Просмотр полной версии : mena zamuchili popilomki

23.04.2005, 21:40
zdrastvuyte doktor skajite bivayut li popilomki ili narosti v proxode kichki (anus) u mena bili trechinki, seychas ya obnarujela s pomojyu zarkalo, narostiki, skajite mojet eto bit borodavki i kak ix udalit? ili vilechit???

24.04.2005, 12:16
At detection in a smear method PTSR papillomavirusa or presence of condylomas on genitals or genitalias or in the field of an anus (at carrying out of a colposcopy - under a microscope) complex treatment (immunostimulirujushchee and antiviral) with excision of condylomas during treatment is necessary to spend survey. The infection difficultly gives in to treatment though it is curable. The repeated course in 6-8 months therefore is required. The infection reduces local immunity in a vagina, leading to development of secondary infections (a thrush, bacteriemic or bacterial vaginoz, an itch, unpleasant allocation). Some kinds of this virus can lead to development of cancer diseases shejki uteruses and external genitals. Treatment after detection of an infection is very desirable.

The doctor of the maximum or supreme category -gynecologist- Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.