Просмотр полной версии : Erosion and its or her treatment

14.04.2005, 19:55
Share, please, methods which have helped or assisted you to get rid of erosion shejki uteruses.

Now I in a stage of delivery of all analyses and revealing of its or her reasons, a carcinogenicity have already excluded, but it would be desirable to talk with vrachem in occasion of treatment grounded (know what medicine at us).

Very much conservative methods of treatment, imunomodelirujushchaja therapy interest.

20.04.2005, 00:44
It is very necessary to know

At me podkovannost the same, as well as at you, but last time treated to me its or her laserotherapy + entered wads with ointment.. - I shall not recollect the name.. In December was.

Katya Petrov
20.04.2005, 19:25
And you look in poiskovike what for a string, there will leave on med.sajty and the information will be much more correct, and that here in fact not doctors sit.... Everyone can be advised

But I know one (to me it is many doctors spoke) it is impossible to cauterize (anything!!!! laherom, a cold) if you yet did not give birth or travail, because then there will be appreciable complications at disclosing shejki uteruses. (me once dohtorsha in abrupt clinic at once the laser offered, to pair or steam hundreds bakosv... hm, but I not silly, have gone in two clinics and there have explained, than it can will end, have then treated an inflammation and all has passed or has taken place... In fact erosion this such business... She often disappears after restoration of a normal status of a vagina, or with the years (if you have less 23-25).

But I not the adviser! Address on med.sajt!

25.04.2005, 13:42
It is very necessary to know

Descend or Go on 03... There about entu erosion.. She is more terrible than an infarct.. Such feeling, that at all

Its or Her laserotherapy + entered wads with ointment.

Yes-yes.. Wads necessarily, as after lazara there a Oa?a/scar... Will be

27.04.2005, 02:33
You are not absolutely right. Cauterization by a cold (i.e.) is just shown to nitrogen to not given birth or not travailled women that does not remain cicatrixes. And in general, each woman has the prichiniy occurrence of erosion - if this small inflammation, it or he can be cured introduction of wads with a medicine. But in fact there are also very strong, extensive erosions which such sparing methods you will not cure. In general, it is necessary to talk to doctors to whom you trust, instead of to nod on medicine. To find the good gynecologist - the whole problem.

01.05.2005, 01:44
To me two vracha-suggested to treat the gynecologist three-phase contraceptive tablets and suppositories with an iodine.

03.05.2005, 05:05
Erozija-it ranka. And an inflammation. How it or she can be treated tablets? If only very small can help or assist local lechenie-suppositories

03.05.2005, 19:08
How much or As far as I know, contraceptive tablets promote zazhivaniju, as well as suppositories. But greater or big erosion to not cure in such a way. It is used as an additional agent, but in any way the core.

07.05.2005, 11:39
About imunomodelirujushchej therapy at treatment of erosion did not hear,

But all applied methods are reduced to one - to burn damaged or injured mucous what on its or her place narosla new/healthy and here all depends on the size of the erosion, if greater or big it is necessary to repeat through any time

At me has appeared after sorts or labors because of breaks on shejke, but was small and the doctor has advised prizhech any medicine (the name I do not remember, 3 was back, an admixture from hydrochloric/UaoN?No/what still acids) - it is absolutely not sick, practically any vydeleny and has helped or assisted at once

Has probably simply carried

But my opinion to treat it is necessary - unnecessary educations in such place - unnecessary problems in the future

Also be not afraid, it is very necessary to know , it to treat are able

12.05.2005, 08:05
It is very necessary to know

I ginkolog has told or said, sometimes errozija happens because of narushenoj florae of a vagina... And something to me has appointed or nominated for normalization. All has fine recovered.

16.05.2005, 11:44
I also do not apply for correctness, in fact not the physician

Has simply shared that cht oznaju, but all taki it is convinced cht okonsultirovatsja better not of a coffee house, and at doctors.

Here at nostaljazz the same information as at me. At all on a miscellaneous, that it can at whom indeed too seriously, and it is necessary to cauterize... I challenge nothing)

Khanin Jury
18.05.2005, 12:10
I have an experience of treatment at us and in the Europe.

At us: doctors were horrified, though at once have told or said, what is it at 90 % of women of any age; ordered to treat immediately, promised prompt or impetuous diffusion of erosion on all shejku uteruses and its or her sudden degeneration in inferior of tumours. Having left from the third doctor under the bill, I have felt the full invalid. (the important detail: neither the inflammation, nor any bacteria-infections at me was not - and this or thus the first of what it is necessary to be convinced). Methods of treatment appointed or nominated the most rigid, i.e. all cauterizations (an acid, nitrogen, the laser and so forth) and categorically insisted on immediate treatment, " for the present is what to rescue or save;salvage ". With perepugu I have agreed on an acid (more correctly, the admixture of acids presented under a kind of a medicine): was sick nothing also has given or allowed. It is good, that any cicatrix does not remain. Being morally not in forces to substitute itself under the laser and so forth, played for time, feeling, that I kill myself own arms or hand, and has then had an opportunity to go to doctors

In the Western Europe: those have not stirred a brow, extremely were surprised in reply to my horror, have told or said, that 90 % of women have, and anything in general terrible, and on a degree of danger from a spot does not differ. In what she there does not regenerate, " nonsense what ". One doctor has told or said, what is it at all do not treat, as there is no need, and has released or has let off with compliments in occasion of health, and the second has thought and has written out suppositories with milk or dairy bacteria (bacteria?.. Well these or it, natural...) for maintenance of natural flora. In three months erosion has passed or has taken place, there was a trace, through three the trace has disappeared also.

