Просмотр полной версии : Impossibility to become pregnant.

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21.09.2004, 08:44
Elena (lena@tesko.ru) - - ---We with my young man to me 23 years, to him 28 already almost 10 months. All this time a sexual life we lived openly, not being protected at all. We very much want the child, but till now I cannot become pregnant, in spite of the fact that sexual certificates or acts occured or happened and in so-called dangerous days. You could not prompt: 1. Whether it is necessary to worry, what for 10 months there was no conception since I know what is it still not term for trouble usually should pass or take place, on an extreme measure, year-two? 2. What role the group of a blood at me II group of a blood plays a rhesus negative, at it or him - IV, a rhesus positive? 3. Explain please, what such incompatibility of partners in what she is expressed and how she vlijat on conception of the child? 4. And, the last could not tell more precisely as to construct the schedule of the ovulation, more favorable days for conception?

07.01.2005, 00:39
Cordoba Vega Marina Eduardovna (alians-2000.mtu-net.ru) - - ---At us with the second husband is not present children. With the first husband at me too it was not long children, but I have gone to genikologu and in me have found out, that there is no process of an ovulation though female weeks come in due time. Teiper to me hotelov the nobility, that to me it is necessary to do or make to have the second child. Me treated on Cuba and I do not remember, what medicines for this purpose are necessary.

29.01.2005, 23:09
Boris Kamenetsky (Bk528811) (boris@bk3298.spb.ed) - - ---Uv. Elena! Under the order I shall answer your questions: 1. Whether it is necessary to worry, what for 10 months there was no conception since I know what is it still not term for trouble usually should pass or take place, on an extreme measure, year-two? Absence of pregnancy within a year already is an occasion for trouble and the beginning *lt; A HREF = and quot; http: // www.chat.ru / ivf_spb/inf_pat.htm*quot; TARGET = and quot; _top*quot; *gt; complex i??Nnoa??n*lt;/A*gt; 2. What role the group of a blood at me II group of a blood plays a rhesus negative, at it or him - IV, a rhesus positive? For conception - any 3. Explain please, what such incompatibility of partners in what she is expressed and how she vlijat on conception of the child? Incompatibility happens the most different:, we shall admit or allow psychological: or still any. If to speak about genesial function have in view of - immunologic more often. Carrying out *lt; A HREF = and quot; http: // www.chat.ru / ivf_spb/inf_pat.htm*quot; TARGET = and quot; _top*quot; *gt; complex i??Nnoa??n*lt;/A*gt; allows to reveal all the reasons. 4. And, the last could not tell more precisely as to construct the schedule of the ovulation, more favorable days for conception? Measurement of basal temperature is not the most exact method of definition of an ovulation. More informative is carrying out of ultrasonic monitoring Yours faithfully *lt; A HREF = and quot; http: // www.chat.ru / ivf_spb/boris.htm*quot; TARGET = and quot; _top*quot; *gt; k.m.n. B.Kamenetskij*lt;/A*gt; the doctor the -gynecologist *lt; A HREF = and quot; http: // www.chat.ru / ivf_spb*quot; TARGET = and quot; _top*quot; *gt; the International Center Genesial iNn???U*lt;/A*gt;, St.-Petersburg. E-mail: *lt; A HREF = and quot; mailto: boris@bk3298.spb.edu*quot; *gt; boris@bk3298.spb.edu *lt;/A*gt;

01.03.2005, 18:42
Boris Aleksandrovich (Bk528811) (boris@bk3298.spb.ed) - - ---Uv. Vega Marina Eduardovna! As well as the previous report I recommend you to spend *lt; A HREF = and quot; http: // www.chat.ru / ivf_spb/inf_pat.htm*quot; TARGET = and quot; _top*quot; *gt; complex i??Nnoa??N*lt;/A*gt; since, unfortunately, the reason described by you far not unique. Yours faithfully *lt; A HREF = and quot; http: // www.chat.ru / ivf_spb/boris.htm*quot; TARGET = and quot; _top*quot; *gt; k.m.n. B.Kamenetskij*lt;/A*gt; the doctor the -gynecologist *lt; A HREF = and quot; http: // www.chat.ru / ivf_spb*quot; TARGET = and quot; _top*quot; *gt; the International Center Genesial iNn???U*lt;/A*gt;, St.-Petersburg. E-mail: *lt; A HREF = and quot; mailto: boris@bk3298.spb.edu*quot; *gt; boris@bk3298.spb.edu *lt;/A*gt;

