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24.11.2004, 00:51
Good afternoon!

At me secondary sterility or barrenness. After long researches it was possible to establish or install the reason - an obstruction of uterine pipes. Have performed operation on excision of solderings (laparaskopija). After tried zaberemennet natural by. Without results. Were solved on procedure EKO. Were stimulated under the long report. Have selected 8 good embrionchikov, from them 3 have transferred or carried, and 5 have frozen. All procedure went is remarkable, but at carrying out of US during stimulation the doctor ascertained, that one of pipes has strongly opened. More it or this it was not mentioned. Then 2 weeks of long expectations. Result negative. The doctor speaks, that the reason of failure are pipes (it has turned out as effect of washing away of embryoses), and that they need to be deleted (again a laparoscopy). I in rasterjanosti what to do or make? Please, prompt:

1. Whether it is necessary to delete pipes, probably them it is possible to sew up as though (me 29 years).

2. Why the doctor does not consider possible or probable other factors which could lead to failure (what they).

3. Through what time after a laparoscopy it is possible to do or make repeated attempt EKO.

4. I plan to go after operation to sanatorium with genikologicheskim a bias , whether costs or stands.

5. Than carry of embryoses after freezing, both for me and for a fetus, how much or as far as it efektivno is fraught.

In advance thanks.

29.03.2005, 15:56

I think, that it is a question of a sactosalpinx and to remove izmenennnye pipes before repetition of procedure it is necessary. Undoubtedly other reasons of negative result are possible or probable also, but probably it is logical to solve, at least, the revealed problems. To repeat attempt it is possible not earlier than through 3 4 cycles after an operative measure (much is defined or determined by volume of an intervention). Sanatorno-the resort therapy still to that did not harm (certainly if is not present contraindications). Carry frozen emrionov influences only efficiency of procedure (as a rule below in 1, 5 - 2 times than in stimulirovannom a cycle.)