Просмотр полной версии : Legs or Foots.

28.08.2004, 11:45
Year three I am already excruciated by one problem which has simply got.

I in the summer all time rub legs or foots! Already I choose footwear the most convenient, the softest - and all the same bestolku! All time of a wound and bubbles for legs or foots, all time painfully to go. Also can be here is how: went couple of days to one bosonozhkah-has not rubred. Has dressed them in a week has rubred so, that now houses barefoot painfully to go.

What to do or make, at whom a similar problem from what such can be?

07.09.2004, 14:30
And what here you will make? e to stick and dalzhe to go. Houses a heap of footwear, and I wear only one pair because all rest rubs.

02.10.2004, 08:16
Well in fact there should be any reason for it or this!

Others go in different footwear and do not rub.

03.10.2004, 23:04
At me too happens, that I wear one pair two days - has rubred. I remove or take out them " till the best times ", and then when I put on again - I can wear weeks and does not rub. Mysticism.

04.10.2004, 05:06
And there are any ointments what to not rub?

Or even ointment, that would heal more quickly.

25.10.2004, 08:48
Milen, at me precisely same problem, only at me a leg or foot of 360 days in a year with mazoljami ((and business reached that that the foot swelled up from mazolej. I of anything special am done not helped or assisted by it simply such feature of an organism, but can always tell or say that at me with itself Levomekol (I smear with this ointment fresh mazoli) and a cream of firm " Odds-oaO? "-first aid from mazolej a cream-gel (I smear with it or this already dry mazoli)

25.11.2004, 23:21
Milen, at me precisely same problem, only at me a leg or foot of 360 days in a year with mazoljami ((and business reached that that the foot swelled up from mazolej. I of anything special am done not helped or assisted by it simply such feature of an organism, but can always tell or say that at me with itself Levomekol (I smear with this ointment fresh mazoli) and a cream of firm " Odds-oaO? "-first aid from mazolej a cream-gel (I smear with it or this already dry mazoli)

And you with vrachem did not speak about it or this, it can from shortage of vitamins and more that.

I here all am going to to descend or go, but I do not like doctors, and I do not know to what doctor with this problem to go.

03.01.2005, 22:20
At me such happens, when first time in a season I dress footwear. And you wear a natural skin, legs or foots sweat? To me have advised rigid edges or territories to grease on first time with any fat cosmetic cream.

22.01.2005, 04:42
At me too it is constant so. Rescues or saves;salvages one - to dress not barefoot, and in stockings / nosochkah. Especially office etiquette does not allow to go with naked legs or foots

22.05.2005, 02:42
At me such happens, when first time in a season I dress footwear. And you wear a natural skin, legs or foots sweat? To me have advised rigid edges or territories to grease on first time with any fat cosmetic cream.

Not always from natural - barefoot persons now from different materials.

But kozhannoj with footwear (shoes, botinochki)-too I rub.

The main thing, that this footwear not for the first time I dress.