Просмотр полной версии : Chronic salpingo-oophoritis.

10.10.2004, 05:34
Tatyana - - ---Prompt please how the CHRONIC infection is treated? Streptococcuses, mycoplasmas, ureaplasmas are found out. Whether antibiotics are effective? In fact streptokokkki you will not exhaust up to the extremity or end?

18.11.2004, 08:35
Inna - - ---whether Is possible or probable pregnancy at the diagnosis hr.dvustoronny salpingoofrit., whether to be treated it or already everything, for all remained life??

12.01.2005, 02:46
(A water-melon) - - ---Tatyana. In the given situation necessity of treatment depends not so much on presence of the revealed infections, how much from your complaints, the transferred or carried diseases and other factors. Antibiotics are effective. But they cannot be appointed or nominated without the real bases and the account of some factors. Your attending physician should solve a question on concrete treatment. In absentia treatment is appointed or nominated cannot be. To Inna. The chronic salpingo-oophoritis at all is not a synonym of sterility or barrenness. Also there is he much more often, than sterility or barrenness. As in the previous question, necessity of treatment depends not so much on presence of the diagnosis which is sometimes put and it is erroneous, and from presence and a degree of an expression of complaints. In general, it would be desirable to notice, that recently, with the advent of and a wide circulation of high-strung or highly sensitive methods of diagnostics, treatment quite often began to be appointed or nominated unreasonably. Especially it concerns or touches so-called rigid schemes or plans of an antibioticotherapia. Such tactics a little that gives for simplification of a status of the patient, but causes pojavljaenie others, it is even more difficult curable diseases.

10.03.2005, 12:21
Sergey Vjacheslavovich (s_shtyrov@mtu-net/ru) - - ---to All participants of discussion. One of the most liked diagnoses of doctors-gynecologists of a primary part female consultations, out-patient departments, etc., at presence of the some people siptomom a general plan - just also is a chronic salpingo-oophoritis. The question is set interestingly and correctly. But.... In 1989 on our faculty we have analysed the data received at a laparoscopy at patients, entered our clinic with the diagnosis a chronic salpingo-oophoritis. Naturally, accompanying complaint was - sterility or barrenness. It was found out, that concurrence of the primary diagnosis and the diagnosis after a laparoscopy and here he is put on the basis of visual revealing solderings between organs small tazasostavljaet only 40-50 %. On other share other diseases have. The resume: unequivocally objectively to answer a question on a status of organs of a small basin, to correct available disturbances it is possible only during a laparoscopy. To my big regret, neither usual survey on an armchair, nor the US, etc. cannot put with absolute or hundred-percent reliability or ikljuchit the diagnosis a chronic salpingo-oophoritis Sergey Vjacheslavovich

12.03.2005, 12:34
Tatyana - - ---Thanks big to Jacob and Sergey Vjacheslavovichu for the answer! Complaints just special are not present. Periodically there is a pain in the left or right inguinal area, not acute, pulling. On US - dvustorony a hydrosalpinx did or made several months ago. Antibiotics to drink I do not want, because I consider or count, that they help or assist for very small time, and then all can renew again, as well as any chronic infection. One business - if a gonorrhea then it or her to hammer that did not appear is more. And when all it, is not clear that, do not know what to do or make.

13.03.2005, 06:45
V.Dvorjanchikov (dvorianchikov@mail.ru) - - ---to Sergey Vjacheslavovichu. To reject the diagnosis a chronic salpingo-oophoritis only on the basis of absence of solderings? It is fresh! Solderings, more likely, an attribute of a clamidiosis, that not bad correlates with your statistics. To Tatyana. You are not absolutely right. If to judge on a parity or ratio of primary and repeated references or manipulations, later 3 months or are longer after a medical course, up to 10 % infected by ureaplasmas, really, cure antibiotics. On chlamydias the statistics is approximately twice worse. And mycoplasmas - in general business dark. To cover gonreju it is the most easier, having picked up any infection more abruptly:-.

13.03.2005, 14:38
Boris Kamenetsky (Bk528811) (boris@bk3298.spb.ed) - - ---to Mr. Dvorjanchikovu To reject the diagnosis a chronic salpingo-oophoritis only on the basis of absence of solderings? And why also is not present. If to me does not change memory in the simplified kind in a course of pathological anatomy it is mentioned, that after alteration the organization always follows, i.e. the damaged or injured functional tissue is replaced connecting, and as the damaging or injuring agent chemical, thermal, microbiological factors including your liked chlamydias With uv can act. B.Kamenetsky

13.03.2005, 16:37
Olga - - ---Hello! To Me have diagnosed hr. A salpingo-oophoritis and adherent or adhesive process in a small basin. At the left the ovary is soldered on a rib of a uterus, on the right - in an angle of a uterus, the uterus is displaced to the left. From every possible infections only a bacterial vaginosis. Some months I can not become pregnant. It would be desirable to learn or find out, through how much months of attempts to become pregnant and what it is necessary to do or make GSG, the laparoscopy, or with such diagnoses not beremennejut and me even to try it is not necessary to lose time only?, and at once to begin treatment besides what?. Thanks.

