Просмотр полной версии : giperprolaktinemija

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11.03.2005, 11:49
To me of 29 years, beremennostej and abortions were not. The cycle up to recent pores was regular.

In November 2002 have stopped monthly and have begun strong enough allocation from a breast. It is diagnosed prolaktinoma.

Hormones shchitovidki in norm or rate, LG and FSG in norm or rate, in 4 times are raised or increased Prolactinum and Oestradiolum.

Now I accept Bromocriptinum of 2,5 mg a day, allocation from a breast have decreased, monthly while is not present, there were fatty adjournment on a stomach or belly (always was thin and now I look or appear as the pregnant woman though the test for pregnancy negative)

I ask to answer my questions:

1. About what speaks raised or increased Oestradiolum?

2. Whether Prolactinum raised or increased in 4 time and Oestradiolum to speak about the come or stepped pregnancy can at the negative test or dough;father-in-law?

3. If is not present, that causes fatty adjournment and only in the field of a stomach or belly?

21.03.2005, 01:20
In itself rising of a level of Prolactinum promotes an obesity at the majority of patients, and treatment bromkriptinom (Parlodelum) leads to depression of mass of a body.

But it is difficult to me to understand, what were absolute levels of Prolactinum PRIOR TO THE BEGINNING OF treatment, whether investigated or researched level TTG why it is diagnosed prolaktinoma (MRT?) what became a level of Prolactinum on treatment?

Sometimes the level of Prolactinum raises or increases at other diseases of a pituitary body, at all prolaktinomah, and thus zabolevnaijah there are problems to mass of a body besides this level raises or increases at reception of some medicines and nakoticheskih substances or alimentary additives.

Try to prepare the answer together vs your doctor.

In total the level of Oestradiolum is less interesting - various variants of the answer to this question here are possible or probable. Let's discuss in the beginning about what I have written earlier.

26.03.2005, 20:17
Thanks for a prompt reply.

Unfortunately I cannot respond at once about digits of Prolactinum (I can write these digits to you later), but precisely I remember that above the top border of norm or rate in 4 times. MRT yet did not do or make, it is appointed or nominated to April, 8th. Treatment I receive since March, 6th, repeated analyses yet did not do or make (I go to the doctor on April, 10th). Any medicines, alimentary additives, narcotics or something or something else, that would increase or enlarge secretion of Prolactinum, I did not accept and I do not accept. TTG in norm or rate.

Excites an adiposity on a stomach or belly.

28.03.2005, 13:54
For prolaktinomy and especially for treatment bromkriptinom such situation is absolutely atypical. Would like to emphasize, that if to consider or count as the top border of norm or rate 600 honey \ml even 4 multiple augmentation, i.e. 2400 - is completely not unequivocal prolaktinoma (this text already for the doctor, instead of for the patient - too longly to tell). For the doctor - whether there is no redistribution of hypodermic Adeps? You should be shown the doctor our correspondence, I am ready to answer those questions which will arise at the doctor.

28.03.2005, 18:23
Whether instead of can give a high level of Oestradiolum such adiposity? How raised or increased Oestradiolum in general influences an organism? (signs, dangers, complications)

I hope for your answer since I the doctor of anything concrete has not told or said in occasion of raised or increased Oestradiolum, and it excites-he me in fact for any reason is raised or increased!

29.03.2005, 04:58
The more Adeps, the there is more than Oestradiolum, but not on the contrary. Besides the technique of definition of Oestradiolum has some problems. Let's make the business decision - everything, that I could tell or say, I have told or said. If you will acquaint YOUR doctor with results of our correspondence, we we can find the decision of a problem and in the virtual world, alternative - internal consultation.

30.03.2005, 08:09
Thanks for the answer, I shall talk to the doctor on reception on April, 10th. Unfortunately, it will not turn out internal consultation, since I live not in Russia.

30.03.2005, 11:03
THEN add conversation by words - with-thit Young and over korizol (F) in daily urine

Artyem Ch.
30.03.2005, 14:33
Uv. The doctor!

