Просмотр полной версии : Prolactinum, hydrocortisone, Progesteronum *amp; With - we shall decipher?

23.03.2005, 18:31
On a site in fact it is possible to ask to decipher -you of analyses of a blood?

Look or See, how they to you?

Prolactinum: 3301 honey/ml

Hydrocortisone: 931 _/

Oestradiolum: 87219 _/

Progesteronum: 174 _/

Theelol: - it is not counted up yet.

25 - 26 week of pregnancy.

Z.Y.norm to laboratory to specify? Simply on the form many norms or rates are given for healthy nonpregnant people.

12.04.2005, 08:33
Prolactinum in norm or rate raises or increases, since 32 days after conception, and special indications to its or his research during pregnancy are not present.

Unitary opredelinie a hydrocortisone of a blood outside of pregnancy neinformativno, and I badly represent myself indications to its or his definition during pregnancy.

As a whole, endocrine system of mother and a fetus rather also it is rather specific change during pregnancy, and interesting game, prdlozhennaja you, Svetlana, - instead of whether to decipher to us conceivable hormonal parameters, delight does not cause or cause.

In an ideal probelema looks or appears as follows - if the doctor considers or counts, that what from hormonal parameters should be monitorirovan during pregnancy, he informs the patient what exactly and why he considers it necessary to look, and itself and treats results of the received analyses - an emotional load of spoiled phone at pregnancy difficultly to overestimate.

06.05.2005, 14:16
Interesting game, prdlozhennaja you, Svetlana, - instead of whether to decipher to us conceivable hormonal parameters, delight does not cause or cause.

If to help or assist with the request with analyses you videte *quot; ?uOU*quot; E.Berna I am valid, I am lost...

It is strange. Why answers in a forum began to tend even more often *quot; ask the oOa?a*quot;?

I shall ask. And what for then this forum? What for here other participants? Why hardly that, at once - *quot; In a morgue! *quot;?

*quot; the Doctor, the doctor... *quot; My doctor at all does not know, that I hand over these analyses.


Salvage rolling or drowning - business still rolling or drowning.

It not at my doctor will be the child is at me there will be a child.

Both its or his status and health first of all are not indifferent to me, instead of someone or someone else.

*quot; Goromnodiagnostika pathologies -O?*quot;,

*quot; estimation oAe*quot; is all strange?:confused:

Why reasonable (is not present?) questions have met such answer?

07.05.2005, 10:04
Svetlana if absolutely healthy person OUTSIDE OF pregnancy will make twenty those or other analyses deviations or rejections from norm or rate can be under laws of statistics in one of them.

In fact not the Lord sends norms or rates of laboratory analyses to laboratory assistants, whether not so?

The person so is arranged, that as norm or rate consider or count those results which come to light or are taped at 95 % of healthy people on the given parameter.

Besides basically there is a concept of laboratory accuracy, a mistake or an error, reproducibility, etc.

Features of job of endocrine system during pregnancy at the woman are unique, it is marked or celebrated rezchajshy emission of a lot of hormones (not existing in such degree at one alive essence, except for the person, during pregnancy) with very greater or big range of normative fluctuations .issledovanie *quot; all hormonal background just in case *quot; in general one of nonsenses of domestic medicine.

Give once again - ANYBODY and NEVER appoints or nominates pregnant women research of Prolactinum - even if the pregnant woman UP TO pregnancy had deviations or rejections in a level of Prolactinum, nevertheless, similar research simply senselessly - allow to not state biochemical bases.

Even more senselessly IN ESSENCE definition of a hydrocortisone in the morning unitary is stressornyj a hormone allocated during pregnancy and so forth Even if at you there would be (God forbid) an independent disease for which change of a level of a hydrocortisone would be typical, and that it it was not meaningful to look during pregnancy

And here definition over 4 and TTG reasonably also is recommended a lot of large international associations on 8-12 week of pregnancy, no less than screening on gestatsionnyj Diabetum on 24 28 week is under certain conditions reasonable.

Conditionally speaking, our conversation would have where - you tell greater or big value if the sequence of events was following about yourselves, and ask - whether has sense to carry out those or other researches of a level of hormones, in what durations of gestation and why - and receive quite reasonable answer.

