Просмотр полной версии : Delay of a menses. povyshenyj Prolactinum.

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07.04.2005, 13:03
Hello the Doctor! To me 31 year, I am am disturbed with a delay monthly. 2002-2003 I had monthly with a cycle 32, 35, 37 days. Vtechenie 2004 I had a delay of 1 times - 3 months, some times - on 1 month. In January I have addressed in hospital with a delay monthly since November, 26th, 2004. I have passed or have taken place US - folikuly in ovaries is, inflammations are not present. Has done 2,5 % Progesteronum on 1 2 times a day during 4 days. In 4 days, that is on January, 27th at me send or have come monthly. Were poor or scanty. For 3 day from the beginning monthly I have handed over a blood on hormones: Testosteron-Depotum 0,89 ???y/l, FSG 4,50 ??N/ML, LG 0,702 ??N/ml. For 19 day has handed over Prolactinum 4111,0 ??N/l (at the specified norm or rate 67 - 726). Also I prshla rengen uterine pipes, they at me chisye. Till February, 28th at me do not send or have come monthly. The doctor has advised me to do under the same scheme or plan Progesteronum and to start to accept bronkriptin or parnodel. Since February, 28th I 4 days have done Progesteronum, now I wait monthly. Very much I ask your help and advice or council. Whether on correct I ways of treatment? For me it is very important, as I have no children and within 6 years I did not manage to become pregnant. Many thanks for the answer.

15.04.2005, 22:34
Stop, Larissa! Whether Correctly I remember. What did you treat DTZ??

Feodor To.
03.05.2005, 11:44
Hello Galina Afanasevna!

You correctly remember me. But in this case from my computer and a login at a forum my friend has asked a question, help or assist her to understand please. ITS or her name Tatyana.

In advance. Thanks.

10.05.2005, 12:28
Hello Galina Afanasevna!

You are written by Tatyana, I did not have an opportunity to be registered, therefore I write to you with Larisinogo a login. Excuse for inconveniences.

At me during long time since 2001 the temperature was observed subfibrilnaja. In 2003 I addressed to the neuropathologist in a to Ufa. In me have found out an infection - rising toksoplazm class G. During half a year I accepted tablets and injections of Rovamycinum. After treatment mine subfibrilnaja the temperature has not passed or has not taken place. In 2004 I have addressed to imunologu in a to Samara. The analysis of a blood has shown presence of contact with an infection as has explained to me the doctor and at me no toxoplasmosis - is present. Rise in temperature objasnilos presence gelokobakterioza in a stomach. Having spent on drink medicines (pilobak - 7 days), at me the temperature has come to norm or rate. Treatment was accompanied by all this irregular monthly, with a delay in 5, 7, 9 days. And in January, 2004 there was a delay for 4 months. Last monthly come by means of Progesteronum as I to you described earlier.

I would like, to learn or find out, that it is better to accept at raised or increased Prolactinum (4111,0 ??N/l): bronkriptin or parnodel (on March, 6th at me should begin monthly)? How it is necessary to eat during reception garmonalnyh preparations, that not raspolnet? I am engaged in shaping, whether pomishajut exercise stresses at treatment? I shall be very grateful to you for advice or council. Very much I wish to recover.

10.05.2005, 18:02
Oh, dear or expensive patients, and up to an infarct not for long to finish the adviser.

1\ Parlodelum and bromkriptin - various company names of the SAME substances - 2 brom-alfaergokriptina, and it veshchesto HORMONES is not and never was, and very much even has a decent family tree in national eyes, occuring or happening from vegetative raw material.

2\ addressees of it or this a preparation grow thin more likely.

And here further - neponjatki.

At so high level of Prolactinum the menstrual cycle is saved... Strange. Possibly, there is a big percent or interest t.n.. big-Prolactinum.

What in general you have understood in objasneii the doctor about the illness or disease how she is called and what you treat?

The donor
10.05.2005, 18:42

10.05.2005, 18:45
Hello Galina Afanasevna! You are written by Tatyana (which wrote from Larissa Kolesnik's login). I was registered.

