Просмотр полной версии : I ask advice or council: Djufaston or Utrozhestan?

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26.01.2005, 06:18
Good afternoon. Very much it would be desirable to hear competent opinion. The doctor has registered Djufaston for 10 days for renewal of a menses. But in Inetrnete it is a lot of reports that this preparation increases or enlarges weight. And Utrozhestan it is better - because he not chemical and natural and the weight from it or him does not increase or is not enlarged. To me 23 years. I all time struggle with excess weight and for me it very much a prominent aspect. Prompt please what of preparations is better or the doctor has appointed or nominated Djufaston because only he can help or assist a problem. (US and all analyses on hormones in norm or rate except for Oestradiolum - he is strongly lowered, the doctor has diagnosed a hypo-ovaria). Very much I hope for your answers.

Thanks. Eve

07.02.2005, 12:24
Both of a preparation are approximately identical on the action. About augmentation of weight at reception Djufastona - I about it or this do not know also I with it or this did not collide or face. And here about expediency of purpose or appointment of one of these preparations for renewal monthly I am not so assured or confident - if Oestradiolum very low it is necessary to appoint or nominate and estrogens, and not just gestageny. Besides at a hypo-ovaria all hormones except for Oestradiolum cannot be in norm or rate.

14.04.2005, 20:34
Quite probably, that who that now will condemn me. But not so long ago for me this question also was actual. That I have found out after long mytarstv.

There was that a firm which is letting out or is releasing Djufaston, zanimaetsja *quot; nO?*quot; doctors, that those would recommend patients Djufaston. (the Information from the checked up sources) .odnako the same doctors, which *quot; O?nOy?n*quot; from Djufastona in private conversation to me have told or said, that on their practical observations preparation Utrozhestan (with it or him they also work, but sovetajut Djufaston) for several reasons is better, including has been noticed, that introduction of women with threat of an abortion (connected with a failure of Progesteronum) on maximal dose Djufastona often came to an end with an abortion, and purpose or appointment Utrozhestana was not accompanied by high percent or interest of discontinuing. Especially Utrozhestan probably to apply both through a mouth, and through sexual ways. Also Utrozhestan possesses small calming or abirritating action.

20.04.2005, 14:17
Irina as in the whole criterion nevynashivanija because of progesteronovoj failures are washed rather away or rather dim, and it is frequent lokalny very much it would be desirable to know about mysterious. The knowledge opened only to you on utrozhestanu and dufastonu-what was design of research where them compared face to face?

27.04.2005, 09:28
Irina as in the whole criterion nevynashivanija because of progesteronovoj failures are washed rather away or rather dim, and it is frequent lokalny very much it would be desirable to know about mysterious. The knowledge opened only to you on utrozhestanu and dufastonu-what was design of research where them compared face to face?

Dear Galina Afanasevna, agrees with you, that criteria nevynashivanija because of progesteronovoj failures are washed rather away or rather dim.

About mysterious, opened or open not only me, I so think, knowledge on Utrozhestanu and Djufastonu I cannot inform a detail to you. But believe to me people who have told it to me known enough and I believe them. There can be I am mistaken, that to them I believe - I do not know to the best it or not. But for me this question till now is interesting and actual. It would be interesting to hear other opinions distinct from what were described by me.

28.04.2005, 08:14
Irina, a question not about respect to ljudjam-if mankind has two similar preparations, applied on one indication sooner or later collects or mountain of the literature on both (so it is possible to compare data even at absence of direct comparison), or are spent face by face researches. Let's glance in medlajn, what there there will be on key slovm-didrogestron, Progesteronum mikronizirovannyj, nevynashivanie??? Also what to do or make, rely on agency OBS? (let even well very dear....)

28.04.2005, 10:01
Dear Galina Afanasevna. By the way, to me bolshenstvo doctors recommend Djufaston.

In what you see the reason in your opinion?

I can not understand in any way, why Djufaston (if both of them identical), instead of Utrozhestan?

