Просмотр полной версии : Conception and sports

11.02.2005, 12:45
Good afternoon. I for a long time and serezdno go in for sports, train till some hours 4 times a week + frequent competitions. It is enough a load greater or big. Now have decided to conceive with the husband the child, and there was such question: as it is not known, when at us it to turn out to become pregnant (we are not protected 2-nd month, the first month of "success" has not brought), it would not be desirable peryvat for training during this period. I do not know, whether is pregnant already or not, at least the state of health has not changed in any way. Whether it is possible to train? More particularly - whether it is possible to run on skis and to be engaged in track and field athletics (run)? Clearly, as soon as pregnancy will come or step, all to change, but now while we "work" above conception? And more: when I zaberemennjuju, whether am possible or probable on rannikh terms accurately to ski and run trustsoj? I heard, that if the organism has got used to loads, it is impossible to cancel them sharply. Thanks for attention.

14.02.2005, 17:10
Before pregnancy can easy go in for sports. As soon as there will come or step pregnancy serious loads it is desirable to cancel. Small walks on skis at absence of complications of pregnancy are quite possible or probable.

The doctor of the maximum or supreme category -gynecologist- Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.