The doctor to me has diagnosed - giperprolaktinemija. My Prolactinum 4111,0 ??N/l, Testosteron-Depotum 0,89 ???y/l, FSG 4,50 ??N/ML, LG 0,702 ??N/ml. Since March, 7th I have started to accept Parlodelum on 1,25 mg 2 times a day.

The doctor advises to address to the -endocrinologist to Ufa or Samara (since we live in small city). In our city bigprolaktin do not define or determine. Whether on correct I ways of treatment?

Or me urgently to go to Samara? Advise please.

10.05.2005, 18:49
giperprolaktinemija in this case - ascertaining of the fact of raised or increased Prolactinum, but not the answer to a question on the nature of this rising.

To tell the truth, it is necessary to understand..

1\ what exactly you wish to cure?

2\ T.e-you plan beremnenost and she does not come, you are excited with absence of a menses.. What?

3 \serious problem is the establishment of the reason giperprolaktinemii - here not all matches also your subfebrile condition does not clear up... I would advise to arrive to Moscow. Try to begin with transfer of a fax of a case history - (95) 248-64-77 - me.

10.05.2005, 18:49
Hello Galina Afanasevna! I am am excited with that at me from December, 2003 till March, 2004 was not monthly, then there were monthly with a cycle 35, 40 days. Last monthly were on November, 26th, 2004, in January and February, 2005 - by means of Progesteronum.

I very much would want a regular cycle, and certainly in the future I do not exclude pregnancy.

In April, 2003 I have addressed in a Ufa to the neurologist with the complaint constant subfibrilitet which spontaneously decreased after 18 hours. I have handed over analyses of a blood and the toxoplasmosis immunoglobulins of class G 112 ?N/ml and a cytomegalovirus immunoglabuliny class G 0,850 e has been found out. The neurologist has diagnosed - toksoplazmoznaja hr. An infection with a cytomegalovirus on a background postravmaticheskoj encephalopathies. I have passed or have taken place course of treatment by Rovamycinum (in tablets), tsikloferonom, fibs, 6, a nicotinic acid, kljukonat a calcium, Diazolinum. In June, 2003 I was treated with 2 course: aktovigin, chlorine. A calcium, kokorboksilaza, Diazolinum, Rovamycinum (tablets). In September, 2003 has treated with Rovamycinum dropwisely i.v. on 1,5 mlnme 3 times a day in current of 7 days, tsikloferonom. Results of a toxoplasmosis 41?N/ml (class G), a cytomegalovirus 1,660 e (class G). After treatments the temperature did not decrease 37,1; 37,2.

In June, 2004 I have addressed in a Samara to the immunologist. The conclusion of the immunologist has sent. The immunologist has explained to me, that subfibrilitet it was saved because of gelikobakterioza. I have spent on drink pilobak 7 days and polioksidony suppositories of 10 days. I have felt improvement.

Also to me the immunologist has explained, that presence of infections of class G speaks about contact with an infection, but in this case I am not ill or sick a toxoplasmosis, TSMV. At me rise in temperature 36,9 is sometimes observed; 37,0. The immunologist recommends me 2 course pilobaka. But at present me excites irregular monthly and their absence.

There are results MRT from 04.2002.

10.05.2005, 18:49
T.e MRT BEFORE disturbances of a cycle? Why it or her spent?

10.05.2005, 18:49
Hello Galina Afanasevna!

MRT spent with the purpose to find out from what subfibrilitet. The answer have not received (in the conclusion it is written: a pituitary body, stvolovye structures or frames of a brain, a cervical department of a spinal cord - without features, average structures or frames of a brain are not displaced, the ventricular system is not expanded, not deformed, the moderate early atrophy of a cortex of frontal lobes with presence small gidromy, focal ozmeneny in substance of a brain is not defined or determined).

If you have informed the address of your e-mail I could send the scanned results of analyses and MRT (MRT from 04.2002.) Transfer by a fax is very dearly or expensively. I have sent you 10.03.05. The conclusion of the immunologist and 2 results of the analysis (results Tokarevoj).

Approximately my inspection in Moscow (on how much raschityvat) how much would cost?

I accept Parlodelum on 1,25 2 times a day (the gynecologist me has not consulted), whether is correct?