16.03.2005, 00:54
Alain (dmedvedev@mtu-net.ru) - - ---Dear Boris Aleksandrovich! You, that such could not tell a syndrome of an empty follicle. Whether there is he constantly or it is accident in some cycles? It is possible di on UZM to distinguish empty folllikul from a follicle with an ootid? How treat this syndrome? Thankful in advance for the answer. Alain

16.03.2005, 04:33
Boris Kamenetsky (Bk528811) (boris@bk3298.spb.ed) - - ---Uv. Alain! You, that such could not tell a syndrome of an empty follicle. Whether there is he constantly or it is accident in some cycles? The syndrome of an empty follicle is an absence of an ootid in a follicular liquid after an aspiration of a follicle. As a rule it is connected with nesotvetstviem between time of an aspiration and peak LG. Such situation meets at an induction of a superovulation application of a combination antiestrogenovklomifentsitrat and Gonadotropinums is more often. At application of schemes or plans such situation meets agonists GnRG extremely seldom and is usually connected with disturbance of the scheme or plan of an induction of a superovulation. Besides it is described genetically caused SPF then there is a question on donor programs, and at last SPF it is described at carrying out of an induction of a superovulation and not diagnosed pregnancy of early term It is possible di on UZM to distinguish empty folllikul from a follicle with an ootid? Is not present As treat this syndrome? Sm above Yours faithfully *lt; A HREF = and quot; http: // www.chat.ru / ivf_spb/boris.htm*quot; TARGET = and quot; _top*quot; *gt; k.m.n. B.Kamenetskij*lt;/A*gt; the doctor the -gynecologist *lt; A HREF = and quot; http: // www.chat.ru / ivf_spb*quot; TARGET = and quot; _top*quot; *gt; the International Center Genesial iNn???U*lt;/A*gt;, St.-Petersburg. E-mail: *lt; A HREF = and quot; mailto: boris@bk3298.spb.edu*quot; *gt; boris@bk3298.spb.edu *lt;/A*gt;

16.03.2005, 19:43
Natasha (stress@aaanet.ru) - - ---the Dear doctor! We live with the husband of 10-years, here 7-years we are treated for sterility or barrenness. First longly could not cure at me an inflammation, and at the husband spermogramma was bad. Hypo-ovarias an anovulation, ILF immunologic incompatibility have then diagnosed. It has been spent laparaskapija, with - passage of pipes all by way of. And here have appointed or nominated IISM. The second attempt in what has not resulted or brought at stimulation ripens 4 domenantnyh a follicle. The doctor I lose hope!!! What do or make in those cases when IISM does not help or assist how to become pregnant???

17.03.2005, 22:38
Nastja - - ---Dear Natasha! Very much it would be desirable to learn or find out-why four domenantnyh follicles not enough for positive take IISM. In fact, how much or as far as I understand, enough one ootid.

18.03.2005, 11:21
popenko (E-mail:mercury@sbtx.tmn.ru) - - ---Dear Natasha to lose hope in my opinion early. Under such short information it is very difficult to give any conclusions. In my opinion it is necessary for you will address in one of the centers engaged auxiliary genesial technologies for carrying out of complex inspection. Probably carrying out of treatment by method EKO is required to you. Yours faithfully medical director of the International center of genesial medicine Merkury of Tyumen of Popenko E.V. E-mail: and lt; A HREF = and quot; mailto:mercury@sbtx.tmn.ru*quot; *gt; mercury@sbtx.tmn.ru*lt;/A*gt;

18.03.2005, 21:57
Boris Kamenetsky (Bk528811) (boris@bk3298.spb.ed) - - ---Uv. Natasha! Except for that that at an induction of an ovulation at you 4 dominant or prepotent follicles have defined or determined, the second important detail - they should also proovulirovat t.e.iz them there should be an ootid. Besides it is known not less than 20 reasons of sterility or barrenness and as doctor Popenko for statement of the exact diagnosis recommends is necessary to pass or take place *lt; A HREF = and quot; http: // www.chat.ru / ivf_spb/inf_pat.htm*quot; TARGET = and quot; _top*quot; *gt; komplesnoe i??Nnoa??N*lt;/A*gt; in specialized *lt; A HREF = and quot; http: // www.chat.ru / ivf_spb/index.htm*quot; TARGET = and quot; _top*quot; *gt; N?OON*lt;/A*gt; on treatment of sterility or barrenness. Yours faithfully *lt; A HREF = and quot; http: // www.chat.ru / ivf_spb/boris.htm*quot; TARGET = and quot; _top*quot; *gt; k.m.n. B.Kamenetskij*lt;/A*gt; the doctor the -gynecologist *lt; A HREF = and quot; http: // www.chat.ru / ivf_spb*quot; TARGET = and quot; _top*quot; *gt; The international Center Genesial iNn???U*lt;/A*gt;, St.-Petersburg. E-mail: *lt; A HREF = and quot; mailto: boris@bk3298.spb.edu*quot; *gt; boris@bk3298.spb.edu *lt;/A*gt;