At me too giperprolaktinemija! There Were delays monthly and unit of a liquid from mammary glands. Has handed over the analysis, a floor of year back Prolactinum there were more norms or rates twice, drank Parlodelum and bromkreptin on 0,5 tablets for the night... Today has handed over the repeated analysis... Results after a dinner, but I would like to learn or find out that else it is necessary to hand over for such disease? I read that is necessary MRT heads, and konkrenej...

1. MRT glovnogo a brain with 2 measured reconstruction of vessels of a brain?

2. MRT vessels of a brain in 3 measured reconstruction?

3. MRT a pituitary body?

Or it is possible zdat for any of them?....

And if such MRT by means of which it would be possible to learn or find out a status of the brain as a whole, including a problem with giperprolaktinemiej?

I hope for a prompt reply.

P.S. And more I handed over a roentgen of a head... Have found out intracranial pressure, it as that is connected with the given disease? Also has what that value or meaning;importance???

30.03.2005, 17:16
Dostochtimaja Vedmochka!

I remember, that uzhk met this nik in other discussions, and, hence, I can make the conclusion, that you is fragmentary in the given text state to us ONE of problems existing at YOU, not considering it necessary to inform on others - and in fact they can be interconnected.

So, half a year nazal (we shall pay attention, that I have no representation about your age, date of last pregnancy, the way of contraception accepted by you preparations and bioadditives) you have started to receive bromkriptin in occasion of a certain augmentation of a level of Prolactinum (digit you do not inform), an irregular cycle (you do not result or bring its or his characteristic). You also do not inform me of you and YOUR doctor put what PURPOSES for treatment (pregnancy, a regular cycle, liquidation separated). You do not inform in general on how often you check character separated, and whether investigated or researched at YOU level TTG.

Will agree, that there would be too samonadejano for my part something to you to advise.

So, if YOUR purpose does not consist in creation of a collection of researches. Let's think - YOU have a clinical symptom-complex - nereshuljarnyj a cycle - a discharge from thoracal glands. This complex can be display of a lot of the reasons, and the doctor should exclude all of them - from reception of medicines or primary gipotiroeza up to a constant self-palpation of a mammary gland or a polycystosis of ovaries. Moreover, in the theory in general disturbances of a cycle can be connected with one protsessoi, a status of a mammary gland - with another, and the level of Prolactinum actually is normal - is t.n big - prolaktinemija.

Nevertheless with some share of probability it is possible to speak about the most probable situation - functional (idiopathic) galaktoree with disturbances of a menstrual cycle. As on rentgenografiii skulls are not present the big tumour (and augmentation of Prolactinum at YOU insignificant - if to solve YOUR mathematical problem or task and to start with the top border of norm or rate in 700 honey \ml - that 1400 is minimal giperprolaktinemija.

Attributes vnetricherepnoj the hypertensias revealed on the roentgenogram, more than reserve. If you do not plan pregnancy. MRT especially it is not necessary.

Let's continue conversation after YOUR questions.

30.03.2005, 17:39
Uv. The doctor!

Many thanks for the substantial answer also forgive or excuse to me mine nevezhetsvennost in the given questions. postorajus to present your attention a full picture of my illness or disease: So:

To me 22 years, married, the sexual life is not regular, as the husband on frequent business trips.

The first menses in 14 years. Then not was monthly it is almost hollow year, thought, all is what is it normal also will come in norm or rate in current of year. Has come to norm or rate, but not for a long time... Monthly were very much boleznjanymi (down to a loss of consciousness) and irregular, happened time in two, and even three months... Mum has led me in the endocrinologist, we have made uzi where have found out the small sizes of a uterus and the raised or increased level of a man's hormone as at me was ovolosjanenie on man's type (on dummies or papillas and a path from a belly-button to an inguen). And also have told or said, that in me the polycystosis of ovaries which subsequently has simply evaporated (it or him was found out by any uzi and gynecologists). Have appointed or nominated to Diana-35 (I then did not live a sexual life), that *quot; nOa?O?Oy*quot; a uterus and to clean or remove ovolosjanenie. A propyl 3 months, monthly were restored, ovolosjanenie has not passed or has not taken place, the uterus became the normal sizes (according to the doctor). The polycystosis Also has disappeared..