In a situation *quot; itself sadik I sat down *quot; hardly it is possible to receive exhaustive answer - the spectrum selected or elected by you for research of parameters characterizes opportunities of local medicine, instead of dokazanno \ desirable researches for normal \ problem pregnancy, but the more parameters you would investigate or research (and basically it is possible to look or see from three ten), the more you would receive deviations or rejections not only from norm or rate outside of pregnancy, but also, vozmnozhno, from the accepted specifications (once again I shall repeat, with very greater or big range of fluctuations) for this or that period of pregnancy.

And the most important - pregnancy - not time for disturbing or alarming searches of existing and nonexistent problems. It is possible to find what is not present and was not, and being anxious to harm and, both family, and the kid.

07.05.2005, 11:34
Thanks for the developed or unwrapped interesting answer, I, unfortunately, not so have operatively reacted.

It was interesting to learn or find out about deviations or rejections and norms or rates of analyses.

It is difficult to disagree, basically. Though it would be desirable (partly it more safely and more easy) to drive itself in any frameworks or norms or rates.

It agree and that *quot; pregnancy - not time for disturbing or alarming ??o*quot;.

To be in search, probably, has already become at me a habit:rolleyes:

In fact that moves - aspiration to give birth to the healthy child. To take for this purpose all possible or probable measures already now.

To not stand, to not shrug brachiums when will ask: *quot; And what you did not undertake measures earlier? Of what you thought? *quot;

Example from the past. At the son (senior) in due time was *quot; n?au??*quot; - the Hypertonus. As the reason for some reason considered or counted *quot; ?Ni?au?O??O?*quot; pregnancy. Or so it was convenient to consider or count.

And, all it or her *quot; ?Ni?au?O???Oy*quot; it was reduced to a toxicosis of 1 half ber-:confused:.

Therefore now, as they say, learned by bitter experience, I try to trace any deviations or rejections. The blessing a modern level of medicine differs from 91 years.

Plus notorious examples from a life. When *quot; ?N?a???OU*quot;, armed US, Dopler, and izhe with them, *quot; not ?a?N?a?O*quot; neither a hypoxia of a fetus, nor disturbance of a blood flow (down to its or his full absence in some departments H'M), heart diseases...

It so, that obviously ran into memory.

08.05.2005, 05:35
Svetlana, once again - is references on research of those or other parameters (with rather greater or big range of fluctuations) during this or that time at normally proceeding pregnancy, the way of inspection selected or elected by you - all hormones and all doplery daily just in case nekonstruktiven.

If at all to speak about normally proceeding pregnancy at earlier healthy in otnoshneii endocrine diseases of the woman living in the Europe, and the endocrine parameters traced at pregnancy 3 things 1\ TTG are required, over 4, ATTRO on 8-12 week of pregnancy (and that a verb are required it is too categorical, shall tell or say - it is desirable...)

2\ age, mass of a body, family history of Diabetum with decision-making on definition of a level of Saccharum of a blood - or during the moment of the reference or manipulation, or screening on gestatsionnyj Diabetum on 24-28 week of pregnancy (the long and tiresome history about national and international reports of carrying out of this or it here begins, not too well worked in our fatherland)

3 \???y?o?a?N an iodide of a potassium (an iodide, iodomarina, vitamins for pregnant women with an iodine) in a dose of 150-200 mkg during pregnancy and feedings.

If there is an endocrine disease UP TO pregnancy, those parameters which are necessary for the given person are considered, and that the spectrum selected or elected by you has no attitude or relation to this problem.

It is difficult to assume, that the mankind spent beshennye babki, investigating or researching all conceivable and inconceivable sets all possible or probable and impossible hormones at thousand women of various masses and races, with the purpose to specify - and how much the hormone floats in its or her blood for 32 day of pregnancy? On 56? On 58 + n...

In the morning, in the evening.... After jog behind trolley bus - before a vomiting - after quarrel with the mother-in-law.... The Endocrine system is extremely dynamical.

And to make so that on osnovnanii obsledovnay all has been guaranteed always idealno-alas, it is simply impossible.

08.05.2005, 09:47
Day kind once again.

shchitovidki I checked hormones few times for pregnancy, all of them were within the limits of norm or rate (if this concept of norm or rate in general exists:)). So on the first item or point at me all OK.

Once, long before pregnancy there were some deviations or rejections.


:rolleyes: Never in family was even a hint on it. Is everyones *quot much; in*quot;, but here Diabetum is not present. We shall lower or omit. Especially you speak time, that the technique has series of roughnesses.

