossible, as its or her progressive doctors and for an infection do not consider or count, and for disturbance of a microflora, therefore if at you this Kandida zhivet-will live as it or her do not poison or persecute. And for sterility before operation to me appointed or nominated except for Fljukostata suppositories "neo-" is mestno a lethal dose of Trichopolum plus still something. And does not give such by-effects as Trichopolum in tablets. Well and candles with bifidum- then, for restoration of flora.

03.12.2004, 05:05
And unless the thrush does not have obvious attributes?

Gribochki in a usual smear are defined or determined.

07.12.2004, 15:37
And unless the thrush does not have obvious attributes?

Gribochki in a usual smear are defined or determined.

And like mozok took and there vidat has found out (except for visual definition).

08.12.2004, 17:25
Here some years from a thrush treated me, and then as has handed over a smear on bakposev (it or him in baklaboratorii do or make, take a smear fresh and there and then sow) - there such was on bakposeve define or determine also chuvsvitelnost infections to the certain antibiotics.

YO mine... How much any rubbish in the world... Bakposev... mamamija

I also have not heard

And this thrush notorious to cure it is practically impossible, as its or her progressive doctors and for an infection do not consider or count, and for disturbance of a microflora, therefore if at you this Kandida zhivet-will live as it or her do not poison or persecute.

Pancake! Well as it so??? Well as it so?

I do not want so

Well one problems with her!

Still, say, that because of a thrush there can be problems at pregnancy, and vashche when the medium is broken or disturbed, any infection can get accustomed.

Well as it will live?

13.12.2004, 02:51
On analyses I was sent still by the first aunt: on a mycoplasma both... And... A clamidiosis, yes.

All is pure or clean.

And unless the thrush does not have obvious attributes? Even allocation?

To me suppositories too registered Clotrimazolum. And things are right where they started.

Nistatinum?.. It is so much many medicines... Not all to try or taste... Though...

And after for a week has passed or has taken place, has not returned any more?

Allocation (basically, dense-white) are one of attributes, the itch happens also a pain at an input or entrance during sex (at me so too was).

Has returned, it always comes back Yearly happens precisely

19.12.2004, 14:04
And unless the thrush does not have obvious attributes?

Gribochki in a usual smear are defined or determined.

Just about, are defined or determined. Therefore as at you che flows and teshetsja do or make a smear usual, and there certainly kandidy-and at whom they are not present? Well also treat for them.. And what string of a Trichomonas sleep to itself spokojnenko

21.12.2004, 19:18
On analyses I was sent still by the first aunt: on a mycoplasma both... And... A clamidiosis, yes.

All is pure or clean.

And unless the thrush does not have obvious attributes? Even allocation?

To me suppositories too registered Clotrimazolum. And things are right where they started.

Nistatinum?.. It is so much many medicines... Not all to try or taste... Though...

And after for a week has passed or has taken place, has not returned any more?

Allocation (basically, dense-white) are one of attributes, the itch happens also a pain at an input or entrance during sex (at me so too was).

Has returned, it always comes back Yearly happens precisely

At me allocation within a month of all colors or flowers of a rainbow, except for dark blue And white - the most every possible consistence, except for a powder.

Also all comes back right after a menses.

23.12.2004, 11:15
Just about, are defined or determined. Therefore as at you che flows and teshetsja do or make a smear usual, and there certainly kandidy-and at whom they are not present? Well also treat for them.. And what string of a Trichomonas sleep to itself spokojnenko

Who sleeps It who such? Why they sleep? WHERE

24.12.2004, 22:24
Still, say, that because of a thrush there can be problems at pregnancy, and vashche when the medium is broken or disturbed, any infection can get accustomed.

Well as it will live?

This all roskazzni. Live kandidy at all and always, anywhere they do not disappear! And here on a background of stresses of everyones, treatments by antibiotics, even a dysbacteriosis intestinal, start to blossom magnificent color.

And here problems to become pregnant down to sterility or barrenness really happen from undetectable infections! Maids, I shout all of you!!!! Make a smear on bakposev!!! Many problems can avoid!!!!

31.12.2004, 17:40
What is it such though: bakposev?