After that it is more to doctors did not address.

After the beginning of a sexual life problems have begun: ovaries hurted or were ill;were sick and have begun strange plentiful allocation of white-muddy color which from time to time caused feeling of a burning sensation and an itch, and from time to time propodali at all. Went to the gynecologist me have treated for cold of the left ovary, and also against a colpitis as contraceptive and simultaneously for normalization of a cycle have appointed or nominated three-. The cycle was adjusted, allocation for a while izchezli, the ovary to hurt or be ill;be sick has ceased. As has stopped to drink three-, monthly again steel not regular All this time were allocation, plentiful is not present. She has addressed to another gineklogu has directed me to hand over a blood on Prolactinum and a roentgen of a head, results:


The device: Cobas Core

Norm or Rate: 1,2-15,5 NG/ML

Result: 32,3

As well as wrote before roentgens has shown inside cranial pressure. The doctor has appointed or nominated to me Parlodelum on 0, 5 t. For the night in current of half a year. And also has started to treat me for an inflammation of ovaries, and also TSMV and ureoplazmy (I also handed over analyses on these infections). Besides it or this she has told or said, that at me an infantile uterus and me massage is necessary, after treatment to me have done 1 course of massage (1-10 mines). After the termination or ending of all course of treatment, allocation izchezli, I continued to accept Parlodelum. In 2 weeks of allocation have again begun and at them has appeared unpleasant has begun to smell. Has handed over analyses on trihomondy, chlamydias, a gonorrhea (all is negative) tlko have been raised or increased lekotsity and mushrooms are found. But my gynecologist has solved that analyses were not correct and most likely on signs at me a Trichomonas, has treated (betadinovye suppositories, Tetracyclinum, Trichopolum, an Efloranum-.) All this in a vagina, and also droppers 4 (Efloranum), tsefozolin (blockade in pipes from an inflammation), except for that intramusculary tsikloferon. Orally: Nistatinum, an Efloranum, Tetracyclinum. After treatment of allocation have disappeared at all. But in 2 weeks there were others white-muddy sometimes with an itch and a burning sensation) the thrush from antibiotics thought, has drunk difljukan 150 mg and was syringed, 2 days were not ANYTHING, and has then appeared again, but already other consistence liquid, without a smell. As has stopped to accept Parlodelum, has gone to do or make repeated analyses:


The device: Cobas Core

Norm or Rate: 1,2-15,5 NG/ML

Result: 45,5

The blood on level TTG did not hand over. Vydeljamoe from only right gland. A tiny droplet of a transparent liquid, and that after long efforts. And from left.

More than was: (To give birth or travail I am not going to, though my doctor advised me, otivirovav, that all my problems both with Prolactinum and with infantilnoj a uterus to be solved. Any more I do not trust her. Also I do not know with whom to consult. Therefore began to search for truths on the Internet. And any other posts except for as under anybody Vedmochka here did not print.

If I napisla much not the information necessary to you, for earlier ask prorshchenija, I simply wished to present you polunju a picture of my present position.

Yours faithfully to you!

30.03.2005, 17:43
Dear Vedmochka!

You have written all very reasonably and let's sum up. The first - giperprolaktinemija really is (so-called *quot; ?nuan*quot; giperprolaktinemija, t.e very small .no real augmentation).

At such digits of Prolactinum the reason of its or his rising can be both functional disturbances. And microadenomas and disturbances likvorodinamiki (an intracranial hypertensia) and pervchnyj a hypothyrosis.

Reception of narcotics and the substances raising or increasing a level of Prolactinum we we can exclude, whether not so?

As you are young, I would advise to spend MRT heads (only be not too frightened words a microadenoma - then I shall explain) and. Certainly, it is obligatory TTG (TSH) bloods.

giperprolatinemiii it is possible to consider or count as consequence or investigation so-called *quot; ??oa?O??y?O?*quot; uterus, and, partly, those attributes of a polycystosis of ovaries which were available also a transparent discharge from a mammary gland.

