Просмотр полной версии : Banal, but very unpleasant disease.. The Cystitis

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27.12.2004, 21:57
That is - the cystitis means a wild pain and before and after an emiction. And here it is observed only up to - but TERRIBLE rez... From a drop only:-(

Or an infection what?

29.12.2004, 02:02
Probably only the doctor can put the diagnosis, but try or taste a national agent: to drink a teapot of a liquid and to suffer very much as it is possible to detain an emiction more longly.

Speak if to sustain, the cystitis often passes or takes place.

31.12.2004, 03:12
Destiny, descend or go to the urologist. But the competent urologist first of all before to begin treatment, will appoint or nominate inspection to infections. Signs of a cystitis can cause chlamydias, ureaplasmas, mycoplasmas. If them will find, all over again treat an infection. If is not present - then it is possible to speak about a cystitis in the pure state. To me it is remembered, from a cystitis appointed or nominated suppositories polin, tablets TSiston, Nolatsin. Has helped or assisted. Speak, that the cystitis still by tablets 5- is treated. Itself did not try or taste - I do not know.

Well helps or assists to remove or take off a pain the hot baths, and more one antiquated way. In a metal vessel to pour honey. Alcohol to burn. To be wrapped up from above with a blanket and to sit down on kortochki above zazhzhenym a flame. Effect of a sweating room.

But I nevertheless all over again was checked up on an infection.

I wish, that at you have not found any infection!

02.01.2005, 04:09
5-legs appoint or nominate at pielonifrite chronic and acute, and here that at a cystitis the first time I hear...

02.01.2005, 23:30
To Strashilka

If you hear for the first time it does not mean, what is it a lie. I was not too lazy to climb in he- the pharmaceutical directory. Endurance or quotation from there.

The latin name: 5-NOK


Nosological classification: Infections of urinary ways

The brief form of release: Tabl.p.o. 50 mg

Structure and the form of release: 1 tablet contains Nitroxolinum of 50 mg; in packing 50 pieces

Pharmacological action: Antibacterial, a wide spectrum.

Indications: Acute and chronic infections of a urogenital tract.

Here, has recollected still a national agent. At a cystitis recommend to drink broths of a cranberry and a dogrose. Especially and it is as much as possible cranberry

[It is corrected: the Elephant (22-03-2001).]

05.01.2005, 00:04
Destiny, it is not obligatory, that the pain was and before and after. I somehow had a cystitis - hurted or was ill;was sick up to, and in a toilet was wound .:-(So looks like a cystitis though it will be checked up on an infection not bad. From national agents: a cranberry, including in Saccharum and mors. To drink it is necessary, though then in fact in a toilet so it would not be desirable, but it will promote a lavage of a bladder. To drink and suffer or bear longly - I do not know, whether it will promote intensifying of an infection, it seems to me, that can. Well, and tablets should be had a drink, one cranberry hardly you will manage.

06.01.2005, 15:07
Destiny - at me such was, when I instead of candles Farmateks have used tablets Farmateks. It has appeared - an allergy, has removed or has taken off simply enough - Terzhinan and half an hour to lie down. All passes or takes place.

07.01.2005, 00:30
It is possible to try or taste such travku " bear ushko " is called. To my sister even the doctor registered it or her. Helps or assists really perfectly and quickly. And if it and not a cystitis harm from it or her will not be. The cystitis often happens for cold or even as complication after a flu.

Dr. Kurshakova
08.01.2005, 20:35
Thanks everything, and here on " bear ushko " - it or him where? To drink? I am serious - at me it is... It was simple once about a bleeding the doctor it is told or said " to drink a grass ", and highly experienced women have told or said - to be syringed by that grass better... I, the truth, more likely through all holes that grass - the moment, fie-fie...

Any he "contact", that my cystitis. All has frozen somewhere. At me sensation, that minimally cooled linen at once provokes this rez. At once any drop is not kept - and as a result the chain again becomes isolated.

Here, my comprehension to drink that teapot of a liquid and "to return" skills of deduction - probably, very much will approach or suit. And to get warm (me absolutely there is no time to run on analyses... And other any pains are not present...)? It would be desirable to get warm...

At me generally once the renal colic was, about ten years ago - drops was then treated yes by a cowberry taken a sip. I drink a little. The toilet at job opposite - is to be run no how much in vain. I shall be corrected. And can, still ljamblii have seasonally arisen? There Are at me such "tenants", can, and they "help or assist"? Their time in half a year "prokarmlivaju" tablets. By an ache in kolenjah, them mnogovato became. By the way, the gastroenterologist has told or said, what they to me for all life a gift, and another spoke someone, what are treated without the rest? Though, they to me do not stir or prevent... Let live.

10.01.2005, 11:00

10.01.2005, 17:59
Children or Guys, give more accurately with advice or councils.

At an acute cystitis the quantity or amount of a liquid is necessary to limit (a lot of water = a frequent emiction = frequent pains). Microbes sit in mucous, they are not washed off by urine.

Similarly diuretic travki, type of a cowberry shrub, fennel, etc. Same a sadism present or true.

At presence in anamnesis MKB Sulfanilamidums are counter-indicative, since give a crystallization that can provoke occurrence kameshkov.

For the information: desires on an emiction the sand which is being a urethra (in the same place and can give a pain). Pains in the beginning - a urethritis and a cystitis. Pains in the extremity or end of an emiction - gonogeja. Often the inflammation provokes a clamidiosis, etc.

If is not present ZPPP, warmly + antibiotics.

11.01.2005, 12:33
Mdvezhi ushki make and above them it is necessary to sit, sorry, - poparitsja.

And a teapot to drink and suffer - I did not try or taste, but heard what is it often helps or assists, probably when a source hurt not an infection (happens and so).

