Просмотр полной версии : Whether pregnancy is possible or probable?

04.04.2005, 09:46
At the sexual certificate or act the condom during the moment of an ovulation has torn. While I shka in a bathroom the most part of a semen from me have flowed out (a condom have torn not from above, and sideways). In 8 hours has accepted "postenor" (all as false). Monthly have ended about 5 days ago. Whether pregnancy is possible or probable?

04.04.2005, 16:26
Hello, Irina.
Most likely, pregnancy has not come or stepped. If you correctly accepted postinor and the menses has passed or has taken place typical for you (quantity or amount of days and vydeleny, instead of poor or scanty botched work).
postinor brakes an ovulation, changes normal current of the second phase of a cycle, causes time or temporary atrophic changes in endometrii and breaks its or his ability to implant the impregnated ootid.
If the menses was "unusual" to you, it is better to approach or suit to the gynecologist on consultation and to make the test.
Kuhoreva Tatyana Aleksandrovna, -gynecologist TSIR