Просмотр полной версии : Only such orgasm...

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The visitor
30.09.2004, 17:44
To me once for a long time the doctor the gynecologist has told or said such phrase at survey

" By the way, you can test only a clitoral orgasm, probably you already and know it. ".

I then was the teenager 18- years and have not understood, that the doctor had in view of, therefore I did not begin to specify anything. Though to me now 26 years, but during the sexual certificate or act I never tested an orgasm, and at all ispytyvla it is a lot of years though partners were constant always and skilled or experienced enough.

Only vposlednie 2 years began to test an orgasm, but only at oral stimulation.

Mozhe the gynecologist was also the rights. What is it, I mean I can receive only a clitoral orgasm! And why only such? Somebody has such problem?????

02.10.2004, 01:29
I receive such..

And vashche - what difference? The orgasm he also is an orgasm! I do not complain yet, and it or this ogogo as suffices me!

And it or he can be received not only at oraln. Sex... It is just necessary to be frank with the partner... And all!

07.10.2004, 16:00
Somebody has such problem?????

So unless it is a problem??

13.10.2004, 07:48
At many such happens, it is already good, that though such test... niznaju as you genikolog has defined or determined it, but it is not necessary to go in cycles, be pleased lives and enjoy sex!

15.10.2004, 05:23
I support or maintain that the orgasm should be pleased what he was.

But here it is interesting on what it is to factors the gynecologist has defined or determined, that at you only klitoralnyj!

The visitor
16.10.2004, 00:31
Thanks all for answers.

Under what factors the doctor has defined or determined I at all I do not represent, most it is interesting. More any doctor about it or this did not speak me.

19.10.2004, 01:59
Thanks all for answers.

Under what factors the doctor has defined or determined I at all I do not represent, most it is interesting. More any doctor about it or this did not speak me.

And me as that one same doctor has told or said that I shall feed with the right breast of children. It from that that she at me is little bit more. Well that is a little believed.

21.10.2004, 15:47
a, prostite, kakoj eshe orgazm byvaet....?!?!?.... on, prostite u vseh klitornyj.... dazhe esli penis vnutri, orgazm vse ravno klitornyj..... orgazm cherez g-spot krajne redok, da i v konechnom itoge nenamnogo otlichaetsya ot klitornogo.... v konechnom itoge... a te, kto govorit to, chto vasha ginekolog, navernoe, nastoyashij orgazm i ne ispytyvali..... mnogie zhenshiny prinimayut za orgazm, sovsem ne to, chto eto est ' na samom dele.....

24.10.2004, 23:59
http: // www.doctor-sex.ru/index1.phtml? i=23

30.10.2004, 02:20
a, prostite, kakoj eshe orgazm byvaet....?!?!?.... on, prostite u vseh klitornyj.... dazhe esli penis vnutri, orgazm vse ravno klitornyj..... orgazm cherez g-spot krajne redok, da i v konechnom itoge nenamnogo otlichaetsya ot klitornogo.... v konechnom itoge... a te, kto govorit to, chto vasha ginekolog, navernoe, nastoyashij orgazm i ne ispytyvali..... mnogie zhenshiny prinimayut za orgazm, sovsem ne to, chto eto est ' na samom dele.....

The orgasm happens klitoralnyj and vaginalnyj.

Someone does not have any, at someone any one (more often klitoralnyj), and at someone - both. And at who has both, they can not differ at all, and can differ very much considerably. Nevertheless it is not necessary to doubt presence of two types of orgasms.

Baba Manya
02.11.2004, 18:12
Those which tested vaginalnyj, speak that he much more intensively klitoralnogo. At me only one type, and I cannot compare. I take a word to more skilled or experienced.

03.11.2004, 15:08
Tell or Say please if such subject was mentioned or touched. And here at me, for example, to a course 2 kinds of an orgasm, whether that??? One I test enough often, and here another, oooochen is rare, well, say, for last 2 years of time 3 (the same partner). And here that rare or infrequent, gives simply unforgettable impressions, is simple ulet. And that frequent, in comparison with rare or infrequent, so-so... And how it to understand?

05.11.2004, 02:43
Tell or Say please if such subject was mentioned or touched. And here at me, for example, to a course 2 kinds of an orgasm, whether that??? One I test enough often, and here another, oooochen is rare, well, say, for last 2 years of time 3 (the same partner). And here that rare or infrequent, gives simply unforgettable impressions, is simple ulet. And that frequent, in comparison with rare or infrequent, so-so... And how it to understand?

