Просмотр полной версии : Thrush

10.10.2004, 12:11

At me an exacerbation of a thrush. I accept 35, speak, that on a background of reception OK its or her exacerbation is possible or probable. In a vagina is curdled allocation, but the itch and is not present an inflammation. The exacerbation has begun literally several days ago. Also there is a specific white fur (enough for a long time). Probably, that the gastrointestinal tract is amazed or struck. What can be an original cause of disease? To what doctor to address for treatment of this fungus in a gastrointestinal tract how its or his presence there is dangerous? Can will advise any preparation for treatment?


17.02.2005, 10:19
Dear Elena!

Nevertheless it is the most probable, that in an oral cavity and the top departments GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT there is helikobakternaja an infection. She can promote development zhelezodefitsita (especially at plentiful monthly) at which are frequent retsidivir. Diseases of urogenital sphere. Therefore it is better to be tested on helikobakter and opr. syv. Iron, OZHSS, a ferritin. Eradikatsija HP and correction ZHD can help or assist you with liquidation of a thrush. References on treatment and preparations can find at this forum, to repeat it would not be desirable and the moderator can not allow *quot; ?a??u*quot; purposes or appointments of medicines.

18.02.2005, 00:20
Thanks for the answer.

You can tell or say, to what doctor to address for treatment of this disease which would direct on analyses and has appointed or nominated treatment.

Also tell or say, how this disease and as the infection of a candidiasis in a .-intestinal tract is dangerous is dangerous


18.02.2005, 20:51
About helikobaktere and its or his ways detektsii even at malosimptomnyh patients (as well as any therapist should know about analyses on an estimation of the iron status), sugubospetsifichen HP for the gastroenterologist, parameters of iron - for a hematologist. Subjectively I recommend to hand over analyses in decent laboratory for polyclinic results are not always objective, and hardly experts without clinical displays hardly will appoint or nominate to you analyses.

It would be desirable to repeat once again, that a candidosis coloenteritis or dr. Displays tn a dysbacteriosis with participation kandid are marked or celebrated only at immunely- patients (a HIV-infection, after transplantation vnutr. Organs, after an antitumoral chemotherapy or radial treatment).

Long helikobakternoe the becoming infected can be responsible for development of diseases ZHK (a gastritis, a duodenitis, ulcers), nekot. Tumours, also aggravate zhelezo-, -deficiency, etc.