Просмотр полной версии : Prolactinum????

17.12.2004, 00:42
Dear galina Afanasevna

To me 27, I plan pregnancy (since January 2005)

On a regular basis I hand over a blood on hormones. In October the thyrotoxicosis (it is suppressed TTg, is raised or increased 4) has been found out, was on consultation VV.Fadeeva which after conversation has recommended while to drink and wait nothing. T.o. I do not accept any medicines, and TTG and sv 4 in itself have come to norm or rate (I hand over every month for check), last analysis - the extremity or end of April. Also all in norm or rate (exactly middle of norm or rate both TTG and 4).

Question here in chem-

In October Prolactinum was in norm or rate (close to the top border, but in norm or rate).

Now, on 25.04 (6) he 561 at norm or rate up to 530. The doctor has told or said rising noncritical, Mb stress, presdat in a trace. tsikle.vse other hormones (LG.FSG, Progesteronum, Oestradiolum, Testosteron-Depotum, TTg, 4) in norm or rate.

In the same cycle on US to me skzali, that ovulations will not be, but on 20 dts rising BTi characteristic pains. In a week after rising BT has handed over the analysis of a blood on Progesteronum - 61.2 (!!!) at norm or rate for ljuteinovoj phases up to 66.8 (and 1 trim.beremennosti 29.6-105.6). I.e. the ovulation all the same was??? Progesteronum in comparison with 1 phase has grown in 35 times!!

This very day retook also Prolactinum and he was already 1068.9 (!!!). In Invitro have told or said, that in 2 phase Prolactinum raises or increases, but norms or rates for this phase at them are not present! I think, that nevertheless this rising very big!!-in 2 times in comparison with 2.5 weeks ago.


1. Whether really it is possible to tell or say with confidence, what the Ovulation was, despite of result of US and if is not present in this connection Progesteronum so has grown?

2. Such rising of Prolactinum is connected with 2 phase or it abnormally and it is necessary to treat? Whether there are preparations which can be accepted at planning pregnancy?

3. The doctor advised to hand over HGCH, but the delay takk and was not - has come or stepped exactly in 14 days after a prospective Ovulation (at me 2 phase always 14 days). Whether could prevent high Prolactinum to offensive or approach of pregnancy?. Now at me a new cycle, 9 I to hand over Prolactinum was not in or has not had time. When lushe it or him to hand over and whether it is necessary once again or it is possible to tell or say already precisely, what Prolactinum at me not in norm or rate?

4. Whether could TTG and 4 in itself to come to norm or rate. At me half a year was some very strong stresses back, whether they could so to affect or influence hormones?

In advance thanks also excuse for long vopros.ja very much I experience, in this connection the doctor has told or said, that from it or this all my problems.

12.04.2005, 13:00
Valentine Viktorovich has explained to you, it is probable, that sense of repeated research was exception destructive (transitional tirotoksikoza) by what it is safely excluded. In what sense of diligent search giperprolaktinemii, I at all do not understand - you treat sterility or barrenness?

15.04.2005, 18:17
Valentine Viktorovich has explained to you, it is probable, that sense of repeated research was exception destructive (transitional tirotoksikoza) by what it is safely excluded. In what sense of diligent search giperprolaktinemii, I at all do not understand - you treat sterility or barrenness?


1. I at all do not wish to find at myself giperprolaktinemiju:), it is simple me has a little strained its or his raised or increased value or meaning;importance in 1 phase (for the first time), therefore peresdala it or him for 22 day of a cycle. A question just in that - how much or as far as it is indicative and it is necessary and to trace Prolactinum further?

I plan pregnancy 4 months, and the diagnosis *quot; iN??n?N*quot; does not sound.

2. Tell or say please, if all hormones on 6 dts. In norm or rate (Progesteronum, Oestradiolum, LG. FSG, Testosteron-Depotum, TTg and 4), and the doctor approves or confirms, looking at the schedule of basal temperature, what hormones not a parameter, and the general or common tendency is visible under the schedule - whether obosnovanno it? Parity or ratio lg/o?u, like should be not above 1. At me 0.9. The doctor approves or confirms, what is it a bad parameter, tk a good parity or ratio 0.5-0.6... I do not know, to that to believe. VV.Fadeev in December has told or said to me, that schedules absolutely neinformativny, the main thing - hormones, I have simply got confused..

3. I can not understand the reason of such transitional hyperthyroidism in any way (and whether it is possible to consider or count, what he those if 4 months are not shown without any treatment???) - whether there can be it stress??

Excuse please so it is a lot of questions. Simply I in a bewilderment. And if all hormones in norm or rate, whether really it is necessary to lean or base on the schedule??


10.05.2005, 08:47
The reason transitional tirotoksikoza is so-called silent (mute more often. Silent) tiroidit. It or he can have a phase gipotiroza during which Prolactinum can rise.

In what it is expressed during present time planirovnie to pregnancy, what for this purpose do or make? I have obviously lagged behind from zhizni-during my time for decision-making on conception the information or inquiry on a level of hormones did not demand...

10.05.2005, 12:15
The reason transitional tirotoksikoza is so-called silent (mute more often. Silent) tiroidit. It or he can have a phase gipotiroza during which Prolactinum can rise.

In what it is expressed during present time planirovnie to pregnancy, what for this purpose do or make? I have obviously lagged behind from zhizni-during my time for decision-making on conception the information or inquiry on a level of hormones did not demand...

:) many also do not plan, I am simple unimportantly myself felt (frequent palpitation, choked), therefore have handed over on vjaky a case all gormony.vyjavili a hyperthyroidism, which in itself have passed or have taken place. And also hardly raised or increased Testosteron-Depotum which also has at present passed or has at present taken place without any treatment.. The doctor has told or said, that raised or increased Prolactinum suppresses an ovulation, therefore it disturbs me. Only it is not clear why for 6 day of a cycle Prolactinum 591 (at norm or rate up to 560), and in 20 days 1068 (norms or rates not ukzaany)??

26.05.2005, 04:12
Once again - it is perfect, that have proved the fact destructive tirotoksikoza and not satil in vain to treat.

It would be good to learn or find out. Whether is not present gipotiroza) - TTG a blood.

Not the fact that is real, independent giperprolaktinemija.