13.03.2005, 17:01
V.Dvorjanchikov (dvorianchikov@mail.ru) - - ---to Mr. Kamenskomu. With the same success the organization it is possible to consider or count and any oncologic process. By the way, both that and another gomeopaticheski is treated up to suspiciousness is similar. The low level of diagnostics UGI does not allow to approve or confirm, that chemical or thermal influences are capable to cause solderings independently: these factors influence too shortly to support or maintain spaechenyj process. It is more reasonable to assume, that their presence leads microbiological disbalansu. For the same reason there are no bases to approve or confirm, that any infection capable independently to support or maintain an inflammation of appendages, leads adherent or adhesive izmeneijam. IMHO, the -mecotic infection is necessary for development of adherent or adhesive process sochetannaja. However, Trichomonases practically always accompany chlamydias that is why can appear niprichem.

|Egor |
13.03.2005, 17:02
Boris Kamenetsky (Bk528811) (boris@bk3298.spb.ed) - - ---Uv. Olga! It is the most logical to find out for the beginning the reason of sterility or barrenness, i.e. to spend *lt; A HREF = and quot; http: // www.chat.ru / ivf_spb/inf_pat.htm*quot; TARGET = and quot; _top*quot; *gt; complex ????Nnoa??N*lt;/A*gt;, which will allow to estimate or appreciate objectively a situation and to appoint or nominate corresponding or meeting treatment. Yours faithfully *lt; A HREF = and quot; http: // www.chat.ru / ivf_spb/boris.htm*quot; TARGET = and quot; _top*quot; *gt; k.m.n. B.Kamenetskij*lt;/A*gt; the doctor the -gynecologist *lt; A HREF = and quot; http: // www.chat.ru / ivf_spb*quot; TARGET = and quot; _top*quot; *gt; the International Center Genesial iNn???U*lt;/A*gt;, St.-Petersburg. E-mail: *lt; A HREF = and quot; mailto: boris@bk3298.spb.edu*quot; *gt; boris@bk3298.spb.edu *lt;/A*gt;

Denis XXXX
13.03.2005, 17:02
Boris Kamenetsky (Bk528811) (boris@bk3298.spb.ed) - - ---Addition to the previous report As to time: I think, that if pregnancy does not come within 10-12 months it is an occasion for the beginning inspections

13.03.2005, 17:02
Sergey Vjacheslavovich (s_shtyrov@mtu-net.ru) - - ---Olga e to learn or find out, through how much months of attempts to become pregnant and that it is necessary to do or make GSG, the laparoscopy On all canons to speak about beplodii in marriage or spoilage 12 months from the beginning of a regular sexual life without preservation are possible later. The question on primacy in purpose or appointment GSG or is enough laparoscopy diskutabelnyj. But however I consider or count a laparoscopy and not only because I am engaged in this more optimum method. The laparoscopy not only allows to ascertain a status of internal genitals, but also, at revealing pathological changes, to make necessary operative manipulations for their elimination. To me even to try it is not necessary to lose time only?, and at once to begin treatment besides what? Besides, the question on treatment can be removed or taken off after a laparoscopy. Yours faithfully Sergey Vjacheslavovich

13.03.2005, 17:02
Tatyana - - ---V.Dvorjanchikovu. Dear doctor Dvorjanchikov! Whether It is effective, in your opinion, a homeopathy in treatment of the solderings which have formed owing to a chronic inflammation? In advance thanks.

13.03.2005, 17:02
V.Dvorjanchikov (vvd@infopac.ru) - - ---it is unconditional. And not only solderings, but also the inflammation.

13.03.2005, 17:02
Sergey Vjacheslavovich (s_shtyrov@mtu-net.ru) - - ---Yes zdrastvuet V.Dvorjanchikov - the nice or famous continuer of business or affairs of Kashpirovsky and CHumaka all over the world! But it seems to me, that under influence of its or his therapy of soldering if are liquidated, only in the central nervous system, i.e. in a brain, at the most trustful patients. However, simultaneously with the money given for treatment. P.S. For those who has believed V.Dvrjanchikovu - solderings is a tissue, with the organization including with vessels. And here now, present - as it is possible by means of medicinal preparations separately rassosat a tissue of soldering, not rassosav thus a tissue of other organs for example a uterine pipe?! I invite V.Dvrjanchikova to myself in operational. There in practice he can understand and see, that such solderings. Can then illusions will disappear. Sergey Vjacheslavovich

13.03.2005, 17:02
V.Dvorjanchikov (vvd@infopac.ru) - - ---At us here operational is enough. And in yours I do not hope to see anything interesting. Personally I am not anxious by your lack of information. If you are confused with imperfection of surgical approaches in comparison with homeopathic, address to local practising homeopathists. I hope, they will not be too lazy to furnish proofs of my correctness. I am not measured or going to fall back into place and get involved in confused discussions, which anyway, for me not

13.03.2005, 17:02
Mozhetli to come or step pregnancy at a right-hand chronic salpingo-oophoritis. Thanks.

13.03.2005, 17:02
Read through posts 2 and 3 on the first page of this branch there your question and the answer of the expert. And henceforth, please, read archive before to duplicate questions

13.03.2005, 17:02
I support or maintain the previous orator:D