Просмотр полной версии : Interdictions after lazerokoaguljatsii

25.04.2005, 13:37

Tell or Say, please, what time or temporary restrictions exist after treatment (glandular) erosion shejki uteruses lazerokoaguljatsiej? Through what time interval it is possible to begin:
- To go in for sports (shaping)
- To go to pool
- To take a bath
- To visit or attend a sauna
- To visit or attend a sun deck
- And through what time it is possible to renew the SEXUAL life?

Thankful in advance, Lana

25.04.2005, 17:33
All after a full adhesion - is usual in 4 weeks. After next mens a control colposcopy and decision-making

27.04.2005, 10:47

Thanks big for the answer, but I on some sites read, that far not all is possible after the first menses. So, for example, visiting of pool somewhere recommended to postpone a minimum for 2 months...
Whether so it? With what it can be connected? With microbes in water? And as then in occasion of acceptance of baths.... I very much like them, but I am afraid to do much harm to myself... (((

I shall be grateful for explanatories, Lana

27.04.2005, 12:12
Can be it is necessary ask a question on those sites where you have read through it? My answer does not vary - as soon as all will begin to live, all is possible. Usually heals within 4 weeks. All depends on volume of operation, day of a cycle when it or she was done or made also with statuses of a smear. Usually in a month after operation do or make a colposcopy control and speak has begun to live or not. There are no blind terms, there is personally your term of an adhesion. As soon as will begin to live - all is possible. And if you see inconsistent answers - ask specifying questions to what ovtet you wish to specify. I cannot be responsible for " other sites ".