In fact it would be possible to tell or say - *quot; Buy or Purchase Djufaston or oOO?N?Oa?*quot;, but why that speak - *quot; Buy or Purchase Djufaston, he ?O??N*quot; .realnaja the history, history particularly with me has occured or happened. What that I have got confused? http: // forum.mamka.ru/html/emoticons/idontno.gif

28.04.2005, 21:51
Dear doctors! At this forum has found a subject in a forum of doctors from YBLOKO where she resulted or brought series of the reasons on which Utrozhestan it is better. And these reasons are important for me - a set of weight and not contribution to deduction of a liquid (as sometimes disturb easy or light;mild edemas). But nobody has responded her. Whether it is valid so?. Once again I wish to tell or say that Djufaston has been appointed or nominated to me that has begun MTS, instead of for conservation of pregnancy. Can in this case he is better. And if it is possible and Utrozhestan that in what dosage? (me it is appointed or nominated Djufaston to 10 days 12 in day). Especially I hope to hear YBLOKO, because she not only the doctor, but also the patient with the same purposes or appointments if I have correctly understood all.

For the Water-melon - thanks you for a prompt reply. But at me ALL is valid!!! Other hormones in norm or rate! And why you so were surprised with purpose or appointment. On the Internet huge quantity or amount of cases are described where do or make provakatsiju MTS Djufastonom or Utrozhestanom. The usual situation seemed to me what is it? If is not present - prompt why purpose or appointment not correct?

Thanks, Eve

28.04.2005, 22:36
For the beginning let's not expostulate on the Internet where any situations are described. At forums, as well as in a real life, often there are cases of erroneous purposes or appointments. But speech not about it or this.

Purpose or Appointment gestagenov can *quot; oU?oaOy*quot; monthly, but will not allow to provide, that they became normal and regular in the further. There is such concept as assay with gestagenami. At its or her carrying out gestagen (any) is appointed or nominated usually no more, than to 10 days. For this time no influence on mass of a body can occur or happen. If to you appoint or nominate djufaston as assay - there are no questions. I try to pay your attention to other aspect - at appreciable depression of Oestradiolum one gestagena not enough to cause or call monthly. Reception of estrogens and gestagenov is necessary. It is necessary to search for the reason of a hypo-ovaria and low urovnaja Oestradiolum, instead of simply to cause monthly.

28.04.2005, 22:45
It is necessary to search for the reason of a hypo-ovaria and low urovnaja Oestradiolum, instead of simply to cause monthly.

Dear Water-melon, thanks you big for the answer. It is assay. And on yours for 10 days not important Djufaston or Utrozhestan if to try to concern seriously to my personal problem of a set of weight (it pravdo very much vazhnodlja me!!!)?

And how to search for the reason? The doctor especially has not stated troubles. Has told or said that when the cycle will begin, then will appoint or nominate any estrogens. And in what the reason - has not responded..:confused:

28.04.2005, 22:50
I have already written, that for assay is indifferent, what is appointed or nominated gestagen. At excess of weight of disturbance of a cycle meet enough often. It is necessary to understand your situation in details, instead of simply to appoint or nominate gestageny and estrogens. By the way, reception of the last actually can lead to augmentation of mass of a body. You could not cite concrete data of hormonal inspection (with norms or rates of laboratory, certainly), and also US, IMT, GCH, index Caro or index HOMA and data of the anamnesis. Whether you addressed to the endocrinologist and what its or his conclusion?

28.04.2005, 22:51
http: // forums./showthread.php? t=10462

My question ostaetsja in force.

28.04.2005, 22:51
By the way, reception of the last actually can lead to augmentation of mass of a body.

Dear Water-melon, thanks, and more - you could not comment on my finds in occasion of estrogens on the Internet?

1. And quot; absence of estrogen and Progesteronum most essentially influences augmentation of mass of a body *quot;

2. And quot; estrogens (including in a combination with progestagenami) slow down augmentation of mass of a body *quot; (the truth there further *quot; in ?O?N?aO?N*quot;:o)

Thanks, Eve

My weight now 52 kg at body height 164. But several months ago was 47. And I did not change a diet and a way of life. Now even on the contrary - it is necessary to limit itself in meal. And more - there was a cellulitis!!! Horror!

