Просмотр полной версии : Farmateks???

28.10.2004, 02:18
Today the doctor has registered to me Farmateks (a cream or gel). Has explained shortly where and when, but has not absolutely explained what for. Somebody used? What can tell or say?

04.11.2004, 17:45
Used cream Farmateks, not bad. It was pleasant to me. I in general negatively concern To tablets, therefore for me the cream just approaches or suits. But all the same I use it or him not often. And how to use, there it is detailed in the instruction it is written

11.11.2004, 04:52
That is to you it is not clear what for? Farmateks - a contraceptive, not hormonal. Still protects from some diseases passed sexual by. There in the instruction they are listed.

I used, to me does not approach or suit - a boring. Though the agent good, reliable if it is impossible or would not be desirable to drink tablets. It is necessary to choose, to that, that approaches or suits more. The cream is fatter, it turns out as additional greasing, he is more convenient that operates or works at once and action lasts 10 hours. A tablet - not fat, but it is necessary to wait for 10 minutes while she will be dissolved, its or her action - 3 hours. But also that and need to be entered another anew before the repeated sexual certificate or act.

11.11.2004, 20:28
The doctor has told or said, that this cream (or) will lower gel of friction from condoms. It something like additional greasing?

12.11.2004, 05:58
So at perezervative it is impossible fat-containing substances! He can that, spread! It is better ljubrikant to buy or purchase to a condom. The strange doctor. As greasing offers contraceptive. And by the way, aggressive enough for mucous. Borings and allergic reactions very frequent.

Florence has not entered
13.11.2004, 15:50
Oh, farmateks such boring can cause or call this.... It is not necessary probably, it is better what nibud greasing.

03.12.2004, 13:38
I used "Farmateks" a cream. Normally. The only thing, I do not know from it or him or not, but at me the weight upwards has spread And on a degree of reliability-not has brought never.

23.12.2004, 08:24
Oh, you have frightened me. Is better I shall not use it or him. As greasing he is not necessary to me, as protivozachatochnogo-the condom is. And borings and an allergy at me without ceremony can appear. Thanks, that predupridili also have saved!

14.01.2005, 20:03
Well also have advised... Especially strongly, that it is impossible with prezikom to use. Generally in such combination very much often appoint or nominate, for intensifying contraceptive effect. I tried or tasted, no boring existed, but as a reliable agent I do not consider or I count.

20.01.2005, 17:55
@, with prezikom och. Even it is possible (reduces risk of infection), but if at you the partner postojannyj-what for to you it? And ljubrikant it is not necessary in addition pokupat-search preziki " with ljubrikantom ", for example, Vulkan (in my opinion green color packing, precisely I do not remember!)

29.01.2005, 00:36
And! Has forgotten! As preservation from undesirable pregnancy (if Farmateksom to use one), a guarantee only on 75 % (so in dangerous days it is necessary precisely in addition prezik to take).

To occasion of a boring at me and at its or his my girlfriends it was not observed! But it very individually.

Olga With.
02.02.2005, 23:35
I used "Farmateks" a cream. Normally. The only thing, I do not know from it or him or not, but at me the weight upwards has spread And on a degree of reliability-not has brought never.

This not hormonal agent, weight from it or him cannot neither increase, nor decrease

03.03.2005, 19:49
Good contraceptive Farmateks! I with it or him of both cubs have closed up!!

30.05.2005, 03:14
Good contraceptive Farmateks! I with it or him of both cubs have closed up!!

I too to the gynecologist have come and have told or said, that I use Farmateksom (tab. there) the girlfriend has advised Me. Me the gynecologist has asked: " and the girlfriend that your yet pregnant "?

It not reliable contraceptives. Heard, that sometimes tab. do not resolve and can drop out...