Просмотр полной версии : Conservation of pregnancy

19.10.2004, 15:17
Dear doctors. As you concern to the statement of some doctors, that if till 12-th week of pregnancy there is a threat of an abortion and it is not necessary to try to save. I from thirds of week of pregnancy had a threat of discontinuing and when I laid on conservation, the attending physician to me has told or said: *quot; if pregnancy is broken, start up, all the same anything good it will not turn out, if ?OOa???*quot;. I met the Same statements on the Internet on consultations. Heard, that except for our country and some other countries so activly do not save pregnancy (in the first trimester). Thanks.

12.12.2004, 16:18
From that I read on this subject: the order of 80-90 % unsuccessful beremennostej 4-6 weeks which have interrupted on terms are sledstvem genetic disturbances of a fetus, further up to where those 12 weeks the percent or interest of genetic disturbances decreases, but all the same remains to one of dominating factors. But references (at least the British association of doctors) sound not absolutely so. The active actions directed on conservation of pregnancy at threat nevynashivanija if the reason of threat is obscure or if other reasons (I do not remember precisely) are excluded are not recommended. And such categorical application or statement *quot; all the same anything good not ?O??Oy?n*quot; as that not so sounds from lips of the doctor: (

30.12.2004, 06:49
Heard, that except for our country and some other countries so activly do not save pregnancy (in the first trimester). Thanks. I can be responsible for the Netherlands - there precisely do not try to save pregnancy if there is a threat. Preparation Djufaston (Netherlands) there usually appoint or nominate since 12 weeks and finishing or stopping 16-20 weeks (popokazanijam) .eto that, as to hormonal disturbances.

18.02.2005, 11:35
Dear doctors. As you concern to the statement of some doctors, that if till 12-th week of pregnancy there is a threat of an abortion and it is not necessary to try to save. I from thirds of week of pregnancy had a threat of discontinuing and when I laid on conservation, the attending physician to me has told or said: *quot; if pregnancy is broken, start up, all the same anything good it will not turn out, if ?OOa???*quot;. I met the Same statements on the Internet on consultations. Heard, that except for our country and some other countries so activly do not save pregnancy (in the first trimester). Thanks.

Yes, it is valid so - do not save. Really to not break natural selection. Why so selectively stand up for natural selection in this question, in fact all medical practice is a struggle against natural selection, and whether well it is a question only philosophical... There is no need to save genetic anomalies-... My modest experience while shows, that when there are the genetic anomalies, any djufaston and a confinement to bed with them in fact cannot consult:) that should interrupt - interrupts despite of diligence of doctors. And here that hangs on voloske for more banal reason - maminoj unavailabilities to pregnancy, stress, stress and more time of stress - here it is possible and necessary (if mum needs) to save. Pregnancy without threat in early term at us in the country - very rare or infrequent thing. And we can help or assist organisms of mum and the child more quickly and more softly to adapt to each other. And a sin of it or this to not do or make.

06.03.2005, 04:38
Ne sohranyaem ne potomu, chto privetstvuyem estestvenni otbor. Prosto net nikokoh effectivnih metodov lecheniye, kotoriye posvolili bi sohranit ' beremennost ' v pervom trimestre.

Ved ' s drugoi storoni, mi zhe sohranyaem vse drugie beremennosti, dazhe s vrozhdennimi prorkami rasvitiya. Tak chto ne v zhestokosti doctorov delo, prosto ne nashla eshe sovremennaya nauka metodi effectivno sohranyat ' beremennsot ' v pervom trimestre.

Yes, it is valid so - do not save. Really to not break natural selection. Why so selectively stand up for natural selection in this question, in fact all medical practice is a struggle against natural selection, and whether well it is a question only philosophical... There is no need to save genetic anomalies-... My modest experience while shows, that when there are the genetic anomalies, any djufaston and a confinement to bed with them in fact cannot consult:) that should interrupt - interrupts despite of diligence of doctors. And here that hangs on voloske for more banal reason - maminoj unavailabilities to pregnancy, stress, stress and more time of stress - here it is possible and necessary (if mum needs) to save. Pregnancy without threat in early term at us in the country - very rare or infrequent thing. And we can help or assist organisms of mum and the child more quickly and more softly to adapt to each other. And a sin of it or this to not do or make.