Vulval or Vaginal allocation are not consequence or investigation giperprolaktinemii.

As you are young, though your vital plans can vary, the normal level of hormones is necessary for you and it is necessary to accept idea of expediency of treatment (I not absolutely understand why you fail to trust to the doctor. But I would like, that the gynecologist was connected to conversation and has helped or assisted us, I think, Jacob or Boris to us will help or assist) after specification of the diagnosis.

Thus the purpose of treatment m.b. Proof normalization of a menstrual cycle and a level of sexual hormones - rough duration of treatment nearby 2 = years, thus if you do not wish to become pregnant, m.b.. More convenient budei reception DOSTINEKSA 0, 5 tab. 2 of time in a week?

If YOU functional disturbances about 30 percent or interests probability, that after 2th years of treatment will be long normal a level of Prolactinum and will not have clinical displays.

30.03.2005, 17:46
Many thanks for a prompt reply!

I do not accept narcotics. And what else substances raise or increase Prolactinum? Considering that I do not smoke (a floor of year has thrown) back and I take alcohol very seldom.

Besides to the doctor I do not trust because... Well I do not know.... Simply purely or cleanly psychologically it seems to me of time she me has not cured of these or thus foolish vydeleny (not clearly what is it)... Whether analyses not correct which have not revealed at me presence, chlamydias, Trichomonases, a mycoplasma, tsmv, ureaplasmas (the last time), whether she is not right.

Each time when she examines me, seeing these or it of allocation at once signs to me a verdict: Chlamydias (Trichomonas) or both that and another. I go I hand over.... Purely or cleanly... Only leucocytes, mushrooms, yeast, slime... She Can certainly and the good doctor, I do not argue.... She has cured me of an inflammation, but here TSMV, ureoplazma???? Can also remains. I corresponded in this occasion with Dr. Dvorjanchikovym, he has allowed to send him smears.... Because at us in city I any more do not know where to hand over to receive the CORRECT diagnosis, instead of easier excuse or help. Only on sending of smears n-th will leave in time

Blood on TTG I shall hand over most likely tomorrow-the day after tomorrow... Before it or this anlizom too it is impossible to eat and drink? And I shall repeat, what from MRT to hand over:

1. MRT glovnogo a brain with 2 measured reconstruction of vessels of a brain?

2. MRT vessels of a brain in 3 measured reconstruction?

3. MRT a pituitary body?

Whether there is what that interdictions before putting off or taking out MRT? Or on the contrary that is desirable that to make, eat to have a drink?

You are certainly right in occasion of restoration of hormonal balance. Because I WISH to have children, if not now so year through 2-3 is exact. But for this purpose I want COMPLETELY will recover. You speak that treatment can 2 years will be prolonged... And in treatment uchavstvujut only tablets or what that still? Certainly I understand, that more less exact correspondence answer you to me can tell or say only after answer MRT and TTG.

I wait for your answers!

Yours faithfully to you!

30.03.2005, 17:46
Well here, I have recollected, where I saw YOURS nik - you correspond with Dvorjanchikovym. It is compelled or forced to disappoint YOU - Mr. Dvorjanchikov, apparently, has no medical education, and its or his diagnosis is always correct - because he the unique and confirms it or him Dvorjanchikov only with the perusals of smears. Ask a moderator on Jacob's gynecology to look or see our correspondence.

MRT only the pituitary body does not exist, the image of vessels also does not represent most likely interest in YOUR case, therefore it is necessary MTG heads (most likely, it it is possible to do without contrasting).

And here the problem or task to recover, and then to give birth or travail.... At giperprolaktinemii it can be an impracticable problem or task. The mankind solves it or her usually so - if there is no macroadenoma (i.e. the BIG tumour of a pituitary body producing Prolactinum) far not always treatment in general is necessary - we shall tell or say. Would be to YOU 51 year we still would think, whether it is necessary to treat in general you - for what? From raised or increased Prolactinum? But so-called *quot; natural ' the woman spent with raised or increased Prolactinum third of life - pregnancy of times in two - three years and feeding in intervals, yes on 10 children - and the cancer of a mammary gland was less often, than now...