12.01.2005, 06:24
To me very much not c with you to argue as I not the expert, but in this case, an information available me (everything, literally) proceeds from the professor managing unit of urology (to one of the best in city Peter)

This person has helped or assisted me to solve for ever time a problem of cystitises, and also disturbances of a mineral exchange.

Therefore I now broadcast its or his advice or councils in masses.

(By the way, he still categorically did not advise to use heatings even if and it would be desirable..)

[It is corrected: ALE (25-03-2001).]

13.01.2005, 10:33
To the DOCTOR - And IMMEDIATELY! But only not in regional poliklinniku - and somewhere in the specialized center! Hurry and do not give up as hopeless - will pass or take place. No, he will not pass or not take place simply so!

Press it or him in a germ, then late can be.

14.01.2005, 20:07

Let's not argue the Concrete advice or councils sometimes even going counter with standard tactics, are given for the concrete patient. That approaches or suits one, not always will approach or suit another.

It is standard, that at a cystitis, soprovozhdajushchimja by desires on an emiction and pains, are not given diuretic. Here from a pot not slezesh. At a pyelitis or a pyelonephritis on the contrary, purpose or appointment diuretic is shown.

Sulfanilamidums at a urolithiasis, especially prolonged.

If cystitises frequent at an exacerbation crop on flora is done or made, and adequate treatment solves all problems.


This method of national treatment in an ideal looks or appears so: undertakes nagretyj a stone (it is possible a brick), it is put in tazik, it is necessary to sit down above it or him on kortochki and a teaspoon to splash on it or him broth of a grass. The height is defined or determined empirically, a reference point - a caumesthesia.

There was a case when lady was scalded

16.01.2005, 14:55
Certainly, I with you shall not argue (especially on concrete advice or councils because subjects concrete advice or councils , given to me the doctor, I did not concern or touch in general)

It is possible to ask to you an intimal question?

You specialize in what area of medicine? (no, I am not going to to arise upon virtual consultation, the word of honour)

Simply interestingly.

17.01.2005, 02:08
Horror any. " Bear ushki " or a leaf or sheet of a bearberry it is necessary p r about with t about p and t. To make and drink. The description is applied on a pack of a grass.

To be soared it is not necessary. About this barbarous way for the first time I hear.

If it is a simple cystitis for cold and anything more - helps or assists perfectly - on 1 table spoon 3 times a day so it seems.

If is not present - to the doctor.

17.01.2005, 23:11
With heatings is accurater. At me too like as "cystitis" (signs almost similar to yours) in summary there was a pregnancy has begun...

19.01.2005, 09:06
Destiny, dear or expensive " a wild pain both up to, and after... "-it an acute cystitis, and about what you write similar on the beginning of a cystitis or a strong inflammation. But in any case you should run urgently to the doctor. Therefore as if the acute cystitis will pass in chronic, all... Has sat down somewhere to sit, stark naked on an apartment it was ran, has gone in the summer without stockings, pereela acute or citrus, a leg or foot wet and more trifles which the healthy person and will not notice... Can lead to an attack (at me that has listed all leads to picture Repina "Have come"). And eto-delays, pains such, what not up to love, risk, that the inflammation will go further (kidneys, appendages, etc.)

There is an opinion, that a cystitis it - +. But at me all has begun with simple sitting on a stone, in the summer, on quay, on a sweater, in a heat. And, as, unfortunately, "chronicles" I can share experience.

If it happens:

1) the-diet (the alcohol, fat, aerated, acute is impossible, citrus) Is necessary.

2) medicines (nolitsin, 5- or furagin), tea "Urafljuks", for example, either romashkovyj or ushki bear, a bearberry in broths instead of tea Are necessary.

3) Heatings are not recommended usually, but... If to accept romashkovuju a bath, and then at once in bed... It becomes easier.

4) it is better to refrain from love. Be sick can.

5) To suffer or bear is impossible in no event. Just as to wear fitting or synthetic linen, merznut.

You will rescue or save the doctor and warmly. Recover.

20.01.2005, 13:51
Azaleas: And (excuse, if the question will seem to you immodest)... These signs proceeded all pregnancy? Because at me she, similar so it is shown.

21.01.2005, 11:32

23.01.2005, 07:24
Exciting temka

Destiny, here still a reference on " the House doctor ", there will find a burning sensation at an emiction.

However, for some reason nipisano, that it is impossible to drink cranberry juice. And to me it or him specially recommended.

25.01.2005, 00:52
Dreaming, such simpotomy were right at the beginning of pregnancy. Actually were signs of an abortion, therefore have put on conservation.

26.01.2005, 14:47
Thanks big all... The Doctor of the house sits, and me on the country has incured... On affairs. I drink a little, as all time in a way - fie-fie with pains... But here about to drink FEW. The same urologist when I had a renal colic, has told or said - drink cowberry mors in litres... So to drink or not drink? And I about a xeroderma (and mucous all) - already a throat intercept all... Or the drunk liquid will not help or assist a skin?...

Oh, only do not think, that I all in scabs:-)), fie-fie, all OK, is simple on a life at me a skin soft and velvety, and now dryish and so-so. In a head I finish the cure (fie-fie) of a dandruff already... There were no such years 15 already... And legs or foots "are showered" as after sunburn in the evening...

27.01.2005, 15:07
Prompt, please, kofejshchitsy, any methods of struggle against a cystitis. Time comes to 3 months this infection everything, I do not leave a toilet. Here, today again midnight did not sleep, it was tortured, pokapala on Saccharum TSistinal, but does not help or assist especially, has got warm, all uselessly.

How with it or this to struggle or this or thus already chronic?

Help or Assist, pliz