Просмотр полной версии : There are no monthly 4 months

Nika, 20 let.
13.05.2005, 12:17
Hello. I do not have monthly 4 months. I live in America. A sexual life I do not live. I did or made uzi one month ago, the doctor has told or said, that all vporjadke, there are no even accumulation, iz-for which they should go. All purely or cleanly and smoothly. A sexual life I do not live. Has told or said, wait while they will go. But zto it is not normal, that they are not present.
If to have a drink broth of a tansy, whether they will really go, or there are any other agents?
Prompt please. Sposibo.

13.05.2005, 20:24
The doctor of the rights, and you is not present. Probably at you now in a life such situation what to distract and trpatit forces on monthly an organism does not consider or count possible or probable. So it is correct that they are not present. And anything to do or make it is not necessary. When the situation will change - they will come. Presence monthly - not pokazatl health and on the contrary