19.03.2005, 16:31
Tatiana - - ---Dear doctors! 4 months ago did or made EKOIKSI. From 10 mature ootids 6 embryoses, 4 prisadili have turned out, and 2-have stopped the razvitiena what day I do not know, I know precisely, that for 4 day they developed normally. In 2 hours after podsadki at me the temperature up to 37.3 has risen and kept before monthly. You could not answer questions: 1. Whether this temperature could cause what embryoses have not got accustomed? 2. Why embryoses have stopped the development? And more one moment. At me SPKJA.Vrach suggests to do or make a laparoscopy. At the husband aktivnopodvizhnyh spermatozoons that of 13 %, 23 %. Whether we can zaberemennet natural by after a laparoscopy? In advance many thanks for the answer.

19.03.2005, 21:44
Boris Kamenetsky (Bk528811) (boris@bk3298.spb.ed) - - ---Uv. Tatyana! 1. Whether this temperature could cause what embryoses have not got accustomed? A fervescence at carrying out of final stage EKO probably to explain purpose or appointment of Progesteronum, and if it so this circumstance has hardly affected or influenced an outcome of procedure 2. Why embryoses have stopped the development? At carrying out of an induction of a superovulation, in difference from a natural cycle, receive more than one ootid and quality of the received ootids and then embryoses can be various. For this reason of embryoses observe some day and only then perengosjat in a cavity of the uterus the best is available in view of morphological characteristics. The part of ootids can will not be impregnated in general. And the stopping in development is a similarity of natural selection, i.e. impractical embryoses stop at the earliest stages of the development And more one moment. At me SPKJA.Vrach suggests to do or make a laparoscopy. At the husband aktivnopodvizhnyh spermatozoons that of 13 %, 23 %. Whether we can zaberemennet natural by after a laparoscopy? I believe, that an operative measure, spent to you as will not affect or not have an effect parameters spermogrammy your spouse. Parameters spermogrammy, resulted or brought by you, are lowered, however absolutely there is no I cannot tell or say Yours faithfully *lt; A HREF = and quot; http: // www.chat.ru / ivf_spb/boris.htm*quot; TARGET = and quot; _top*quot; *gt; k.m.n. B.Kamenetskij*lt;/A*gt; the doctor the -gynecologist *lt; A HREF = and quot; http: // www.chat.ru / ivf_spb*quot; TARGET = and quot; _top*quot; *gt; the International Center Genesial iNn???U*lt;/A*gt;, St.-Petersburg. E-mail: *lt; A HREF = and quot; mailto: boris@bk3298.spb.edu*quot; *gt; boris@bk3298.spb.edu *lt;/A*gt;

20.03.2005, 00:33
Tatiana - - ---Dear Boris! Many thanks for the answer. The operative measure is natural, that, spent to me will not affect or not have an effect parameters spermogrammy the spouse. Me interests here that - whether after the spent laparoscopy it will be possible zaberemennet natural by with such parameters or only EKO. Whether T.e.pomogaet a laparoscopy?

20.03.2005, 01:32
Boris Kamenetsky (Bk528811) (boris@bk3298.spb.ed) - - ---Uv. Tatyana! In this situation all will depend from, received at d.laparoskopii, data. B.Kamenetsky

20.03.2005, 02:08
anonimus - - ---At me the female voice, in a figure too is something womanly, vegetation on a body rare or infrequent, but in the rest I healthy polnotsenyj the man. One year ago married. Mother of my wife before wedding has come out with the assumption, that at me can not be children, than I have lethally frightened the daughter Under the request of the wife right after weddings have made spermogrammu. The result good, repeated is even better a potency too in norm or rate. The wife too has passed or has taken place every possible checks - result is completely healthy. But for a year has not become pregnant yet and still considers or counts, that I am guilty. What I should check up in connection with the above-named features? Whether there can be, what vovsem povinna only its or her alarm and when she will calm down and will be convinced, as I am healthy our dream will be carried out? Thanks

20.03.2005, 02:11
DJM - - ---Oh these mothers-in-law!!! And you listen less delirium of everyone. Know how much stupid people on light! Here now heads treat.