And to understand, Allla! What rare or infrequent - vaginalnyj, and frequent - klitoralnyj. At me the same situation Sometimes even I regret, that has tested it or him, for all time and was time three. But sensations! All grows gim before them. We shall ask the God that gave us it or him more often!

13.11.2004, 06:48
Thanks all for answers.

Under what factors the doctor has defined or determined I at all I do not represent, most it is interesting. More any doctor about it or this did not speak me.

And me as that one same doctor has told or said that I shall feed with the right breast of children. It from that that she at me is little bit more. Well that is a little believed.

At me too one breast is more another (right).

20.11.2004, 07:50
At me the same situation Sometimes even I regret, that has tested it or him, for all time and was time three. But sensations! All grows gim before them. We shall ask the God that gave us it or him more often!

And in what complexity to repeat what was then? Or you do not remember what led to other orgasm?

21.11.2004, 01:18
At me the same situation Sometimes even I regret, that has tested it or him, for all time and was time three. But sensations! All grows gim before them. We shall ask the God that gave us it or him more often!

And in what complexity to repeat what was then? Or you do not remember what led to other orgasm?

On the partner depends much.

22.11.2004, 16:05
At me the same situation Sometimes even I regret, that has tested it or him, for all time and was time three. But sensations! All grows gim before them. We shall ask the God that gave us it or him more often!

And in what complexity to repeat what was then? Or you do not remember what led to other orgasm?

Each time was variously enough, I cannot allocate law. And it is a pity. But each time about itself I dream

The visitor
28.11.2004, 15:46
Very much with all I sympathize, who does not test vaginalnogo an orgasm. I test it or him always and any ways. It is the nature. From the partner, it seems to me, it not strongly depends. It is full ulet and loss of self-checking, would be desirable to shout, etc. I had different partners, and with a greater or big member, and with small. The main thing that the partner had a good erection (the more firmly, the better) and at the woman muscles of a vagina should be well developed. I test a series of orgasms for 1 certificate or act. Develop your muscles, it is more lask, to relax and forward... Though there is a small percent or interest of women which never can receive an orgasm, even at an onanism. It is full frigidity.

05.12.2004, 04:45
Very much with all I sympathize, who does not test vaginalnogo an orgasm. I test it or him always and any ways. It is the nature. From the partner, it seems to me, it not strongly depends. It is full ulet and loss of self-checking, would be desirable to shout, etc. I had different partners, and with a greater or big member, and with small. The main thing that the partner had a good erection (the more firmly, the better) and at the woman muscles of a vagina should be well developed. I test a series of orgasms for 1 certificate or act. Develop your muscles, it is more lask, to relax and forward... Though there is a small percent or interest of women which never can receive an orgasm, even at an onanism. It is full frigidity.

Sexual coldness - frigidity, it not when e you can receive an orgasm and when you do not want.

multiorgazmija is the nature, I congratulate. But on the some people she has a rest.

13.12.2004, 22:20
Sexual coldness - frigidity, it not when e you can receive an orgasm and when you do not want.

In my opinion, when you do not want is an absence libido, and frigidity is just when you can not

19.12.2004, 18:45
Sexologists are convinced, that vaginalnyj the orgasm is first of all a psychological discharge, instead of physical ability. So it is necessary to want very much simply...

01.01.2005, 03:27
Sexologists are convinced, that vaginalnyj the orgasm is first of all a psychological discharge, instead of physical ability. So it is necessary to want very much simply...

It would be quite good to specify which sexologists.

12.01.2005, 06:57
Sexual coldness - frigidity, it not when e you can receive an orgasm and when you do not want.

In my opinion, when you do not want is an absence libido, and frigidity is just when you can not

Absence libido happens man's - an impotency and female - frigidity.

25.01.2005, 07:35
Sexual coldness - frigidity, it not when e you can receive an orgasm and when you do not want.

In my opinion, when you do not want is an absence libido, and frigidity is just when you can not

Absence libido happens man's - an impotency and female - frigidity.

And how the variant when at the man the sex desire (libido) is is called, and the erection is not present? And the variant when the sex desire (libido) is not present, and an erection is?

03.02.2005, 16:44
Sexual coldness - frigidity, it not when e you can receive an orgasm and when you do not want.

In my opinion, when you do not want is an absence libido, and frigidity is just when you can not

Absence libido happens man's - an impotency and female - frigidity.

And how the variant when at the man the sex desire (libido) is is called, and the erection is not present? And the variant when the sex desire (libido) is not present, and an erection is?

Name as want - the short from it or this will not change