Просмотр полной версии : Polyp of the cervical channel. Some questions

28.03.2005, 09:33
At me a polyp of the cervical channel the doctor has told or said, what is necessary udoljat and has appointed or nominated US with the vulval or vaginal gauge in day when at me should begin monthly, whether it is correct? Tell or say, please, that such poliektomija and what way polyps in my case delete, operation on time how much lasts, whether preliminary preparation and what, whether can come to work next day I, and the main thing as anesthetize is necessary - I very much am afraid. Whether it is possible to carry on imprudence illness or disease during operation on all channel and on a uterus? What treatment nazhno after opratsii. In what clinic it is better to do or make operation? The doctor in consultation has not responded to one question, only shouted and frightened of premature mors, has finished me to a hysterics and has expelled. Please, answer my questions, I very much hope for you. In advance thanks.

28.03.2005, 17:10
Dear Marrying!
The polyp shejki uteruses is a good-quality tumour of a mucosa. Usually the polyp is visible at survey shejki uteruses in mirrors and does not demand US of diagnostics. The US is done or made for exception of a pathology of a uterus and ovaries. Optimum time - the first days after a menses. Excision of a polyp is made in conditions of a hospital, the general or common narcosis is done or made and the currettage shejki uteruses and uteruses (separately) is made. "Raznesenie" diseases it is excluded. After reception of results of histological research hormonal treatment is usually appointed or nominated to 3-6 months.

The doctor of the maximum or supreme category -gynecologist- Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.