Просмотр полной версии : The cycle was established or installed 42 45 days

18.04.2005, 06:48
Good afternoon! To me of 25 years. The cycle always was irregular, but last year more or was less established or installed 42 45 days. At the moment last menses was in the extremity or end of January. On US the doctor has seen at me a cyst (" a yellow body ") which should disappear, as he said, after a menses. Except for that by results of analyses at me have found a polycystosis of ovaries, infections: a ureaplasma and HPV. For offensive or approach monthly the doctor has registered to me utrozhestan within 10 days. However after reception of a medicine so anything also has not changed. Whether prompt correctly the doctor has appointed or nominated medicines and that to me to do or make further.

18.04.2005, 15:03
The yellow body is a norm or rate, it speaks about that that the ovulation has occured or happened also a polycystosis is not present. The menses should come itself, utrozhestan in this case it or her only remote. She will come or step, do not worry. The second variant - that there has come or stepped pregnancy