Просмотр полной версии : Risk of a birth of the defective or incomplete child owing to disease of mother on early terms

07.10.2004, 06:42
On 5 week of pregnancy at me was ill prorezyvajushchijsja a wisdom tooth. The dentist has performed me operation on opening a hood of a gum or gingiva. After that there was a strong pyesis, the throat has swelled up so what to swallow was very sick, the lymph node from the left party or side has strongly increased. All this last week with temperature 37.5-38. Antibiotics right after operation did not accept, then when day through two temperature has started to reach up to 38 began to drink Ampicillinum 0,5 4 times a day. The saw also has stopped to do much harm only 2 days because of phobia to the child. When the tooth more has less begun to live, the mouth and a tumour of a throat began to open slept, t. e. Days through 10 temperature remained constantly 37,2, not finished the cure infection probably has passed to the left sexual labium. It is necessary to tell or say, that after two days of reception of Ampicillinum at me the thrush has begun and as a result on the left external sexual labium has appeared morbid condensed (not that that puzyrkovoe, but similar to spots) education. In 2 days it has passed or has taken place after greasing by Unguentum Tetracyclini.

The body temperature keeps on former 37,2, but I any more do not feel the patient. Such temperature can is normal at pregnancy?

I very much am afraid that the infection has damaged or injured;hurt to a fetation. Read, that on early terms up to 55 days of pregnancy there is a spontaneous abortion in 75 % beremennostej if there were disturbances of a fetus and there were any defects. If the fetus has not suffered, pregnancy proceeds. This child we did or made almost the whole year and very much we want it or him, but I am afraid, that he was not patients or patient. What probability of a birth of the sick child in this case? Whether it is necessary to save pregnancy? I ask to respond experts. In our province qualified diagnostics and treatment are inaccessible to us, gynecologists and therapists advise to get rid of pregnancy. I ask to respond also those who has transferred or carried strong infectious diseases on early durations of gestation (5-6 weeks) and has dared to give birth to the child. What statistics? What to me to do or make? I thank.

05.01.2005, 04:38
Dear Svetlana,

Concern more easy to the transferred or carried disease. During pregnancy practically any woman transfers or carries this or that infectious disease. The local bacteriemic or bacterial infection which at you was, on a fetation of influence will not render. Reception of preparations which can render any influence on formation of organs and systems of a fetus is undesirable. Ampicillinum DOES NOT POSSESS similar action, your trouble in this occasion has no bases. To resolve your doubts the standard US will help or assist.

Small rise in temperature above 37 too frequent at absolutely healthy pregnant women and any problem does not represent the phenomenon.

06.03.2005, 22:16
Dear Svetlana!

I join colleague who has already responded you. I think, that your trouble is excessive, and on the basis of that you describe pregnancy to interrupt senselessly.

Yours faithfully, Vitaly.