20.03.2005, 02:18
Boris Kamenetsky (Bk528811) (boris@bk3298.spb.ed) - - ---Uv. Anonimus! DJM it is absolutely right, however absence of pregnancy within a year is an occasion for the beginning carrying out *lt; A HREF = and quot; http: // www.chat.ru / ivf_spb/inf_pat.htm*quot; TARGET = and quot; _top*quot; *gt; complex i??Nnoa??n*lt;/A*gt; since, specified DJM the reason can appear far not unique. Yours faithfully *lt; A HREF = and quot; http: // www.chat.ru / ivf_spb/boris.htm*quot; TARGET = and quot; _top*quot; *gt; k.m.n. B.Kamenetskij*lt;/A*gt; the doctor the -gynecologist *lt; A HREF = and quot; http: // www.chat.ru / ivf_spb*quot; TARGET = and quot; _top*quot; *gt; the International Center Genesial iNn???U*lt;/A*gt;, St.-Petersburg. E-mail: *lt; A HREF = and quot; mailto: boris@bk3298.spb.edu*quot; *gt; boris@bk3298.spb.edu *lt;/A*gt;

20.03.2005, 02:23
Ira - - ---Dear Boris! I have a girlfriend, to her is fast 30, at it or her never was monthly. Only after reception contraceptive -in were any allocation. When to her was 18, and she has come on reception to the doctor to her have told or said that about children can forget. She certainly strongly was upset. Now she has started to deal with closely the problem, and after delivery of the certain analyses to her have told or said that she basically can bear or take out the child himself, but... Another's as ootids her to not receive because of a pathology of ovaries. It or she does not have opportunity to ask such question on the Internet how is at me, and I wish you to ask, the probability of that is how much great that she will become pregnant with a donor embryos and whether were in yours pratike such cases, and can eat even probability to have the children? In advance thanks for the answer!

20.03.2005, 02:25
Boris Kamenetsky (Bk528811) (boris@bk3298.spb.ed) - - ---Uv. Irina! The probability of that is how much great that she will become pregnant with a donor embryos and whether were in yours pratike such cases, and can eat even probability to have the children? The first successful experience of application of donor programs programmydonorsvo ootids, C materinsvaosushchestvlen in *lt; A HREF = and quot; http: // www.chat.ru / ivf_spb*quot; TARGET = and quot; _top*quot; *gt; the International Center of Genesial Medicine, -ANONOiOOu*lt;/A*gt; Now efficiency of these programs not below 40 % Yours faithfully *lt; A HREF = and quot; http: // www.chat.ru / ivf_spb/boris.htm*quot; TARGET = and quot; _top*quot; *gt; k.m.n. B.Kamenetskij*lt;/A*gt; the doctor the -gynecologist *lt; A HREF = and quot; http: // www.chat.ru / ivf_spb*quot; TARGET = and quot; _top*quot; *gt; the International Center Genesial iNn???U*lt;/A*gt;, St.-Petersburg. E-mail: *lt; A HREF = and quot; mailto: boris@bk3298.spb.edu*quot; *gt; boris@bk3298.spb.edu *lt;/A*gt; At the link to the information received on our site, primary consultation of patients is spent free of charge!

20.03.2005, 02:27
Lorans - - ---Natasha to lose hopes really while very much early. In fact chances to become pregnant at IISM start to fall only after 4-th attempt! Really your doctor has not informed on etomu to an occasion. I very much understand you, but when live with the diagnosis sterility or barrenness it is necessary to be reserved by greater or big courage and patience and to not lose at all hope .i it is desirable to do or make a monthly break between attempts.

