Просмотр полной версии : Pain after the sexual certificate or act at pregnancy

28.12.2004, 18:47
Andrey Bredshtejn (anbredstein@mail.ru) - - ---At my wife 7-th week. Suddenly yesterday at night after the short sexual certificate or act she has complained of any morbid reductions inside of herself. Whether it is connected somehow with pregnancy? And what is it in general means? Yours faithfully, Andrey

01.02.2005, 02:34
Jacob - - ---These sensations are connected with reductions of a uterus which becomes more sensitive at pregnancy. If they quickly pass or take place, the bases for trouble are not present.

31.03.2005, 04:51
Dmitry (sonya_icn@mail.ru) - - ---At the wife 10-th week of pregnancy. Right at the beginning of sexual aktadazhe at preliminary games and laskahona the pain when I enter into it or her feels. Then pains pass or take place. And more such question. On what month of pregnancy it is necessary to be cautious during employment or occupation by sex. In advance we thank for consultation.