Просмотр полной версии : Inflation

15.12.2004, 09:22
At me in the bottom of a stomach or belly from both parties or sides something was raose, what is it can be????

26.12.2004, 21:30
It is not obligatory, that it there were gynecologic problems. And in any way *quot; hormonal ?ai?Noa??n*quot;, where you all over again have placed this report. For the beginning it is necessary to think of disturbance of function of an intestine, say, a constipation.

21.01.2005, 01:36
It is not obligatory, that it there were gynecologic problems. And in any way *quot; hormonal ?ai?Noa??n*quot;, where you all over again have placed this report. For the beginning it is necessary to think of disturbance of function of an intestine, say, a constipation.

At me the stomach or belly in itself was strongly raose..... Think it with an intestine it is connected?

27.01.2005, 00:59
Dear sigaretka!

In this stomach or belly much that is interesting. Descend or go to the doctor on a residence, he will popularly explain All of you. Haodno also will find out, that with your stomach or belly. Through a computer it trudnovato to make.