28.04.2005, 22:51
Eve, these statements a little that mean and are taken  out of a context.

28.04.2005, 22:51
YBLOKO: And at you a problem with weight. What then to speak about others?!


Basically it can really seem ridiculous, but it is connected with my trade. I the ballerina and 52 for me am a lot of: (. Especially they accrue or increase with awful rate not clearly why. And me as early as years 15 up to pension: (And such rates will dismiss for profneprigodnost:o

Therefore such important question for me hormones and weight and he remains, unfortunately opened or open. Really there is no concrete answer to it or him.

to the Water-melon

Thanks. vobshchem I guessed, what is it not about me, but hoped for a miracle.

to all to me to do or make?

28.04.2005, 22:51
Eve, fatty tkan-a source of hormones, in particular, estrogens. At weight in 47 your kg IMT 17 with small hvostikom the kg \?2, that not very much contributes to normal production of hormones with ovaries and to their normal exchange for peripheries. Alas, there are industrial harmfulnesses, and the ballerina differs on the problems from mother of the-heroine. Segmentary adjournment of a fatty tissue with a fibrosis (that you name tselljulitom-it professionally unpleasantly, but is rather widespread in the nature, alas, eternal charm not is given to all). Yours prof. A problem - (knowingly pension in 45 give), not only joints and bones, but also sexual glands.

Menses regular are important not as an occasion for purchase of a tampax and as reflection of normal cyclic production of hormones - at you this cyclicity is broken or disturbed by virtue of prof. Risks (mass of a body + exercise stresses). In the theory an output or exit is the restore of their shortage, t.e modern OK.-but it not a guarantee of disappearance or eradication of a cellulitis. Here investments in cosmetics. Sense - in absence in the future of problems with a uterus and bones (speech not about traumatic izmenijah joints).

28.04.2005, 22:51
to Galina Afanasevna

Thanks for the answer. But it seems to me that at me all on the contrary MTS has stopped when I have started to add sharply in weight, and was normal earlier, even when tried to throw off diets pair kg from the 47. And from yours words it is possible to draw conclusions, that at me with an increase of mass on the contrary all should improve and improve only!:o

And my former weight just can was norm or rate for my organism and the increase in weight for it or him a shock and an occasion for termination or discontinuance MTS is not clear? Such even in the theory it is possible or probable?

Once again thanks, Eve

Boris VV
28.04.2005, 22:51
Alas, Eve, between a shot and falling is fast communication or connection - and between the causal factor of illness or disease and its or her displays not very much..

But do not forget, that we know about you only that you napisali-and are not present any data that at you, for example, excluded certain primarily endocrine disease.

In a word, it is possible to keep certain time all premlemym, despite of low mass of a body (it is possible to run on red light, not being the brought down machine or car) - and then to receive a problem, but it is possible and on a background nizuoj masses of a body to receive a certain second problem (look or see Prolactinum, TTG. \)

28.04.2005, 22:51
(Look or See Prolactinum, TTG. \)

Thanks, galina Afanasevna.

I do not know what there should be attitude or relation fsg/?u but here data of my analyses. Similar they in norm or rate. And the doctor so has told or said

LH 3.9 ??N/ml (1.9-12.5)

FSH 7.2 ??N/ml (2.5-10.2)

Prolactin 197 ??N/ml (59-619)

TSH 1.3 ??N/ml (0.4-4)

Only Oestradiolum - 30. It is not enough? Or happens less and rescue or save;salvage?

28.04.2005, 22:51
Eve, at least two bolezenej endocrine system which could lead to augmentation of mass of a body, no. I have recollected, that already saw these yours analizy-possibly, in other discussion.

In general, the diet - is more reasonable to accept tsepochku-physical \ deficiency leptina-disturbance ovulatory \menstrual funktsii-depression estrogenov-some increase of mass. +-certain manipulations with alimentary behaviour.

28.04.2005, 22:51
Eve, at least two bolezenej endocrine system which could lead to augmentation of mass of a body, no. I have recollected, that already saw these yours analizy-possibly, in other discussion.

