Просмотр полной версии : Purulent mucous allocation

18.03.2005, 15:20
Help or Assist, I do not know what to do or make! To me 25 years, the virgin, from a vagina go purulent mucous allocation, without a smell, disturbance of an emiction and pains during it or him is not present. But there are pulling link sided back pains, and a stomach or belly vzulsja. One month ago handed over the analysis wet also the bloods, no changes existing. And pains vpojasnitse already almost half a year. Well and now still and allocation! Hotele to go to the gynecologist, and there record for a week forward. What with me? HELP or ASSIST, PLEASE!

Habit Galina
19.03.2005, 16:05
prochtite, please, my answer to Irina (in occasion of kandilom). At classical homeopathic treatment the individual preparation corresponding or meeting not only those complaints which you have now designated, but also to your sincere, emotional status steals up. Think, can be to you it is necessary to address to a classical homeopathist.