
Просмотр полной версии : Homeopathy

JUli I
06.11.2004, 15:52
You could use homeopathic agents? Helped or assisted? Whether and that I wish to try or taste and I do not know costs or stands.

04.12.2004, 16:25
It was possible. Pulled out me and my relatives and friends from very serious troubles. Certainly, it not panacea from all troubles but if to me someone on health complains, I first of all suggest to go to a homeopathist Only here still much from the doctor depends. And not only from its or his qualification, but also from elementary decency - that he really treated, instead of extorted from you money.

20.05.2005, 13:50
At us in Latvia, I heard that treatment at homeopathists very long and dear or expensive, I so did not wish to be treated.