Просмотр полной версии : antirezusnyj an immunoglobulin on 28 week of pregnancy

27.01.2005, 15:04
Please, help or assist me - at me a situation rather ridiculous and silly....
I - Rh (-), the husband - Rh (+). Every month till 28 weeks I handed over analyses on antibodies to a Rh factor. Antibodies was not.
On 28 week of pregnancy to me in female consultation have voluntary - obligator stuck antirezusnyj immunoglobulin BejRouDi (firms Bayer)...... If I knew, in what all this will result or bring......
Distracting from a subject, I wish to note, that the instruction to this preparation the doctor the first (and last) time read at me with that only the purpose to define or determine - where to prick. " A preparation new, uninspected, the unknown person...... " It should guard me at once...... Have stuck.
All anything but when I have once again handed over the analysis on antibodies to a rhesus to the factor in me have found out antibodies in a credit 1:2.
My God, that has begun with my doctor!!!! She has begun to panic, tried to put me before New Year's holidays in the Center of Planning of Family, having counted or considered, that at me the RHESUS-CONFLICT!!!!!!
And till now insists on it or this.
Forgive or Excuse, I can certainly not the rights, but even without medical education to me is clear, that she tries to cure me of the same, that to me has stuck on 28 week!!!!!!
In fact these antibodies are received passive by by means of introduction antirezusnoj Serums, unless not so? And any the rhesus-conflict at me is not present, or I am not right?

28.01.2005, 07:30
The rhesus of the conflict similar is not present. It is reaction to a preparation.

The doctor of the maximum or supreme category -gynecologist- Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.