I too consume iodides:). Very much I like an alga all and the Japanese kitchen or cuisine. Absolutely obviously crude fish I do not eat, dry only with smoked ugrem. I think, it is possible.

It is difficult to assume, that the mankind spent beshennye babki, investigating or researching all conceivable and inconceivable sets all possible or probable and impossible hormones at thousand women of various masses and races...

... The Endocrine system is extremely dynamical.

And to make so that on osnovnanii obsledovnay all has been guaranteed always idealno-alas, it is simply impossible.

Here. And I in fact represented it or her as something static, almost constant, unshakable even:). And she has appeared dynamical.

Let's know.

About hormonal researches I have learned or have found out everything, that wanted, thanks

Have remained US, dopler, and prochija:)

Once again thanks for an educational program!

08.05.2005, 09:48
And the child HAS died.

Not without your participation, Mr. Melnichenko.

Well chtozh. I all the same have come to tell or say and to YOU "Thanks".

For your devil-may-care attitude or relation, for your gallant tone, for clever reasonings.

Not all right to open, your merit - is huge.

Know, if you do not know something - sit is better and silent. The layman you in hormones - and tell or say - I do not understand anything in this question - ask another.

BECAUSE if you have worked nevertheless to look at digits of hormones not simply so, to wave away, and with the weekly table in arms or hand, you would notice "something".

That the hydrocortisone _931_ is almost in 2 times (!!!) above norm or rate for 25-26 weeks.

That Progesteronum peer _174 _, in any way does not pull for 25 weeks. At the best - on 17.

Open any textbook for students. Depression or excess of the maintenance or contents of hormones on 30 % is already an occasion to sound alarm. And here 100 % excess.

Chicken-feed what! Sit, mummy, and do not gleam here. All at you is good, do not prevent to work to people.

The child has died on a duration of gestation of 39 weeks. A hypoxia.

Opening has shown a underdevelopment of a placenta. A -placental failure.. That "FPN" about which I also spoke right at the beginning of a topic.

Not without your help, Mr. Melnichenko. Not without your help

08.05.2005, 09:52
It is infinitely a pity to me, Light. It is serious day sv mine zhizni-but it does not cancel written by me earlier. It once again learns or teaches, that virtual consultation does not replace constant medical observation.

Holmanov Victor
08.05.2005, 09:57

I understand you, but even your status does not cancel respect for those who has shown the participation and desire to understand your problem. To be broken on those who was series - does not mean to return. Though speech here should be about other: you have not wanted to answer a question about previous unsuccessful beremennostjah in a topic Why have not found out a hypoxia? http: // forums./showthread.php? p=67545*post67545

Repeated failures and abortion at normal morphology of a fetus and normal job of endocrine system (it is not discussed laboratory diagnostics) - one of displays of a thrombophilia (antifosfolipidnogo a syndrome), and here it and it is necessary to specify to avoid problems in the further.

08.05.2005, 09:59
Spsibo, Tatyana that have returned to this question-th all time I analyze the miscalculations - in fact if Svetlana has not understood written - washing wines.

I think, that my fault was in excessive detailed elaboration of the answer (in effect, I spoke not with concrete Svetlana - I spoke with those who is sincerely convinced, that having combined data *quot; uO??o*quot;, it is possible to receive diagnostically the significant conclusions (and it is far not so).

The ideal answer would be, possibly, much sushe-and quot; there are rules of inspection of pregnant women, there are such references. Concerning or touching all - TTG + ATTRO + screening on Diabetum (24-28 week), all rest - a prerogative of the attending physician as the same parameters can be typical absolutely for different \ statuses.

Light wrote about a hypoxia at the first child - but in that and the problem of today, what is it a status is recorded today at children with such excess....

That else vazhno-it is ridiculous to state the pregnant woman all suspicions and ideas in virtual realnosti-but in real, certainly, it is necessary to mean this sharp rise of a hydrocortisone which Light treats rather unequivocally ... on the future and in fact there is on the Earth an anomaly of adrenal receptors. At which develops transitional kushingoidizm pregnant women - HG serves as the factor starting nadpochesnikovuju adenylatecyclase..

As a whole this virtual consultation the same as also real,-th once again speaks about complexities of dialogue and complexities of decision-making has incorrectly chosen the tonality, for as is punished.