Therefore to treat sterility or barrenness, depression of a sexual inclination is necessary only those situations when rising of a level of Prolactinum leads to certain problems - irregular menstruatsiii. If since an early youth to have an irregular menses hardly will be strong by 45 years and so forth

Therefore depression of a level of Prolactinum try to achieve and to restore a regular cycle (I shall notice in brackets, that Parlodelum, dostineks are not hormones). Sometimes after half a year - two years at functional disturbances zabolevnanie disappears. Is much more often we achieve pregnancy, and after pregnancy disease (even if there was a microadenoma - a small adenoma) disappears.

Parlodelum or dostineks can reduce or even completely to destroy adenomas.

To the senior children who have born on treatment by Parlodelum, about 30 years. The preparation is applied in the world from the beginning of 70th years, and our country was one of the first, begun its or his wide use.

Level TTG is not influenced with reception of peep and time of a fence of a blood.

The level of Prolactinum is influenced with fat nutrition, itself) a palpation of a mammary gland, stress, a phase of a cycle, time of awakening. But it is trifles which are essential at more slight increase of a level of a hormone.

30.03.2005, 17:47
Thanks for the substantial answer!

My questions in occasion of what MRT to hand over, were not without justification as in medical center in which I am going to to hand over MRT, there is a price in which as I have written distribution MRT to you, and now I in perplexity, it will be necessary to ask local physicians in that case.

*quot; And here the problem or task to recover, and then to give birth or travail.... At giperprolaktinemii it can be an impracticable problem or task. And quot;

It turns out that I can really fill up series of fruitless women????: (my God, what nightmare!!!! It is necessary urgently it is treated!!!

The doctor, please, be my virtual konstultatntom. I shall hand over MTG, the Blood on TTG and I shall go to the endocrinologist (in fact this doctor is necessary to me?). On results and consultation of the doctor I shall inform you at this forum, it would be desirable that you looked at all from height of your experience and have helped or assisted me together with my doctor.

P.S. In occasion of Dvorjanchikova.... Did not know that it or he does not have medical education. Those nemenee would like to send him smears. And Jacob poporoshu prisoedenitsja to our conversation.

For earlier thanks!

30.03.2005, 17:47
You should not fill up series of fruitless women at all! At giperprolaktinemiii it is easy or light to normalize a level of Prolactinum and, as a rule, it is possible to restore genital function.

I simply emphasized, that the problem or task should not be put so - in the beginning to recover. Then beremenenet. The problem or task very much often is solved so - restoration of a normal level of Prolactinum - pregnancy - remission zabolevnaija (remission means the long period of practically normal status).

Except for that. At times at *quot; soft *quot; giperprolaktinemii it is independent vostanavlivaetsja genital function.

As to correspondence konsulttirovanija, it cannot replace internal, but I shall be glad to help or assist advice or council to you and your doctor. Besides we usually well know regional leaders. Specializing this or that problem.

30.03.2005, 17:47
You have calmed me:)) Thanks. In occasion of regional leaders in the field of endocrinology.... Fine!!!! Very much even it is healthy, if you can recommend to me the good endocrinologist, or the gynecologist in the city of TASHKENT.

30.03.2005, 17:47
M-yes.... As mister Ivanov (that from MIDRossii) would formulate this idea - the city of Tashkent was a place of carrying out 4 congresses of endocrinologists of the USSR. And though from that pore much has changed, we know, that there is an Institute of endocrinology in Tashkent which principal is prof. S.Ismailov. We hope, that the qualified help will be rendered to YOU.

Al ` shevskiy
30.03.2005, 17:47
Many thanks!!! Necessarily obrashus there!

On results I shall inform you!

Yours faithfully!

Ear ring
30.03.2005, 17:47
On the read through discussion I can give following references which have already been sounded:

1. To make MRT heads.

2. To be surveyed on an infection by method PTSR or kulturalnym.

3. To accept Dostineks as it has been told or said by Galina Afanasevnoj.

30.03.2005, 17:47
Thanks for references. But at us in city method PTSR do not survey: (Even in the most abrupt private or individual clinic, let alone state. Method IFA, and what kulturalnyj a method is how much effective?