Still time the general or common observation: all it lasted one and a half year. For this time erosion did not vary at all - has not extended, has not gone deep, in what has not regenerated. That was to arrange such cries as it was at us, at all I do not understand. In the Europe erosion is not considered illness or disease and is not a subject to treatment. So I suggest to not allow to drive myself in a panic.

19.05.2005, 02:56
Comparison is not correct - you have gone or send to doctors in Zap. Evr. Already AFTER prizhgli here

Can at you the insurance what is not present, here they and did not begin to contact inostrankoj

Or cauterization all the same has helped or assisted

(All in the form of versions)

19.05.2005, 14:40
Can at you the insurance what is not present, here they and did not begin to contact inostrankoj

nashchet Western the Europe I shall tell or say so (addressed to doctors in three different countries, always there was an insurance) - here vashche among doctors the approach is widespread - all will recover, will resolve and will improve. Medicines give reluctantly. On the next annual survey one gynecologist has for example declared me, that hysteromyomas a thing informidable and in most cases niche to do or make it is not necessary, if she does not increase or is not enlarged.

So quite I believe, that in case of

So it all also was.

nashchet erosions - me (not given birth or not travailled) in the Scoop treated with what that wads and ointments, longly treated, and has left, then nothing did or made, did not treat. Any problems till now. Years has much passed or has much taken place.

21.05.2005, 08:16
In America consider or count, that erosion (dysplasia) is caused or causes by a virus papilonnoma, passed ONLY sexual by. A difference that at women with strong immunity, she passes or takes place, as an organism pereborit a virus, and consequences will not leave in erosion, however, the woman remains the carrier or bearer of a virus for ever. The virus is transferred or carried by men, however, he is not reflected in them at all.

If it or her in time to not cure, she can, at fertile medium (weak immunity, venereal diseases) to pass in three stages of development, last from them - a cancer. But besides, all depends on your immunity and success, all process can borrow or occupy long years.

Not given birth or Not travailled here freeze nitrogen. Not painfully, and in patrimonial activity it is not reflected.

I work in clinic and hospital if is aoprosy about the American treatment, I shall be glad to respond.

For VERY NUZHNO-look or see on RODI.RU, click on "Consultation" and see or overlook the information on erosion. There references of doctors with which I completely agree.

22.05.2005, 02:35
It agree with girls. If in Russia at once to frighten-treat - to cauterize and other here somehow normally concern. Last time even has specially recollected about that that put erosion, and local doctors even and do not speak anything, well and has asked to look or see better - where she. There Is at you nothing such answer. Interestingly, for what me tried to treat in Russia...

22.05.2005, 03:37
AFTER prizhgli here

Can at you the insurance what is not present

After prizhgli here: the same doctor who cauterized, after zazhivanija a combustion has examined me and has vigorously told or said: " O?-yes, has not helped or assisted... Well, we shall try or taste still times! " But I, fortunately, to try or taste did not become.

The insurance at me very dear or expensive. Without any insurance any doctor would not began even to talk to me.

Did not begin to communicate or be bound... It, by the darling washing, at us do not communicate or are not bound, and here treat.:)))

22.05.2005, 04:35
Here vashche among doctors the approach is widespread - all will recover, will resolve and will improve. Medicines give reluctantly.

Forgive or Excuse, I can not agree - at me absolutely other experience... Unfortunately, it was necessary to me to undergo treatment here, yes at different doctors, but in case of need medicines wrote out, not relying on destiny... Often sparing, supporting or maintaining (i.e. did not suppress or stop anyhow antibiotics), but medicamental support here at all do not neglect... Yes here with the same gynecologist - he has not given up as hopeless, and has written out to me supporting or maintaining suppositories...

22.05.2005, 06:59
I report!

There was on reception, a doctor: at you have found nothing in analyses - to cauterize nitrogen! And all!

It was necessary to pull and elicit from it or her ticks or mites other treatment - suppositories and solkovagin. It or this she has agreed With all, but itself nichegoshenki did not offer. So consultations of skilled or experienced people very much help or assist!!!

The reason of erosion - more likely congenital.

Has told or said, that erosion can be treated by long reception of three-phase hormonal contraceptives, if its or her reason - hormonal disbalans.

22.05.2005, 07:31
Unfortunately, it was necessary to me to undergo treatment here, yes at different doctors, but in case of need medicines wrote out, not relying on destiny...

Probably at us cases different. I toko to the gynecologist yearly go on survey, to treat there is especially nothing (fie fie fie)

On doctors I judge or I shall narrow to nurseries - I go with malyshkoj on inoculations, and in general mum hypochondriac, hardly that, I drag the miracle on checks and surveys (it is necessary to worry less, know)

And so they also speak, yes do not worry you, type all will pass or take place.

And once the case was, the truth about 6 years ago, in one of the Scandinavian countries then a vein, has taken me in the winter what that a virus flu, thought skates I shall precisely cast away, have brought me in hospital, temperature for 40, the doctor waited for hour 2, he toko has listened to me, has looked or seen tongue and speaks, go home, tea to lay, all will pass or take place. I at it or him with tears have simply elicited medicines and hurted or ill;sick weeks 2.

And more us at job kolega hurted or was ill;was sick, week grip does not pass or take place. Has come to work, circles black on eyes, white, grown thin and the temperature does not fall down. And the doctor as always - itself will pass or take place, drink more liquids. I to her at once have told or said, go ask an antibiotic, start up the most weak, but it is necessary a protses to stop. Has come to me in three days specially to tell or say thanks.

Often sparing, supporting or maintaining (i.e. did not suppress or stop anyhow antibiotics), but medicamental support here at all do not neglect...

That I can tell or say, the attitude or relation here another. And the insurance dear or expensive to treat simply so the expensive.

Can, when I shall collide or face with what a string serious, the attitude or relation will change

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