Просмотр полной версии : Questions - conservations of pregnancy

05.01.2005, 15:25
I assume pregnancy. (the test - it is positive)

Disturbs a background:

For one and a half month up to have found a ureaplasma method PTSR (did not treat)

After a prospective ovulation and it is similar conceptions - a few or a little;little bit itch in a vagina - the rose was syringed Tantum and then entered into a vagina metrogil gel of 5 days, then 4 days put wads with miramistinom. So days 10-15 it was treated after prospective conception. A question - such pregnancy is how much dangerous???

13.02.2005, 13:58

Most likely you have more reasons for trouble, than at other pregnant women. About a ureaplasma already wrote at a forum so much what to repeat sense already is not present. Once again, last: the modern line a ureaplasma in small amounts can exist not framing complexities for you. If that's all right to treat during pregnancy it is not necessary. And metrogil (Trichopolum) too has not damaged or injured;hurt.

11.03.2005, 01:29
Tatyana of thanks for the answer.

Very much I wait ljalku:)