Просмотр полной версии : Inflammatory process of a unknown parentage

04.03.2005, 00:45
Hello! To me 25, since 15 years (a sexual life then did not live yet) gnoevidnye allocation from a vagina, in a smear a plenty of leucocytes (50-60 in sight). Appointed or nominated Metronidazolum and Nistatinum, without results. After casual communication or connection have found a clamidiosis, after course of treatment the analysis was negative. But allocation and have not passed or have not taken place. Appointed or nominated suppositories with Clotrimazolum and syringing by Acidum boricum (according to the doctor later: *quot; I do not know, because of what it, and treatment so, on everyone ??O?a*quot;) . Recently there was a constant partner (each contact strictly with a condom), in a week there was a thrush and a smear same bad. Then the thrush itself has passed or has taken place. In current of last months surveyed on: a clamidiosis, a ureaplasmosis, a mycoplasmosis, a herpes 1-2, tsitomega-lovirus - it is negative. Have made a tank- on body height of pathological flora - all purely or cleanly. Have diagnosed bacteriemic or bacterial vaginoz though key cells have not found. The reason of the high maintenance or contents of leucocytes in a smear and have not found out, again *quot; on everyone ??O?a*quot; have appointed or nominated following treatment: klaritromitsin, metrogil, suppositories with mikozhinaksom and a fluconazole. The same result. It was treated malavitom 5 days (trays or basins and wads, all under the instruction), for 4-th day the strong thrush that should not be in any way has begun. Still available erosion which cannot in any way start to treat because of inflammatory process. And I try to clean or remove it or him 10 years, without results. What will you advise?

30.03.2005, 18:30
Whether is not present at you plentiful monthly? What hemoglobin, syv. Iron, OZHSS?

02.04.2005, 21:28
Would not name monthly plentiful. Though, about 3th years krovatochat gums or gingivas, and cannot find the reason. A hemoglobin always high (110-135). Other parameters never checked.

17.04.2005, 12:32
The bottom border of norm or rate for women 120-123 g/l, constant hemorrhages can lead zhelezodefitsitu, and pr the nem decreases cellular immunity and the some people *quot; i?n??*quot; can recur often. Except for the broken or disturbed immunity, memory, working capacity, a digestive tube, hair, fingernails or nails, integuments and mucous can suffer. Nevertheless it is better peresdat obshch. an .krovi, it is desirable on the automatic device and the decree. bioh. Parameters. In case of detection zhelezodefitsita its or his correction can help or assist to get rid to you from different *quot; ?aa?ON*quot;.

06.05.2005, 07:08
Thanks, Dr. Vad!