In general, the diet - is more reasonable to accept tsepochku-physical \ deficiency leptina-disturbance ovulatory \menstrual funktsii-depression estrogenov-some increase of mass. +-certain manipulations with alimentary behaviour.

Thanks Galina Afanasevna. I like more in any discussions did not participate:confused:

Well that I do not have two illnesses or diseases. And with a chain like all it is clear except for last two things *quot; some increase of mass. +-certain manipulations with alimentary oNnN??N?*quot;.

It means that depression of estrogens leads to an increase of mass? Then that I have found that in the Internet and addressed the Water-melon - correctly? Or how? Ichto such + - certain manipulations...

Explain., if it is not difficult?

Thanks, Eve

28.04.2005, 22:51
And more, Galina Afanasevna 2 questions if it is possible

1. And what attitude or relation fsg/?u and should be on what it specifies?

2. And what you would appoint or nominate to me treatment (it can and it is not so ethic, but very interestingly and important, otvette please, despite of ethics:o).

28.04.2005, 22:51
*quot; Not about that, Marfa, N?N?y?n*quot;...

You very mechanistically analyze melochi-nprm.. Whether conducts depression of a level of estrogens to an increase of mass of a body, perceiving as absolute true a laboratory unitary parameter and opposing phrases taken  out of a context. We shall try to tell or say tak-the woman for whom ovaries badly work, will be hardly naturally younger and is more harmonous.

It is not necessary to you to dry a head in occasion of parity or ratio \, it or him calculate as an indirect attribute of other disease.

Your analyses you, verojano, already specified in this discussion, is guilty, that has forced to repeat.

Your doctor wishes to spend progesteronovuju assay (here for what stopudovo as the youth is expressed, without a difference utrozhestan or didrogesteron) then to give those or others OK - in view of a trade.

I can anything ddobavit to naznachenijam-I you I see and I can tell or say only, that you have risk factors of disturbances in menstrual function. But is not present either gipotiroza. Nor giperprolaktinemi. A premature attrition of ovaries.

As to alimentary and so forth povedenija-people of your trade can use purgative \ \ vomitive \ stimulators for struggle against mass of a body..

28.04.2005, 22:51
Galina Afanasevna, thanks you big for attention and detailed answers. Indeed, that I *quot; brains ?O?O*quot;. I shall go to be treated. The trade - a trade, and all the same would be desirable children (later). And ZHizel from me it will not turn out any more, -with!:-) (

Once again thanks, Eve

28.04.2005, 22:51
I wish to continue a subject.

For Galina Afanasevny.

I wish to result or bring the link.

http: // www.aif.ru/online/aif //1256/08_01

The subject - To give birth or travail for "recoil"

I result or bring clause or article just in case here.

The ATTITUDE or RELATION of our native medicine to pregnancy and sorts or labors is simply shocking! Doctors often in combination work as agents on diffusion of expensive medicines. So to wait for objectivity from such doctor it is not necessary. About health of future mum and the child of speech is not present. The purpose one - zaterrorizirovat the woman that, crying, frightened or scared, she agreed all for the sake of a birth of the healthy child. And on purchase superdear or superexpensive (on 800 rbl.) vitamin complexes, and on expensive analyses, and on lying down in a pathology of days till 10-14 two-rub or -three times for pregnancy. In fact doctors receive the salary depending on that, how much beds are borrowed or occupied in a hospital. Therefore all of them truths and nepravdami try to lay the woman in a poor hospital!

Once, having listened from next vrachihi "horror story", that supposedly at me the ugly creature of will by all means be born that I do not accept any tablets, I have hardly restrained to not respond her: All this chemistry has been invented any 40-50 years ago. How women of thousand years gave birth or travailled?

I not for that all to force to give birth or travail on 5 and more children. No! The Woman should solve itself how to live and how much to have children. But also the doctor should not stir or prevent, press, force, judge for the decision to become or begin mother once again. And at us doctors have turned from assistants, intermediaries, witnesses of a birth to officials who decide - to allow to give birth or travail to the woman or not. Anastas With e m e n and h and n and, the Oryol region