01.01.2005, 07:47
In-in, bakposev - good business. In one analysis all infections are defined or determined.

And you constantly do not accept antibiotics? From them too the thrush appears.

To me now at course of treatment antibiontikami have appointed or nominated and more something that a thrush to prevent

08.01.2005, 17:16
What is it such though: bakposev?

The analysis-smear on all (well or practically on all) infections

16.01.2005, 07:50
What is it such though: bakposev?

The analysis-smear on all (well or practically on all) infections

pralno. It is done or made in any kozhvene. vrach should write a direction. Or platno.

21.01.2005, 22:06
And you constantly do not accept antibiotics? From them too the thrush appears.


24.01.2005, 15:49
What is it such though: bakposev?

The analysis-smear on all (well or practically on all) infections


29.01.2005, 11:22
Can be at you gardnerelez (a dysbacteriosis of flora), on it or him too it is necessary to hand over. Therefore as the bacterial vaginosis is similar to a thrush.

And you vobshche handed over on all infections?:, a clamidiosis, a cytomegalovirus, ureoplazma, a mycoplasma, a gonorrhea, Trichomonases.

If is not present, it is necessary-can hand over any else bjaka there the thrush sits-here and is not treated.

05.02.2005, 19:06
Can be at you gardnerelez (a dysbacteriosis of flora), on it or him too it is necessary to hand over. Therefore as the bacterial vaginosis is similar to a thrush.

And you vobshche handed over on all infections?:, a clamidiosis, a cytomegalovirus, ureoplazma, a mycoplasma, a gonorrhea, Trichomonases.

If is not present, it is necessary-can hand over any else bjaka there the thrush sits-here and is not treated.

Yyyyyyyyyyyy horror what

10.02.2005, 23:28
Can be at you gardnerelez (a dysbacteriosis of flora), on it or him too it is necessary to hand over. Therefore as the bacterial vaginosis is similar to a thrush.

And you vobshche handed over on all infections?:, a clamidiosis, a cytomegalovirus, ureoplazma, a mycoplasma, a gonorrhea, Trichomonases.

If is not present, it is necessary-can hand over any else bjaka there the thrush sits-here and is not treated.

About that and that on an infection did not hand over a market, above esteem, we here call to not trust usual smears

19.02.2005, 23:01
Can be at you gardnerelez (a dysbacteriosis of flora), on it or him too it is necessary to hand over. Therefore as the bacterial vaginosis is similar to a thrush.

And you vobshche handed over on all infections?:, a clamidiosis, a cytomegalovirus, ureoplazma, a mycoplasma, a gonorrhea, Trichomonases.

If is not present, it is necessary-can hand over any else bjaka there the thrush sits-here and is not treated.

About that and that on an infection did not hand over a market, above esteem, we here call to not trust usual smears

And, yes! The Usual smear presence of a serious infection not pokazhat. He in general plainly shows nothing.

To you the doctor generally should tell, that yearly (even), it is necessary will be checked up on an infection under the full program (opisanoj above).

21.02.2005, 14:52
Can be at you gardnerelez (a dysbacteriosis of flora), on it or him too it is necessary to hand over. Therefore as the bacterial vaginosis is similar to a thrush.

And you vobshche handed over on all infections?:, a clamidiosis, a cytomegalovirus, ureoplazma, a mycoplasma, a gonorrhea, Trichomonases.

If is not present, it is necessary-can hand over any else bjaka there the thrush sits-here and is not treated.

About that and that on an infection did not hand over a market, above esteem, we here call to not trust usual smears

And, yes! The Usual smear presence of a serious infection not pokazhat. He in general plainly shows nothing.

To you the doctor generally should tell, that yearly (even), it is necessary will be checked up on an infection under the full program (opisanoj above).

Yes they much that dozhny, on idea. Only do not do or make a fig...

26.02.2005, 06:47
Immunity should be raised or increased, that funguses were not made multiple copies. And still make the analysis on a dysbacteriosis, funguses in fact and from an intestine can podsevatsja.

28.02.2005, 13:58
Immunity should be raised or increased, that funguses were not made multiple copies. And still make the analysis on a dysbacteriosis, funguses in fact and from an intestine can podsevatsja.