
Просмотр полной версии : LAZEROKOAGULJATSIJA

01.03.2005, 16:32
Hello, the Doctor!

To me of 27 years and at me some years erosion. Since she did not disturb me - I did not treat it or her. However in the autumn (in November) have appeared yellowish allocation and the lymph node in inguinal area on the right has bulked up. Analyses have shown inflammations (a plenty of leucocytes both in a smear and in a blood). Have made 10 procedures (wads with any antiinflammatory or anti-inflammatory medicine) + the therapeutic laser, and have told or said to treat erosion. I never gave birth or travailled, and abortions at me were not, therefore has chosen - LAZEROKOAGULJATSIJU, as the most modern and sparing method. I am right?
But since in the given clinic of such procedure did not do or make, all was automatically transferred or carried on poslerozhdestvenskoe time (for January-February). For this period the lymph node has not disappeared, and new analyses besides an inflammation, began to show presence of yeast. In clinic of treatment new already to me have not appointed or nominated, and on the laser have written down for March, 21st.
From all aforesaid I have some questions:
WHETHER it is possible to do or make laser sanation shejki uteruses and condylomas at the increased LYMPH NODE and the INFLAMMATION during 5 months? And furthermore at presence of YEAST?
Or it is necessary to insist on any preliminary treatment of all of it or this (wads, suppositories, tablets, etc.) before their full disappearance or eradication?

Thankful in advance, Lana.

04.03.2005, 14:47
Hey! Somebody!!!....
Whether it is possible to treat erosion by the laser at inflammatory processes, at the raised or increased leucocytes and presence of yeast? They after that will pass or take place? Or, on the contrary, I will have complications because of them????.....
Respond, please... Soon on March, 21st....: (

07.03.2005, 18:09
Coagulation will have to postpone. It is necessary to begin complex treatment papillomavirusnoj infections and inspection by method PTSR (smear) on an infection and a biopsy shejki uteruses (a capture of a small slice from area of erosion) with histological research (for exception of presence of cancer cells) for definition of character of erosion Is necessary. After that it will be possible during treatment koagulirovat condylomas and erosion. Otherwise you receive relapse of condylomas (probably even more widespread) and erosions shejki uteruses.

The doctor of the maximum or supreme category -gynecologist- Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.