Просмотр полной версии : Advise, whether it is possible to leave pregnancy

12.01.2005, 13:32
The doctor, advise, whether it is possible to leave pregnancy if not knowing about her, has passed or has taken place course of treatment appparatom quantum therapy Rikta. And more one nuance. At the husband and at my two children a rhesus positive, and at me - negative. An inoculation antirezusnogo imunoglobulina after sorts or labors did not do or make, t. To. Pregnancy any more did not plan. / this pregnancy shestaja/

16.02.2005, 09:11
Hardly somebody studied or investigated influence *quot; quantum ONOa??*quot; on current of pregnancy and a fetation. Considering relative uselessness and not proved efficiency of similar influences, I shall risk to advise you to save pregnancy, especially if she desired. If you for any reasons need to give reason for the desire to make abortion can safely use this reason.

Certainly, in such situation pregnancy can become complicated a rhesus-conflict, therefore it is necessary to watch or keep up constantly the maintenance or contents antirezusnyh antibodies and in time to spend necessary treatment.