Просмотр полной версии : Urethritis? How to facilitate pains?

To stay for a while
16.02.2005, 00:17
The problem is those - at inspection was found out, that at me the positive analysis on Trichomonases. We with the partner are treated under the scheme or plan, like vydeleny from a vagina became less, they are more correct in general have disappeared (spravochno - term of treatment - 10 days).

But there is other problem - approximately for two days prior to the beginning of treatment, at night at me has terribly ached mocheispuskatelnyj the channel, simply did not sleep all the night long, was terribly excruciated N and a trace put the beginnings to drink Nitroxolinum... Like has a little helped or assisted, has receded.

Yesterday here again again I do not sleep, and it is easier in the morning, here towards evening again it or him (the channel mocheispuskatelnyj) I feel... Nitroxolinum does not help or assist, noshpa too weakly relieves a pain

How you think are the urethritis caused or called by Trichomonases? If yes - than it or him to treat and than to remove or take off pains? Very much I ask to respond, simply I am afraid of arrival of night....

The woman-doctor
28.05.2005, 21:13
Not the fact, that Trichomonases. For definition it is necessary to make the analysis of a urethra (unpleasant, but will know precisely what to treat). And to treat it or him it is necessary.. And not most, and to destination the doctor.

From national agents can have a drink Brusniver good travka with antiseptic action.