Просмотр полной версии : Whether it is necessary to be protected in addition?

26.04.2005, 14:27
It has turned out so, that for the night it was necessary to leave for other city, and upakovochku with tablets to take with itself has forgotten. Usually I accept tablets late at night, before a dream (from 23 o'clock till o'clock of 2 nights), before it or this have accepted somewhere in 12-th hour, and this or thus forgotten in the morning, at once after arrival, at 10:30. That is was late hours on 10-11, like till 12 o'clock would not hold on, but all is peer mnogovato.

Tablets femoden, I accept under the 3-phase scheme or plan (3 packings successively without interruption, then a break, then following 3 packings). Now 2-nd packing, *quot; ?nao?an*quot; a tablet 13-th in packing (here in fact!). Femoden I accept very much for a long time, some years, under such scheme or plan about 2 years.

Whether it is necessary to me in this situation in addition to be protected, and if it is necessary, only before the termination or ending of the second packing or the third too (that is all cycle from three packings)?

20.05.2005, 11:34
It turns out not absolutely three-phase scheme or plan, and continuous reception?

Basically, all rather, and even continuous reception of a contraceptive does not give 100 % of a guarantee... (somewhere 97 %)

Having rummaged in reception less than 12 hours are not raised or increased not in the least with risk of offensive or approach beremenosti, i.e. well does not influence in any way. You should accept the passed or missed tablet *quot; as soon as o??????*quot; and further as it is usual. At a break more than 12 hours, but less than 36 - are accepted two tablets at once (+ passed or missed) and further as is usual. If more than 36 hours... Then it is necessary to use additional measures