Просмотр полной версии : PMS - than to treat or profilaktirovat?

26.01.2005, 16:50
Question to old friends: the Water-melon, Tatyana Che or who can particularly prompt what to do or make with a premenstrual syndrome, signs: some days prior to monthly the breast and nagrubaet thoroughly hurts.

Yes and after monthly the face turns to a mine field, pryshchiki act with terrible force.

P.S. If it only is not fastened on problems with ovaries. (adherent or adhesive process) is observed

The gynecologist has registered *quot; ?u?Oa?Uoa??N*quot; an aloe two times a year and suppositories with Ichthyolum and Indomethacinum.

Very much I look forward to hearing, can what ideas is...