Просмотр полной версии : Pozdnii toksikoz beremennosti - eklampsiya.

[TK] George
13.12.2004, 02:32

Vot u menya takoi vopros. Vo vremya vtoroi beremennosti voznik dostatochno slojnui pozdnii toksikoz (u nas v Kanade eto nazuvaetsya PIH - pregnancy induced hypertension), s HELPP sindromom. U menya buli oteki 3 +, povushennoe davlenie (kotoroe dostatochno horosho kontrolirovalos' medikamentozno), buli povushenu fermentu pecheni, snijenu trombocitu, dostatochno vusokii uroven ' belka v moche. Rodu buli prostimulirovanu na 36 nedele, vse proshlo blagopoluchno dlya oboih storon.

Seichas - ya beremenna 3-m rebenkom, kakova veroyatnost ' povtoreniya *quot; ujasa*quot; vtoroi beremennosti, i, esli mojno delat ' chto-to uje seichas (7-ya nedelya) dlya profilaktiki?

O svoem statuse zdorov'ya - absolutno zdorovaya, 32-letnyaya mama, aktivno zanimauchayasya sportom. Pervaya beremennost ' bula bez osobennostei - legkie oteki k koncu beremennosti.

Zaranee ochen ' blagodarna!

Mojno ispol'zovat ' med. terminologiu - 2 vushih med. obrazovaniya.

23.01.2005, 21:10
Excuse, it is possible a question not on a subject?

That 2 maximum or supreme mean honey. Educations?

08.02.2005, 19:24
Excuse, it is possible a question not on a subject?

That 2 maximum or supreme mean honey. Educations?

Eto znachit, chto u menya diplom vracha iz St. Peterburga, Russia i Bachelor of Nursing v Kanade.

25.02.2005, 18:47
The chances of recurrent pre-eclampsia a about 25 %, hovewer the chances of HEELP are only about 1 %. Unfortunately, there is no prophilactic treatment. If preeclamsia develops bed rest and steroids for the baby will be helpfull, bloob pressure can be controled with medications. HEELP is almost always an indication for delivery, as you probably already know.

Good luck.

Eto znachit, chto u menya diplom vracha iz St. Peterburga, Russia i Bachelor of Nursing v Kanade.

30.03.2005, 19:46

ElenaT has very well and briefly stated a position offitsialnoj medicine on PIH.

If you are interested, from neoffitsialnoj (but harmless) medicine can be esteemed about Brewer diet though be cautious - its or her efficiency is not confirmed by clinical researches. However, I think from superfluous eggs and meat neither to you, nor to the child of harm will not be. One more direction is the additive of beet juice in a diet.

Duly also recommend mums in your situation on a regular basis to drink krapivnyj tea and to avoid stimuljantov type of pepper and coffee. If pressure has already started to rise, talk to your doctor about that is crude garlic and a parsley kazhnyj day. If you have a juice extractor, it is very convenient to squeeze out juice of 1 cucumber and 1/2 lemons since morning and to drink - use 2 lemons thus and take a respite for 3 days, continuing to drink cucumber juice.

These references are taken from book Susan Weed - The Wise Woman Herbal, Childbearing Year and can be used to in parallel traditional medicine from the sanction of your doctor. I do not think, that it or he will have a problem that you drink cucumber and beet juice.:-)

31.03.2005, 04:07
Here principles of a healthy delivery during pregnancy are stated:

http: // www.euro.who.int/document/e73182r.pdf

31.03.2005, 05:23
Thanks big for the link, is detailed all is stated. I shall bring to myself in favourites.:-)

Though the majority homebirth midwives and doulas recommend Brewer diet, she does not differ essentially from references the CART, is simple there little bit more eggs and omega-3 fatty acids. The basic difference that the traditional doctor as a rule will not connect or bind PIH and quality of a delivery of the pregnant woman, and midwife first of all will pay attention to this aspect.

Persi Stent
31.03.2005, 05:34
Thanks big for the link, is detailed all is stated. I shall bring to myself in favourites.:-)

Though the majority homebirth midwives and doulas recommend Brewer diet, she does not differ essentially from references the CART, is simple there little bit more eggs and omega-3 fatty acids. The basic difference that the traditional doctor as a rule will not connect or bind PIH and quality of a delivery of the pregnant woman, and midwife first of all will pay attention to this aspect.

Ogromnoe spasibo vsem otvetivshim!!! Ya uje peresmotrela kuchu literaturu i internet-istochnikov po etomu voprosu. Da, ya znau, chto uvelichenie soderjaniya belka v moei diete budet sposobstvovat ' snijeniu faktorov riska. No... zdes' est ' nebol'shoe no. U nas v Kanade seichas stoit absolutno neperinosimaya jara. V takuu pogodu pitat'sya myasom... nu ochen ' tyajelo, da ya putaus' (I am doing my best!), putaus' za schet eggs. V obchem, v hod idut v osnovnom fruktu i ovochi... I da, Vu podmetili absolutno verno - moya midwife (as well as doula) are absolutely adamant about this type of diet. Eche sychestvuet mnenie naschet vit. C and E.

Ya obyazatel'no vse primu vo vnimanie!

Eche raz ogromnoe spasibo!!!

31.03.2005, 05:35
I on your place would make to myself a cold beetroot soup - finely cut salad with addition boiled kroshenogo eggs, and to fill in with broth of a beet. I think, on an Internet there will be a set of prescriptions if is not present family.:-) here to you both an egg, and beet juice, and cucumbers.

Basically, I think if there are 10 eggs in a week + a slice of meat every day in size with a pack + to drink milk fiber at you in a diet will be more than enough. Keep, and success! It is very glad, that at you is both midwife, and doula, it is the good command!