Просмотр полной версии : Endometriosis

28.12.2004, 14:05
Writes to you, 29 years.

Two weeks ago the laparoscopy, a bilaterial cauterization of ovaries, a hysteroscopy with a fractional currettage and a biopsy shejki uteruses have been spent in occasion of: the Genital endometriosis (both ovaries, an adenomyosis, shejki uteruses). Sterilities or barrennesses 1 (7?NO.) NMTS (a dysmenorrhea, a hyperpolymenorrhea). A leukoplakia shejki uteruses. Adherent or adhesive process in a small basin. Fibro-glandular polyp endometrija. (Pipes are passed or taken place;passable at hromosg).

The doctor has appointed or nominated zoladeks a course to 6 months and tsikloferon under the scheme or plan, vitamins and gepatoprotektory.

Whether it is possible to apply zoladeks in my case and to replace it or him with less cheap dekapeptil depot 3,75mg or diferelin, buserellin? OR other tactics is necessary?


17.02.2005, 12:22
Situation very complex or difficult. The doctor should understand, that he wishes to achieve from reception zoladeks and whether he can then *quot; ?aO?O?Oy*quot; a menstrual cycle.

With shejkoj uteruses too it is necessary to solve the problem.

07.03.2005, 08:13
After operative treatment it is necessary to appoint or nominate hormonal therapy. An applied preparation zoladeks one of the best, though also road. Except for specified it is necessary to treat also and an organism as a whole as have eliminated or erased;removed consequence or investigation, but it is necessary to eliminate or erase;remove and the reason.

Anna Krivoruchko
01.04.2005, 18:16
Colleagues, but also Buserelin it is quite good...

Yours faithfully.

07.04.2005, 06:17
Zoladeks on half a year - abruptly to be killed it is possible. Go better to the good center EKO, there usually quite good gynecologists-endocrinologists, it is their diocese.

And a degree of prevalence of an endometriosis what? A histology? And the main thing, spermogramma???:p

07.04.2005, 10:27
Go to the venereologist.