20.03.2005, 02:28
anonimus - - ---Tell or Say please what there can be a reason of not explainable sterility or barrenness. Well if all at pair have checked up also absolutely any otklonenyj have not found. Speak, that the reason can be that I very strongly wish to become pregnant and literally from first months of attempts has started to experience in occasion of possible or probable failure. But on what experiences can affect or influence: on hormones? - under analyses they in full norm or rate, on quality jaitsikletki, on implantation? Whether the science recognizes this phenomenon and as it or him explains. But as to me to not experience, if I try year, one of these days to me it was executed 30, and everywhere write, that after 30 to become pregnant much more difficultly. I live with sensation of a relentless clockwork. What to do or make? Yours faithfully

20.03.2005, 02:28
Boris Kamenetsky (Bk528811) (boris@bk3298.spb.ed) - - ---Uv. anonimus! Tell or Say please what there can be a reason of not explainable sterility or barrenness. Well if all at pair have checked up also absolutely any otklonenyj have not found. Inexplicable or idiopathic sterility or barrenness - this diagnosis is competent, when all accessible methods of diagnostics are used also the reason it was not possible to reveal. From this definition becomes clear, that the above the level of equipment of medical establishment, the is less often put the similar diagnosis, therefore the first factor which is necessary for estimating or appreciating in this situation is a level of equipment and specialization of establishment, and also qualification of experts. Speak, that the reason can be that I very strongly wish to become pregnant and literally from first months of attempts has started to experience in occasion of possible or probable failure. But on what experiences can affect or influence: on hormones? - under analyses they in full norm or rate, on quality jaitsikletki, on implantation? Whether the science recognizes this phenomenon and as it or him explains. But as to me to not experience, if I try year, one of these days to me it was executed 30, and everywhere write, that after 30 to become pregnant much more difficultly. I live with sensation of a relentless clockwork. What to do or make? To not consider psychological sostavljashchuju, naturally, it is impossible. Cases when after long sterility or barrenness spouses took on education of children from children's home are described than removed or took out the psychological factor and in some months there came spontaneous pregnancy. However before to consider or examine;survey this factor as the leader, I recommend to estimate or appreciate objectivity of the spent inspection once again. Considering the psychological factor, in the developed countries many women address to the psychotherapist. In *lt; A HREF = and quot; http: // www.chat.ru / ivf_spb*quot; TARGET = and quot; _top*quot; *gt; the International Center Genesial iNn???U*lt;/A*gt; Every Saturday on preliminary record free of charge conducts reception the doctor-psychotherapist Yours faithfully *lt; A HREF = and quot; http: // www.chat.ru / ivf_spb/boris.htm*quot; TARGET = and quot; _top*quot; *gt; k.m.n. B.Kamenetskij*lt;/A*gt; the doctor the -gynecologist *lt; A HREF = and quot; http: // www.chat.ru / ivf_spb*quot; TARGET = and quot; _top*quot; *gt; the International Center Genesial iNn???U*lt;/A*gt;, St.-Petersburg. E-mail: *lt; A HREF = and quot; mailto: boris@bk3298.spb.edu*quot; *gt; boris@bk3298.spb.edu *lt;/A*gt; At the link to the information received on our site, primary consultation of patients is spent free of charge!

20.03.2005, 02:28
MARIA - - ---Dear Boris Aleksandrovich! Whether the interval in 9 days after an ovulation before the next menstrual cycle Is sufficient that there was a conception?

20.03.2005, 02:28
Boris Kamenetsky (Bk528811) (boris@bk3298.spb.ed) - - ---*lt;!-NOTE: Message edited by ' bk528811 '-! And gt; Uv. MARIA! Digits in application to an organism always a thing rather relative. In textbooks on gynecology the second phase of a menstrual cycle less than 12 days are considered duration insufficient. Yours faithfully *lt; A HREF = and quot; http: // www.chat.ru / ivf_spb/boris.htm*quot; TARGET = and quot; _top*quot; *gt; k.m.n. B.Kamenetskij*lt;/A*gt; the doctor the -gynecologist *lt; A HREF = and quot; http: // www.chat.ru / ivf_spb*quot; TARGET = and quot; _top*quot; *gt; the International Center Genesial iNn???U*lt;/A*gt;, St.-Petersburg. E-mail: *lt; A HREF = and quot; mailto: boris@bk3298.spb.edu*quot; *gt; boris@bk3298.spb.edu *lt;/A*gt;

20.03.2005, 02:28
Anna Zadorova (alex_inet@mailru.com) - - ---Dear Boris Aleksandrovich! To Me diagnosed primary sterility or barrenness on the ground that within a year I could not become pregnant. At use klostelbigita and HG there was a pregnancy which has ended with an abortion on 11 week. Now the basal temperature does not raise or increase above 37 S.Beremennost does not come. What can you advise? Many thanks.