Yours faithfully to you.

30.03.2005, 17:47
Research by a method the REEF is not informative enough, especially, at use not enough qualitative sets, that often are done or made for depression of the cost price of research. Demands high qualification of the researcher and possesses the certain subjectivity.

So it is better to go to other city where inspection by method PTSR is done or made.

IFA - a blood analysis on antibodies to infections. In itself separately from PTSR this method maloinformativen and only allows to judge with the certain share of probability that the person has had been ill with the given infection. T.o., it is impossible to replace with this method PTSR or the REEF.

Kulturalnyj the method is a crop of a material on special nutrient mediums or mediums on which those or other microbes are well made multiple copies. The method more dear or expensive, than PTSR, demands greater time for reception of result. Therefore this method use only in large laboratories.

It is healthy?
30.03.2005, 17:47
The dear doctor!

Tablets of Bromocriptinum at me have ended on April, 5th, on a background of their reception vydeleny from a breast practically was not, with April, 6th have begun again.

On April, 8th has made MRT. Result:

In the center of a forward share of a pituitary body nodous augmentation in diameter of 9 mm, a signal gipo-and hyperintensive. Also suspicion on a small sphenoidal invasion. :.

Today I was at the doctor, the repeated analysis is appointed or nominated to Prolactinum in 2 weeks (the doctor has told or said that necessarily on a background of reception of a preparation), the repeated analysis also is appointed or nominated to Oestradiolum (the doctor has told or said that any not clear result was last time). Have this time appointed or nominated to make still AKTG and a hydrocortisone (in a blood) and US of a uterus (to look or see thickness mucous to look or see as it is possible to stimulate a menses). While before reception of results of analyses Bromocriptinum in a former dose - 2,5 mg a day is appointed or nominated.

How you can comment on this all?

Yes, last time Prolactinum was 3180 (norm or rate up to 530, I have confused you last time - it is raised or increased not in 4 times and in 6)

Oestradiolum last time was 7342 (at norm or rate up to 1468, unfortunately in both cases I I do not know units of measure)

I hope for your answer

30.03.2005, 17:47
Prolactinum above 3000 honey \ml is already similar on what can be at mikroprolaktinome (a microadenoma developing or producing Prolactinum), but that character of distribution of Adeps which you so emphasize, in absentia (internally, m.b, and it would be possible to reject it), forces to exclude with-thit YOUNG - a microadenoma developing or producing and Prolactinum, and AKTG.

It would seem, very well - YOUR doctor too has appointed or nominated similar researches - a hydrocortisone of a blood and AKTG.

BUT all problem that unitary research of a hydrocortisone of blood neinformativno, also it is necessary or to investigate or research in special conditions a rhythm of secretion of a hydrocortisone (not so it is simple), or to investigate or research daily urine on over a hydrocortisone (that the obedient servant already recommended YOURS).

In AKTG a situation following - methods of its or his definition neidealny and if to do or make. That twice in different days sets IRMA.

Oestradiolum while does not lay down in any way in a pack - I would believe in a mistake or an error of a method (the blessing more likely. Such happens - plus an obesity as the reason of rising of Oestradiolum)

30.03.2005, 17:47
The dear doctor!

Thanks for your answer, tomorrow I go to hand over analyses, we shall look or see, that will be this time.

At me has appeared still to pair or steam voprosov-

1. has spent on drink Bromocriptinum almost without a side effect (pressure few times fell and once there was a nausea), and here the second month is much worse - yesterday there was a low pressure almost midday, today again. Whether It is possible for something to undertake somehow to minimize such action? (according to the doctor all dose - 2,5 mg-I accept for the night)

2. In the beginning of our dialogue you wrote, that some alimentary additives can give rising of Prolactinum. You could not specify which? The matter is that wanted poprinimat a ginseng and vitamins, whether but I do not know it is possible?