10.05.2005, 18:50
*quot; MRT spent with the purpose to find out from what subfibrilitet. The answer have not received (in the conclusion it is written: a pituitary body, stvolovye structures or frames of a brain, a cervical department of a spinal cord - without features, average structures or frames of a brain are not displaced, the ventricular system is not expanded, not deformed, the moderate early atrophy of a cortex of frontal lobes with presence small gidromy, focal ozmeneny in substance of a brain is not defined or determined). *quot; - Tanja, the situation is not becomes clearer, but also in absentia too longly to speak.

I have already offered variant-to the address of www.endocrincentr.ru your doctor and you discuss an opportunity of telemedical consultation.

*quot; If you have informed the address of your e-mail, I could send the scanned results of analyses and MRT (MRT from 04.2002.) *quot; - to this address you moezhet to send skan MRT and to specify cost of inspection.

*quot; the conclusion of the immunologist and 2 results of the analysis (results Tokarevoj). *quot; - Ox....

*quot; I accept Parlodelum on 1,25 2 times a day (the gynecologist me has not consulted), whether is correct? *quot; - whether in what sense correctly???

10.05.2005, 18:50
Hello Galina Afanasevna!

How in practice to carry out telemedical consultation? Who will advise, you or other doctor?

Whether from reception of Parlodelum the level of Prolactinum (I would like to receive from you more expanded information) decreases?

At present I do not have opportunity to arrive to Moscow.

To what you can offer an optimum variant of treatment (you recommended Larissa addresses of experts in Samara)?

10.05.2005, 18:50
tanja, in your history is much nestykovok.. Not simple she can be.

Yes, from reception of Parlodelum level GIPOFIZARNOGO of Prolactinum if corresponding or meeting cells are sensitive DECREASES.

But! If volumetric education ABOVE a pituitary body is passed or missed, restoration of a cycle and possible or probable pregnancy can become a source of problems.

I have given the address. On which it is possible to solve problems of telemedical consultation. First of all at me questions on MRT, I would like to look or see at you. For consultation for your doctor we shall prepare the list of necessary researches.

You insist on Samara?

10.05.2005, 18:50
Hello Galina Afanasevna!

I have sent you a fax results MRT (the scanned data are deformed or distorted and blacked out, therefore a fax).

The doctor to me has recommended to accept Parlodelum on 2,5 2 times a day, that is now I have doubled a dose.

10.05.2005, 18:50
Hello Galina Afanasevna!

Results MRT sent by a fax, not correct?

10.05.2005, 18:50
Tanja. I have arrived or flied yesterday at 19.00, today I in ENTS - I still physically did not see yours MRT... G.A.

10.05.2005, 18:50
Hello Galina Afanasevna!

My results MRT sent by a fax, are not evident?

I look forward to hearing.

10.05.2005, 18:50
To me was passed izobrazhenija-to what number or room by them are sent? If will send tomorrow 095248-64-77. Write. That to me.

10.05.2005, 18:50
Hello Galina Afanasevna!

I send results MRT a fax.

10.05.2005, 18:50
Hello Galina Afanasevna!

I have sent results MRT (3 leaves or sheets) on April, 1st at 10 o'clock (mosk.) on .248--64-77 on your name.

10.05.2005, 18:50
Well, I there shall be on medium.

10.05.2005, 18:50
Hello Galina Afanasevna!

You did not see my results MRT or they are not correct?

From reception of Parlodelum for 29 day send or have come monthly (3 days, poor or scanty), I continue to accept on 5 mg a day. Whether normal it is result at we wash Prolactinum 4111? I Plan to accept Parlodelum within a month and after arrival monthly for the third day to hand over the analysis on Prolactinum.

10.05.2005, 18:50
Tanja, MRT has not come - unlike monthly. A problem here in chem-Prolactinum is high enough, and, if we shall pass or miss up to pregnancy (and at normalization of Prolactinum pregnancy can easily come or step) a certain problem, she can let know about herself during pregnancy.

10.05.2005, 18:50
Hello Galina Afanasevna!

Means to me it is necessary to send MRT? Specify precisely in what day.