Просмотр полной версии : Myoma and dekapeptil

07.09.2004, 14:16
Dear experts! I live in Belarus, at me a small myoma, and the doctor have advised to try to treat it or her Dekapeptilom. But there are two problems - in the first, it would be desirable to know, what really statistics on CURED with pomoshju dekapeptila to myomas. In the second, mine the gynecologist had no with it or this business or affairs, and does not undertake to appoint or nominate particularly inspection necessary for it or these, and treatment. Please, prompt, that it is possible to make, thanks huge for the answer.

15.12.2004, 19:06
If at you the asymptomatic myoma - is not present sense in treatment dekapeptilom. He reduces the sizes of a myoma only for a while and is used basically for preoperatsionnoj preparations of patients with greater or big myomas.

26.12.2004, 21:32
It agree with the reference of doctor Medvedev

In your case there is no concrete indication to treatment dekapeptilom

And how old are you?

What size of a myoma and where she is located in a uterus?

Whether you suffer from plentiful bleedings and what level of a hemoglobin in your last analysis of a blood?

11.01.2005, 14:45
Dear doctors! Thanks huge for the answer!!!

To me of 36 years, did not give birth or travail, 3 abortions, last 12 years to an inflammation of appendages, could nothing naiti, 6 years ago have put a tuberculosis. Treated, treated, as that is not present improvement, at me to all other eshe and awful state of health, simply invalid. Recently it has turned out to address to vedushemu to the expert on a tuberculosis, he is assured or confident, that at me the tuberculosis never and was not.

. Bleedings have begun in July, in August there were no bleedings. In September to me did or made a laparoscopy, have removed a cyst of 6 sm from the left ovary, and koagulirovali a heap of small cysts on the right ovary. Operation was done or made very much horoshii by the surgeon, he has not seen a myoma. Has told or said, what is it from that she in tolshe uteruses, and very small. After September I kazhdyi month have bleedings, gradually amplifying. And here last time the menses has begun on December, 12th, 6 days a menses, then 4 days a bleeding, 5 dnei a break and on novoi - 3 days as a menses, 3 days a bleeding, here now 5 day is not present either a menses, or a bleeding on end.

At me for a long time plohoi, and iron preparations it or him it was impossible to lift a hemoglobin never. Then after a course of vitamins it was normalized, the last half a year the analysis did not do or make, unfortunately.

Very much I hope that you will respond, in advance thanks for references.

30.01.2005, 00:33
It would be quite good to make the analysis and to check up a degree of an anemia

Exist alternative dekapeptilu ways of treatment intramuralnoj myomas of the small size for example mirena-lng containing iud

However in this case it is rather counter-indicative from for histories of an inflammation of appendages in the past

It is possible at given stage to recommend NSAIDS

Nevertheless about what size of a myoma it is spoken?

There is no confidence that your problems are connected exclusively with her

15.02.2005, 07:06
Not clearly, why such disturbances of a menstrual cycle on a background concerning the insignificant site-you are assured that he intramuralnyj instead of submucous??? Whether it was done or made by US last month? What size of the site? Its or his locating? What thickness endometrija? What now with ovaries? Not bad to make an. Bloods clinical and coagulability.

18.02.2005, 11:29
US and hysteroscopy (last under indications). Far not the fact, what is it a myoma. The pathology endometrija, a placental polyp or is not excluded by something or by something else.

21.02.2005, 10:51
Dear doctors, all many thanks for references. At me seichas it was created ocherednoi a job involving all hands, unfortunately my relatives have eshe more problems with health, and to solve all these problems it is necessary me. As soon as it is a little osvobozhus - zaimus the health, I shall execute all your references. Thanks eshe time.